第 2 节
作者:尘小春      更新:2024-01-24 16:00      字数:9322
  Until now; he had not been aware of the tyrannizing influence acquired
  by one idea over his mind; and of the lengths which he might find in
  his heart to go; for the sake of giving himself peace。
  〃Aylmer;〃 resumed Georgiana; solemnly; 〃I know not what may be
  the cost to both of us; to rid me of this fatal birthmark。 Perhaps its
  removal may cause cureless deformity。 Or; it may be; the stain goes as
  deep as life itself。 Again; do we know that there is a possibility; on
  any terms; of unclasping the firm gripe of this little Hand; which was
  laid upon me before I came into the world?〃
  〃Dearest Georgiana; I have spent much thought upon the subject;〃
  hastily interrupted Aylmer… 〃I am convinced of the perfect
  practicability of its removal。〃
  〃If there be the remotest possibility of it;〃 continued
  Georgiana; 〃let the attempt be made; at whatever risk。 Danger is
  nothing to me; for life… while this hateful mark makes me the object
  of your horror and disgust… life is a burthen which I would fling down
  with joy。 Either remove this dreadful Hand; or take my wretched
  life! You have deep science! All the world bears witness of it。 You
  have achieved great wonders! Cannot you remove this little; little
  mark; which I cover with the tips of two small fingers! Is this beyond
  your power; for the sake of your own peace; and to save your poor wife
  from madness?〃
  〃Noblest… dearest… tenderest wife!〃 cried Aylmer; rapturously。
  〃Doubt not my power。 I have already given this matter the deepest
  thought… thought which might almost have enlightened me to create a
  being less perfect than yourself。 Georgiana; you have led me deeper
  than ever into the heart of science。 I feel myself fully competent
  to render this dear cheek as faultless as its fellow; and then; most
  beloved; what will be my triumph; when I shall have corrected what
  Nature left imperfect; in her fairest work! Even Pygmalion; when his
  sculptured woman assumed life; felt not greater ecstasy than mine will
  〃It is resolved; then;〃 said Georgiana; faintly smiling… 〃And;
  Aylmer; spare me not; though you should find the birthmark take refuge
  in my heart at last。〃
  Her husband tenderly kissed her cheek… her right cheek… not that
  which bore the impress of the Crimson Hand。
  The next day; Aylmer apprised his wife of a plan that he had
  formed; whereby he might have opportunity for the intense thought
  and constant watchfulness which the proposed operation would
  require; while Georgiana; likewise; would enjoy the perfect repose
  essential to its success。 They were to seclude themselves in the
  extensive apartments occupied by Aylmer as a laboratory; and where;
  during his toilsome youth; he had made discoveries in the elemental
  powers of Nature; that had roused the admiration of all the learned
  societies in Europe。 Seated calmly in this laboratory; the pale
  philosopher had investigated the secrets of the highest
  cloud…region; and of the profoundest mines; he had satisfied himself
  of the causes that kindled and kept alive the fires of the volcano;
  and had explained the mystery of fountains; and how it is that they
  gush forth; some so bright and pure; and others with such rich
  medicinal virtues; from the dark bosom of the earth。 Here; too; at
  an earlier period; he had studied the wonders of the human frame;
  and attempted to fathom the very process by which Nature assimilates
  all her precious influences from earth and air; and from the spiritual
  world; to create and foster Man; her masterpiece。 The latter
  pursuit; however; Aylmer had long laid aside; in unwilling recognition
  of the truth; against which all seekers sooner or later stumble;
  that our great creative Mother; while she amuses us with apparently
  working in the broadest sunshine; is yet severely careful to keep
  her own secrets; and; in spite of her pretended openness; shows us
  nothing but results。 She permits us indeed to mar; but seldom to mend;
  and; like a jealous patentee; on no account to make。 Now; however;
  Aylmer resumed these half…forgotten investigations; not; of course;
  with such hopes or wishes as first suggested them; but because they
  involved much physiological truth; and lay in the path of his proposed
  scheme for the treatment of Georgiana。
  As he led her over the threshold of the laboratory; Georgiana was
  cold and tremulous。 Aylmer looked cheerfully into her face; with
  intent to reassure her; but was so startled with the intense glow of
  the birthmark upon the whiteness of her cheek; that he could not
  restrain a strong convulsive shudder。 His wife fainted。
  〃Aminadab! Aminadab!〃 shouted Aylmer; stamping violently on the
  Forthwith; there issued from an inner apartment a man of low
  stature; but bulky frame; with shaggy hair hanging about his visage;
  which was grimed with the vapors of the furnace。 This personage had
  been Aylmer's under…worker during his whole scientific career; and was
  admirably fitted for that office by his great mechanical readiness;
  and the skill with which; while incapable of comprehending a single
  principle; he executed all the practical details of his master's
  experiments。 With his vast strength; his shaggy hair; his smoky
  aspect; and the indescribable earthiness that encrusted him; he seemed
  to represent man's physical nature; while Aylmer's slender figure; and
  pale; intellectual face; were no less apt a type of the spiritual
  〃Throw open the door of the boudoir; Aminadab;〃 said Aylmer; 〃and
  burn a pastille。〃
  〃Yes; master;〃 answered Aminadab; looking intently at the
  lifeless form of Georgiana; and then he muttered to himself: 〃If she
  were my wife; I'd never part with that birthmark。〃
  When Georgiana recovered consciousness; she found herself breathing
  an atmosphere of penetrating fragrance; the gentle potency of which
  had recalled her from her death…like faintness。 The scene around her
  looked like enchantment。 Aylmer had converted those smoky; dingy;
  sombre rooms; where he had spent his brightest years in recondite
  pursuits; into a series of beautiful apartments; not unfit to be the
  secluded abode of a lovely woman。 The walls were hung with gorgeous
  curtains; which imparted the combination of grandeur and grace; that
  no other species of adornment can achieve; and as they fell from the
  ceiling to the floor; their rich and ponderous folds; concealing all
  angles and straight lines; appeared to shut in the scene from infinite
  space。 For aught Georgiana knew; it might be a pavilion among the
  clouds。 And Aylmer; excluding the sunshine; which would have
  interfered with his chemical processes; had supplied its place with
  perfumed lamps; emitting flames of various hue; but all uniting in a
  soft; empurpled radiance。 He now knelt by his wife's side; watching
  her earnestly; but without alarm; for he was confident in his science;
  and felt that he could draw a magic circle round her; within which
  no evil might intrude。
  〃Where am I? Ah; I remember!〃 said Georgiana; faintly; and she
  placed her hand over her cheek; to hide the terrible mark from her
  husband's eyes。
  〃Fear not; dearest!〃 exclaimed he。 〃Do not shrink from me!
  Believe me; Georgiana; I even rejoice in this single imperfection;
  since it will be such a rapture to remove it。〃
  〃Oh; spare me!〃 sadly replied his wife。 〃Pray do not look at it
  again。 I never can forget that convulsive shudder。〃
  In order to soothe Georgiana; and; as it were; to release her
  mind from the burthen of actual things; Aylmer now put in practice
  some of the light and playful secrets which science had taught him
  among its profounder lore。 Airy figures; absolutely bodiless ideas;
  and forms of unsubstantial beauty; came and danced before her;
  imprinting their momentary footsteps on beams of light。 Though she had
  some indistinct idea of the method of these optical phenomena; still
  the illusion was almost perfect enough to warrant the belief that
  her husband possessed sway over the spiritual world。 Then again;
  when she felt a wish to look forth from her seclusion; immediately; as
  if her thoughts were answered; the procession of external existence
  flitted across a screen。 The scenery and the figures of actual life
  were perfectly represented; but with that bewitching; yet
  indescribable difference; which always makes a picture; an image; or a
  shadow; so much more attractive than the original。 When wearied of
  this; Aylmer bade her cast her eyes upon a vessel; containing a
  quantity of earth。 She did so; with little interest at first; but
  was soon startled; to perceive the germ of a plant; shooting upward
  from the soil。 Then came the slender stalk… the leaves gradually
  unfolded themselves… and amid them was a perfect and lovely flower。
  〃It is magical!〃 cried Georgiana; 〃I dare not touch it。〃
  〃Nay; pluck it;〃 answered Aylmer; 〃pluck it; and inhale its brief
  perfume while you may。 The flower will wither in a few moments; and
  leave nothing save its brown seed…vessels… but thence may be
  perpetuated a race as ephemeral as itself。〃
  But Georgiana had no sooner touched the flower than t