第 4 节
作者:闲来一看      更新:2024-01-16 22:40      字数:9322
  this time; the presence of many Mormon emigrants on their way to
  the settlements in Utah and Wyoming added to the perils of the
  situation; as they constantly maneuvered for purposes of their own
  to bring about a clash between the soldiers and the Indians。  Every
  summer there were storm…clouds blowing between these two  clouds
  usually taking their rise in some affair of the travelers along the
  In 1854 an event occurred which has already been described and
  which snapped the last link of friendship between the races。
  By this time Spotted Tail had proved his courage both abroad
  and at home。  He had fought a duel with one of the lesser chiefs;
  by whom he was attacked。  He killed his opponent with an arrow; but
  himself received upon his head a blow from a battle…axe which
  brought him senseless to the ground。  He was left for dead; but
  fortunately revived just as the men were preparing his body for
  The Brules sustained him in this quarrel; as he had acted in
  self…defense; and for a few years he led them in bloody raids
  against the whites along the historic trail。  He ambushed many
  stagecoaches and emigrant trains; and was responsible for waylaying
  the Kincaid coach with twenty thousand dollars。  This relentless
  harrying of travelers soon brought General Harney to the Brule
  Sioux to demand explanations and reparation。
  The old chiefs of the Brules now appealed to Spotted Tail and
  his young warriors not to bring any general calamity upon the
  tribe。  To the surprise of all; Spotted Tail declared that he would
  give himself up。  He said that he had defended the rights of his
  people to the best of his ability; that he had avenged the blood of
  their chief; Conquering Bear; and that he was not afraid to accept
  the consequences。  He therefore voluntarily surrendered to General
  Harney; and two of his lieutenants; Red Leaf and Old Woman;
  followed his example。
  Thus Spotted Tail played an important part at the very outset
  of those events which were soon to overthrow the free life of his
  people。  I do not know how far he foresaw what was to follow; but
  whether so conceived or not; his surrender was a master stroke;
  winning for him not only the admiration of his own people but the
  confidence and respect of the military。
  Thus suddenly he found himself in prison; a hostage for the
  good behavior of his followers。  There were many rumors as to the
  punishment reserved for him; but luckily for Spotted Tail; the
  promises of General Harney to the Brule chiefs in respect to him
  were faithfully kept。  One of his fellow…prisoners committed
  suicide; but the other held out bravely for the two…year term of
  his imprisonment。  During the second year; it was well understood
  that neither of the men sought to escape; and they were given
  much freedom。  It was fine schooling for Spotted Tail; that
  tireless observer of the ways of the white man!  It is a fact that
  his engaging personal qualities won for him kindness and sympathy
  at the fort before the time came for his release。
  One day some Indian horse thieves of another tribe stampeded
  the horses and mules belonging to the garrison。  Spotted Tail asked
  permission of the commanding officer to accompany the pursuers。
  That officer; trusting in the honor of a Sioux brave; gave him a
  fast horse and a good carbine; and said to him: 〃I depend upon you
  to guide my soldiers so that they may overtake the thieves and
  recapture the horses!〃
  The soldiers recaptured the horses without any loss; but
  Spotted Tail still followed the Indians。  When they returned to the
  fort without him; everybody agreed that he would never turn up。
  However; next day he did 〃turn up〃; with the scalp of one of the
  Soon after this he was returned to his own people; who honored
  him by making him the successor of the old chief; Conquering Bear;
  whose blood he had avenged; for which act he had taken upon himself
  the full responsibility。  He had made good use of his two years at
  the fort; and completed his studies of civilization to his own
  satisfaction。  From this time on he was desirous of reconciling the
  Indian and the white man; thoroughly understanding the uselessness
  of opposition。  He was accordingly in constant communication with
  the military; but the other chiefs did not understand his views and
  seem to have been suspicious of his motives。
  In 1860…1864 the Southern Cheyennes and Comanches were at war
  with the whites; and some of the Brules and Ogallalas; who were
  their neighbors and intimates; were suspected of complicity with
  the hostiles。  Doubtless a few of their young men may have been
  involved; at any rate; Thunder Bear and Two Face; together with a
  few others who were roving with the warring tribes; purchased two
  captive white women and brought them to Fort Laramie。  It was;
  however; reported at the post that these two men had maltreated the
  women while under their care。
  Of course; the commander demanded of Spotted Tail; then head
  chief; that he give up the guilty ones; and accordingly he had the
  two men arrested and delivered at the fort。  At this there was an
  outcry among his own people; but he argued that if the charges were
  true; the men deserved punishment; and if false; they should be
  tried and cleared by process of law。  The Indians never quite knew
  what evidence was produced at the court…martial; but at all events
  the two men were hanged; and as they had many influential
  connections; their relatives lost no time in fomenting trouble。
  The Sioux were then camping close by the fort and it was midwinter;
  which facts held them in check for a month or two; but as soon as
  spring came; they removed their camp across the river and rose in
  rebellion。  A pitched battle was fought; in which the soldiers got
  the worst of it。  Even the associate chief; Big Mouth; was against
  Spotted Tail; who was practically forced against his will and
  judgment to take up arms once more。
  At this juncture came the sudden and bloody uprising in the
  east among the Minnesota Sioux; and Sitting Bull's campaign in the
  north had begun in earnest; while to the south the Southern
  Cheyennes; Comanches; and Kiowas were all upon the warpath。
  Spotted Tail at about this time seems to have conceived the idea of
  uniting all the Rocky Mountain Indians in a great confederacy。  He
  once said: 〃Our cause is as a child's cause; in comparison with the
  power of the white man; unless we can stop quarreling among
  ourselves and unite our energies for the common good。〃  But old…
  time antagonisms were too strong; and he was probably held back
  also by his consciousness of the fact that the Indians called him
  〃the white man's friend〃; while the military still had some faith
  in him which he did not care to lose。  He was undoubtedly one of
  the brainiest and most brilliant Sioux who ever lived; and while he
  could not help being to a large extent in sympathy with the feeling
  of his race against the invader; yet he alone foresaw the
  inevitable outcome; and the problem as it presented itself to him
  was simply this: 〃What is the best policy to pursue in the existing
  Here is his speech as it has been given to me; delivered at
  the great council on the Powder River; just before the attack on
  Fort Phil Kearny。  We can imagine that he threw all his wonderful
  tact and personal magnetism into this last effort at conciliation。
  〃'Hay; hay; hay!  Alas; alas!'  Thus speaks the old man; when
  he knows that his former vigor and freedom is gone from him
  forever。  So we may exclaim to…day; Alas!  There is a time
  appointed to all things。  Think for a moment how many multitudes of
  the animal tribes we ourselves have destroyed!  Look upon the snow
  that appears to…day  to…morrow it is water!  Listen to the dirge
  of the dry leaves; that were green and vigorous but a few moons
  before!  We are a part of this life and it seems that our time is
  〃Yet note how the decay of one nation invigorates another。
  This strange white man  consider him; his gifts are manifold!
  His tireless brain; his busy hand do wonders for his race。  Those
  things which we despise he holds as treasures; yet he is so great
  and so flourishing that there must be some virtue and truth in his
  philosophy。  I wish to say to you; my friends: Be not moved alone
  by heated arguments and thoughts of revenge!  These are for the
  young。  We are young no longer; let us think well; and give counsel
  as old men!〃
  These words were greeted with an ominous silence。  Not even
  the customary 〃How!〃 of assent followed the speech; and Sitting
  Bull immediately got up and replied in the celebrated harangue
  which will be introduced under his own name in another chapter。
  The situation was critical for Spotted Tail  the only man present
  to advocate submission to the stronger race whose ultimate
  supremacy he recognized as certain。  The decision to attack Fort