第 104 节
作者:管他三七二十一      更新:2024-01-16 22:39      字数:9322
  Restoreth of his regne ayein;
  And seide it was more goodly thing
  To make than undon a king;
  To him which pouer hadde of bothe。
  Thus thei; that weren longe wrothe;   3240
  Acorden hem to final pes;
  And yit justice natheles
  Was kept and in nothing offended;
  Wherof Pompeie was comended。
  Ther mai no king himself excuse;
  Bot if justice he kepe and use;
  Which for teschuie crualte
  He mot attempre with Pite。
  Of crualte the felonie
  Engendred is of tirannie;    3250
  Ayein the whos condicion
  God is himself the champion;
  Whos strengthe mai noman withstonde。
  For evere yit it hath so stonde;
  That god a tirant overladde;
  Bot wher Pite the regne ladde;
  Ther mihte no fortune laste
  Which was grevous; bot ate laste
  The god himself it hath redresced。
  Pite is thilke vertu blessed    3260
  Which nevere let his Maister falle;
  Bot crualte; thogh it so falle
  That it mai regne for a throwe;
  God wole it schal ben overthrowe:
  Wherof ensamples ben ynowhe
  Of hem that thilke merel drowhe。
  Of crualte I rede thus:
  Whan the tirant Leoncius
  Was to thempire of Rome arrived;
  Fro which he hath with strengthe prived  3270
  The pietous Justinian;
  As he which was a cruel man;
  His nase of and his lippes bothe
  He kutte; for he wolde him lothe
  Unto the poeple and make unable。
  Bot he which is al merciable;
  The hihe god; ordeigneth so;
  That he withinne a time also;
  Whan he was strengest in his ire;
  Was schoven out of his empire。  3280
  Tiberius the pouer hadde;
  And Rome after his will he ladde;
  And for Leonce in such a wise
  Ordeigneth; that he tok juise
  Of nase and lippes bothe tuo;
  For that he dede an other so;
  Which more worthi was than he。
  Lo; which a fall hath crualte;
  And Pite was set up ayein:
  For after that the bokes sein;  3290
  Therbellis king of Bulgarie
  With helpe of his chivalerie
  Justinian hath unprisoned
  And to thempire ayein coroned。
  In a Cronique I finde also
  Of Siculus; which was ek so
  A cruel king lich the tempeste;
  The whom no Pite myhte areste;…
  He was the ferste; as bokes seie;
  Upon the See which fond Galeie  3300
  And let hem make for the werre;…
  As he which al was out of herre
  Fro Pite and misericorde;
  For therto couthe he noght acorde;
  Bot whom he myhte slen; he slouh;
  And therof was he glad ynouh。
  He hadde of conseil manyon;
  Among the whiche ther was on;
  Be name which Berillus hihte;
  And he bethoghte him hou he myhte  3310
  Unto the tirant do likinge;
  And of his oghne ymaginynge
  Let forge and make a Bole of bras;
  And on the side cast ther was
  A Dore; wher a man mai inne;
  Whan he his peine schal beginne
  Thurgh fyr; which that men putten under。
  And al this dede he for a wonder;
  That whanne a man for peine cride;
  The Bole of bras; which gapeth wyde;  3320
  It scholde seme as thogh it were
  A belwinge in a mannes Ere;
  And noght the criinge of a man。
  Bot he which alle sleihtes can;
  The devel; that lith in helle fast;
  Him that this caste hath overcast;
  That for a trespas which he dede
  He was putt in the same stede;
  And was himself the ferste of alle
  Which was into that peine falle    3330
  That he for othre men ordeigneth;
  Ther was noman which him compleigneth。
  Of tirannie and crualte
  Be this ensample a king mai se;
  Himself and ek his conseil bothe;
  Hou thei ben to mankinde lothe
  And to the god abhominable。
  Ensamples that ben concordable
  I finde of othre Princes mo;
  As thou schalt hiere; of time go。  3340
  The grete tirant Dionys;
  Which mannes lif sette of no pris;
  Unto his hors fulofte he yaf
  The men in stede of corn and chaf;
  So that the hors of thilke stod
  Devoureden the mennes blod;
  Til fortune ate laste cam;
  That Hercules him overcam;
  And he riht in the same wise
  Of this tirant tok the juise:   3350
  As he til othre men hath do;
  The same deth he deide also;
  That no Pite him hath socoured;
  Til he was of hise hors devoured。
  Of Lichaon also I finde
  Hou he ayein the lawe of kinde
  Hise hostes slouh; and into mete
  He made her bodies to ben ete
  With othre men withinne his hous。
  Bot Jupiter the glorious;    3360
  Which was commoeved of this thing;
  Vengance upon this cruel king
  So tok; that he fro mannes forme
  Into a wolf him let transforme:
  And thus the crualte was kidd;
  Which of long time he hadde hidd;
  A wolf he was thanne openly;
  The whos nature prively
  He hadde in his condicion。
  And unto this conclusioun;   3370
  That tirannie is to despise;
  I finde ensample in sondri wise;
  And nameliche of hem fulofte;
  The whom fortune hath set alofte
  Upon the werres forto winne。
  Bot hou so that the wrong beginne
  Of tirannie; it mai noght laste;
  Bot such as thei don ate laste
  To othre men; such on hem falleth;
  For ayein suche Pite calleth   3380
  Vengance to the god above。
  For who that hath no tender love
  In savinge of a mannes lif;
  He schal be founde so gultif;
  That whanne he wolde mercy crave
  In time of nede; he schal non have。
  Of the natures this I finde;
  The fierce Leon in his kinde;
  Which goth rampende after his preie;
  If he a man finde in his weie;  3390
  He wole him slen; if he withstonde。
  Bot if the man coude understonde
  To falle anon before his face
  In signe of mercy and of grace;
  The Leon schal of his nature
  Restreigne his ire in such mesure;
  As thogh it were a beste tamed;
  And torne awey halfvinge aschamed;
  That he the man schal nothing grieve。
  Hou scholde than a Prince achieve  3400
  The worldes grace; if that he wolde
  Destruie a man whanne he is yolde
  And stant upon his mercy al?
  Bot forto speke in special;
  Ther have be suche and yit ther be
  Tirantz; whos hertes no pite
  Mai to no point of mercy plie;
  That thei upon her tirannie
  Ne gladen hem the men to sle;
  And as the rages of the See  3410
  Ben unpitous in the tempeste;
  Riht so mai no Pite areste
  Of crualte the gret oultrage;
  Which the tirant in his corage
  Engendred hath: wherof I finde
  A tale; which comth nou to mynde。
  I rede in olde bokes thus:
  Ther was a Duk; which Spertachus
  Men clepe; and was a werreiour;
  A cruel man; a conquerour    3420
  With strong pouer the which he ladde。
  For this condicion he hadde;
  That where him hapneth the victoire;
  His lust and al his moste gloire
  Was forto sle and noght to save:
  Of rancoun wolde he no good have
  For savinge of a mannes lif;
  Bot al goth to the swerd and knyf;
  So lief him was the mannes blod。
  And natheles yit thus it stod;  3430
  So as fortune aboute wente;
  He fell riht heir as be descente
  To Perse; and was coroned king。
  And whan the worschipe of this thing
  Was falle; and he was king of Perse;
  If that thei weren ferst diverse;
  The tirannies whiche he wroghte;
  A thousendfold welmore he soghte
  Thanne afterward to do malice。
  The god vengance ayein the vice    3440
  Hath schape: for upon a tyde;
  Whan he was heihest in his Pride;
  In his rancour and in his hete
  Ayein the queene of Marsagete;
  Which Thameris that time hihte;
  He made werre al that he myhte:
  And sche; which wolde hir lond defende;
  Hir oghne Sone ayein him sende;
  Which the defence hath undertake。
  Bot he desconfit was and take;  3450
  And whan this king him hadde in honde;
  He wol no mercy understonde;
  Bot dede him slen in his presence。
  The tidinge of this violence
  Whan it cam to the moder Ere;
  Sche sende anon ay wydewhere
  To suche frendes as sche hadde;
  A gret pouer til that sche ladde。
  In sondri wise and tho sche caste
  Hou sche this king mai overcaste;  3460
  And ate laste acorded was;
  That in the danger of a pass;
  Thurgh which this tirant scholde passe;
  Sche schop his pouer to compasse
  With strengthe of men be such a weie
  That he schal noght eschape aweie。
  And whan sche hadde thus ordeigned;
  Sche hath hir oghne bodi feigned;
  For feere as thogh sche wolde flee
  Out of hir lond: and whan that he  3470
  Hath herd hou that this ladi fledde;
  So faste after the chace he spedde;
  That he was founde out of array。
  For it betidde upon a day;
  Into the pas whanne he was falle;
  Thembuisschementz tobrieken alle
  And him beclipte on every side;
  That fle ne myhte he noght aside:
  So that ther weren dede and take
  Tuo hundred thousend for his sake;    3480
  That weren with him of his host。
  And thus was leid the grete bost
  Of him and of his tirannie:
  It halp no mercy forto crie
  To him which whilom dede non;
  For he unto the queene anon
  Was broght; and whan that sche him sih;
  This word sche spak and seide on hih:
  〃O man; which out of mannes kinde
  Reson of man hast left behinde  3490
  And lived worse than a beste;
  Whom Pite myhte noght areste;
  The mannes blod to schede and spille
  Thou haddest nevere yit thi fille。
  Bot nou the laste time is come;
  That thi malice is overcome:
  As thou til othre men hast do;
  Nou schal be do to thee riht so。〃
  Tho bad this ladi that men scholde
  A vessel bringe; in which sche wolde  3500
  Se the vengance of his juise;
  Which sche began anon devise;
  And tok the Princes whiche he ladde;
  Be whom his chief conseil he hadde;
  And whil hem lasteth eny breth;
  Sche made hem blede to the deth
  Into the vessel wher it stod:
  And whan it was fulfild of blod;
  Sche caste this tirant therinne;
  And seide him; 〃Lo; thus myht thou wynne    3510
  The lustes of thin appetit。
  In blod was whilom thi delit;
  Nou schalt thou drinken al thi fille。〃
  And thus onliche of goddes wille;
  He which tha