第 35 节
作者:管他三七二十一      更新:2024-01-16 22:39      字数:9322
  Have al my time in vein despended;
  And se noght how to ben amended;
  Bot rathere forto be empeired;
  As he that is welnyh despeired:
  For I ne mai no thonk deserve;
  And evere I love and evere I serve;
  And evere I am aliche nerr。
  Thus; for I stonde in such a wer;
  I am; as who seith; out of herre;
  And thus upon miself the werre  1150
  I bringe; and putte out alle pes;
  That I fulofte in such a res
  Am wery of myn oghne lif。
  So that of Contek and of strif
  I am beknowe and have ansuerd;
  As ye; my fader; now have herd。
  Min herte is wonderly begon
  With conseil; wherof witt is on;
  Which hath resoun in compaignie;
  Ayein the whiche stant partie   1160
  Will; which hath hope of his acord;
  And thus thei bringen up descord。
  Witt and resoun conseilen ofte
  That I myn herte scholde softe;
  And that I scholde will remue
  And put him out of retenue;
  Or elles holde him under fote:
  For as thei sein; if that he mote
  His oghne rewle have upon honde;
  Ther schal no witt ben understonde。   1170
  Of hope also thei tellen this;
  That overal; wher that he is;
  He set the herte in jeupartie
  With wihssinge and with fantasie;
  And is noght trewe of that he seith;
  So that in him ther is no feith:
  Thus with reson and wit avised
  Is will and hope aldai despised。
  Reson seith that I scholde leve
  To love; wher ther is no leve   1180
  To spede; and will seith therayein
  That such an herte is to vilein;
  Which dar noght love and til he spede;
  Let hope serve at such a nede:
  He seith ek; where an herte sit
  Al hol governed upon wit;
  He hath this lyves lust forlore。
  And thus myn herte is al totore
  Of such a Contek as thei make:
  Bot yit I mai noght will forsake;  1190
  That he nys Maister of my thoght;
  Or that I spede; or spede noght。
  Thou dost; my Sone; ayein the riht;
  Bot love is of so gret a miht;
  His lawe mai noman refuse;
  So miht thou thee the betre excuse。
  And natheles thou schalt be lerned
  That will scholde evere be governed
  Of reson more than of kinde;
  Wherof a tale write I finde。    1200
  A Philosophre of which men tolde
  Ther was whilom be daies olde;
  And Diogenes thanne he hihte。
  So old he was that he ne mihte
  The world travaile; and for the beste
  He schop him forto take his reste;
  And duelte at hom in such a wise;
  That nyh his hous he let devise
  Endlong upon an Axeltre
  To sette a tonne in such degre;    1210
  That he it mihte torne aboute;
  Wherof on hed was taken oute;
  For he therinne sitte scholde
  And torne himself so as he wolde;
  To take their and se the hevene
  And deme of the planetes sevene;
  As he which cowthe mochel what。
  And thus fulofte there he sat
  To muse in his philosophie
  Solein withoute compaignie:  1220
  So that upon a morwetyde;
  As thing which scholde so betyde;
  Whan he was set ther as him liste
  To loke upon the Sonne ariste;
  Wherof the propretes he sih;
  It fell ther cam ridende nyh
  King Alisandre with a route;
  And as he caste his yhe aboute;
  He sih this Tonne; and what it mente
  He wolde wite; and thider sente    1230
  A knyht; be whom he mihte it knowe;
  And he himself that ilke throwe
  Abod; and hoveth there stille。
  This kniht after the kinges wille
  With spore made his hors to gon
  And to the tonne he cam anon;
  Wher that he fond a man of Age;
  And he him tolde the message;
  Such as the king him hadde bede;
  And axeth why in thilke stede   1240
  The Tonne stod; and what it was。
  And he; which understod the cas;
  Sat stille and spak no word ayein。
  The kniht bad speke and seith; 〃Vilein;
  Thou schalt me telle; er that I go;
  It is thi king which axeth so。〃
  〃Mi king;〃 quod he; 〃that were unriht。〃
  〃What is he thanne?〃 seith the kniht;
  〃Is he thi man?〃 〃That seie I noght;〃
  Quod he; 〃bot this I am bethoght;  1250
  Mi mannes man hou that he is。〃
  〃Thou lyest; false cherl; ywiss;〃
  The kniht him seith; and was riht wroth;
  And to the king ayein he goth
  And tolde him how this man ansuerde。
  The king; whan he this tale herde;
  Bad that thei scholden alle abyde;
  For he himself wol thider ryde。
  And whan he cam tofore the tonne;
  He hath his tale thus begonne:  1260
  〃Alheil;〃 he seith; 〃what man art thou?〃
  Quod he; 〃Such on as thou sest now。〃
  The king; which hadde wordes wise;
  His age wolde noght despise;
  Bot seith; 〃Mi fader; I thee preie
  That thou me wolt the cause seie;
  How that I am thi mannes man。〃
  〃Sire king;〃 quod he; 〃and that I can;
  If that thou wolt。〃 〃Yis;〃 seith the king。
  Quod he; 〃This is the sothe thing:    1270
  Sith I ferst resoun understod;
  And knew what thing was evel and good;
  The will which of my bodi moeveth;
  Whos werkes that the god reproeveth;
  I have restreigned everemore;
  As him which stant under the lore
  Of reson; whos soubgit he is;
  So that he mai noght don amis:
  And thus be weie of covenant
  Will is my man and my servant;  1280
  And evere hath ben and evere schal。
  And thi will is thi principal;
  And hath the lordschipe of thi witt;
  So that thou cowthest nevere yit
  Take o dai reste of thi labour;
  Bot forto ben a conquerour
  Of worldes good; which mai noght laste;
  Thou hiest evere aliche faste;
  Wher thou no reson hast to winne:
  And thus thi will is cause of Sinne;  1290
  And is thi lord; to whom thou servest;
  Wherof thou litel thonk deservest。〃
  The king of that he thus answerde
  Was nothing wroth; bot whanne he herde
  The hihe wisdom which he seide;
  With goodly wordes this he preide;
  That he him wolde telle his name。
  〃I am;〃 quod he; 〃that ilke same;
  The which men Diogenes calle。〃
  Tho was the king riht glad withalle;  1300
  For he hadde often herd tofore
  What man he was; so that therfore
  He seide; 〃O wise Diogene;
  Now schal thi grete witt be sene;
  For thou schalt of my yifte have
  What worldes thing that thou wolt crave。〃
  Quod he; 〃Thanne hove out of mi Sonne;
  And let it schyne into mi Tonne;
  For thou benymst me thilke yifte;
  Which lith noght in thi miht to schifte:    1310
  Non other good of thee me nedeth。〃
  This king; whom every contre dredeth;
  Lo; thus he was enformed there:
  Wherof; my Sone; thou miht lere
  How that thi will schal noght be lieved;
  Where it is noght of wit relieved。
  And thou hast seid thiself er this
  How that thi will thi maister is;
  Thurgh which thin hertes thoght withinne
  Is evere of Contek to beginne;  1320
  So that it is gretli to drede
  That it non homicide brede。
  For love is of a wonder kinde;
  And hath hise wittes ofte blinde;
  That thei fro mannes reson falle;
  Bot whan that it is so befalle
  That will schal the corage lede;
  In loves cause it is to drede:
  Wherof I finde ensample write;
  Which is behovely forto wite。   1330
  I rede a tale; and telleth this:
  The Cite which Semiramis
  Enclosed hath with wall aboute;
  Of worthi folk with many a route
  Was enhabited here and there;
  Among the whiche tuo ther were
  Above alle othre noble and grete;
  Dwellende tho withinne a Strete
  So nyh togedre; as it was sene;
  That ther was nothing hem betwene;    1340
  Bot wow to wow and wall to wall。
  This o lord hadde in special
  A Sone; a lusti Bacheler;
  In al the toun was non his pier:
  That other hadde a dowhter eke;
  In al the lond that forto seke
  Men wisten non so faire as sche。
  And fell so; as it scholde be;
  This faire dowhter nyh this Sone
  As thei togedre thanne wone;    1350
  Cupide hath so the thinges schape;
  That thei ne mihte his hand ascape;
  That he his fyr on hem ne caste:
  Wherof her herte he overcaste
  To folwe thilke lore and suie
  Which nevere man yit miht eschuie;
  And that was love; as it is happed;
  Which hath here hertes so betrapped;
  That thei be alle weies seche
  How that thei mihten winne a speche;  1360
  Here wofull peine forto lisse。
  Who loveth wel; it mai noght misse;
  And namely whan ther be tuo
  Of on acord; how so it go;
  Bot if that thei som weie finde;
  For love is evere of such a kinde
  And hath his folk so wel affaited;
  That howso that it be awaited;
  Ther mai noman the pourpos lette:
  And thus betwen hem tuo thei sette    1370
  And hole upon a wall to make;
  Thurgh which thei have her conseil take
  At alle times; whan thei myhte。
  This faire Maiden Tisbee hihte;
  And he whom that sche loveth hote
  Was Piramus be name hote。
  So longe here lecoun thei recorden;
  Til ate laste thei acorden
  Be nihtes time forto wende
  Al one out fro the tounes ende;    1380
  Wher was a welle under a Tree;
  And who cam ferst; or sche or he;
  He scholde stille there abide。
  So it befell the nyhtes tide
  This maiden; which desguised was;
  Al prively the softe pas
  Goth thurgh the large toun unknowe;
  Til that sche cam withinne a throwe
  Wher that sche liketh forto duelle;
  At thilke unhappi freisshe welle;  1390
  Which was also the Forest nyh。
  Wher sche comende a Leoun syh
  Into the feld to take his preie;
  In haste and sche tho fledde aweie;
  So as fortune scholde falle;
  For feere and let hire wympel falle
  Nyh to the welle upon therbage。
  This Leoun in his wilde rage
  A beste; which that he fond oute;
  Hath slain; and with his blodi snoute;   1400
  Whan he hath eten what he wolde;
  To drynke of thilke stremes colde
  Cam to the welle; where he fond
  The wympel; which out of hire hond
  Was falle; and he it hath todrawe;
  Bebled aboute and al forgnawe;
  And thanne he strawhte him forto drinke
  Upon the freisshe welles brinke;
  And after that out of the plein
  He torneth to the wode