第 23 节
作者:管他三七二十一      更新:2024-01-16 22:39      字数:9322
  For Couste in Saxoun is to sein
  Constance upon the word Romein。
  Bot who that cowthe specefie
  What tho fell in his fantasie;
  And how his wit aboute renneth
  Upon the love in which he brenneth;    1410
  It were a wonder forto hiere:
  For he was nouther ther ne hiere;
  Bot clene out of himself aweie;
  That he not what to thenke or seie;
  So fain he wolde it were sche。
  Wherof his hertes privete
  Began the werre of yee and nay;
  The which in such balance lay;
  That contenance for a throwe
  He loste; til he mihte knowe     1420
  The sothe: bot in his memoire
  The man which lith in purgatoire
  Desireth noght the hevene more;
  That he ne longeth al so sore
  To wite what him schal betide。
  And whan the bordes were aside
  And every man was rise aboute;
  The king hath weyved al the route;
  And with the Senatour al one
  He spak and preide him of a bone;   1430
  To se this Couste; wher sche duelleth
  At hom with him; so as he telleth。
  The Senatour was wel appaied;
  This thing no lengere is delaied;
  To se this Couste goth the king;
  And sche was warned of the thing;
  And with Heleine forth sche cam
  Ayein the king; and he tho nam
  Good hiede; and whan he sih his wif;
  Anon with al his hertes lif   1440
  He cawhte hire in his arm and kiste。
  Was nevere wiht that sih ne wiste
  A man that more joie made;
  Wherof thei weren alle glade
  Whiche herde tellen of this chance。
  This king tho with his wif Constance;
  Which hadde a gret part of his wille;
  In Rome for a time stille
  Abod and made him wel at ese:
  Bot so yit cowthe he nevere plese   1450
  His wif; that sche him wolde sein
  Of hire astat the trowthe plein;
  Of what contre that sche was bore;
  Ne what sche was; and yit therfore
  With al his wit he hath don sieke。
  Thus as they lihe abedde and spieke;
  Sche preide him and conseileth bothe;
  That for the worschipe of hem bothe;
  So as hire thoghte it were honeste;
  He wolde an honourable feste     1460
  Make; er he wente; in the Cite;
  Wher themperour himself schal be:
  He graunteth al that sche him preide。
  Bot as men in that time seide;
  This Emperour fro thilke day
  That ferst his dowhter wente away
  He was thanne after nevere glad;
  Bot what that eny man him bad
  Of grace for his dowhter sake;
  That grace wolde he noght forsake;     1470
  And thus ful gret almesse he dede;
  Wherof sche hadde many a bede。
  This Emperour out of the toun
  Withinne a ten mile enviroun;
  Where as it thoghte him for the beste;
  Hath sondry places forto reste;
  And as fortune wolde tho;
  He was duellende at on of tho。
  The king Allee forth with thassent
  Of Couste his wif hath thider sent     1480
  Moris his Sone; as he was taght;
  To themperour and he goth straght;
  And in his fader half besoghte;
  As he which his lordschipe soghte;
  That of his hihe worthinesse
  He wolde do so gret meknesse;
  His oghne toun to come and se;
  And yive a time in the cite;
  So that his fader mihte him gete
  That he wolde ones with him ete。    1490
  This lord hath granted his requeste;
  And whan the dai was of the feste;
  In worschipe of here Emperour
  The king and ek the Senatour
  Forth with here wyves bothe tuo;
  With many a lord and lady mo;
  On horse riden him ayein;
  Til it befell; upon a plein
  Thei sihen wher he was comende。
  With that Constance anon preiende   1500
  Spak to hir lord that he abyde;
  So that sche mai tofore ryde;
  To ben upon his bienvenue
  The ferste which schal him salue;
  And thus after hire lordes graunt
  Upon a Mule whyt amblaunt
  Forth with a fewe rod this qweene。
  Thei wondren what sche wolde mene;
  And riden after softe pas;
  Bot whan this ladi come was   1510
  To themperour; in his presence
  Sche seide alowd in audience;
  〃Mi lord; mi fader; wel you be!
  And of this time that I se
  Youre honour and your goode hele;
  Which is the helpe of my querele;
  I thonke unto the goddes myht。〃
  For joie his herte was affliht
  Of that sche tolde in remembrance;
  And whanne he wiste it was Constance;     1520
  Was nevere fader half so blithe。
  Wepende he keste hire ofte sithe;
  So was his herte al overcome;
  For thogh his Moder were come
  Fro deth to lyve out of the grave;
  He mihte nomor wonder have
  Than he hath whan that he hire sih。
  With that hire oghne lord cam nyh
  And is to themperour obeied;
  Bot whan the fortune is bewreied;   1530
  How that Constance is come aboute;
  So hard an herte was non oute;
  That he for pite tho ne wepte。
  Arcennus; which hire fond and kepte;
  Was thanne glad of that is falle;
  So that with joie among hem alle
  Thei riden in at Rome gate。
  This Emperour thoghte al to late;
  Til that the Pope were come;
  And of the lordes sende some     1540
  To preie him that he wolde haste:
  And he cam forth in alle haste;
  And whan that he the tale herde;
  How wonderly this chance ferde;
  He thonketh god of his miracle;
  To whos miht mai be non obstacle:
  The king a noble feste hem made;
  And thus thei weren alle glade。
  A parlement; er that thei wente;
  Thei setten unto this entente;   1550
  To puten Rome in full espeir
  That Moris was apparant heir
  And scholde abide with hem stille;
  For such was al the londes wille。
  Whan every thing was fulli spoke;
  Of sorwe and queint was al the smoke;
  Tho tok his leve Allee the king;
  And with full many a riche thing;
  Which themperour him hadde yive;
  He goth a glad lif forto live;   1560
  For he Constance hath in his hond;
  Which was the confort of his lond。
  For whan that he cam hom ayein;
  Ther is no tunge it mihte sein
  What joie was that ilke stounde
  Of that he hath his qweene founde;
  Which ferst was sent of goddes sonde;
  Whan sche was drive upon the Stronde;
  Be whom the misbelieve of Sinne
  Was left; and Cristes feith cam inne   1570
  To hem that whilom were blinde。
  Bot he which hindreth every kinde
  And for no gold mai be forboght;
  The deth comende er he be soght;
  Tok with this king such aqueintance;
  That he with al his retenance
  Ne mihte noght defende his lif;
  And thus he parteth from his wif;
  Which thanne made sorwe ynowh。
  And therupon hire herte drowh        1580
  To leven Engelond for evere
  And go wher that sche hadde levere;
  To Rome; whenne that sche cam:
  And thus of al the lond sche nam
  Hir leve; and goth to Rome ayein。
  And after that the bokes sein;
  She was noght there bot a throwe;
  Whan deth of kinde hath overthrowe
  Hir worthi fader; which men seide
  That he betwen hire armes deide。    1590
  And afterward the yer suiende
  The god hath mad of hire an ende;
  And fro this worldes faierie
  Hath take hire into compaignie。
  Moris hir Sone was corouned;
  Which so ferforth was abandouned
  To Cristes feith; that men him calle
  Moris the cristeneste of alle。
  And thus the wel meninge of love
  Was ate laste set above;   1600
  And so as thou hast herd tofore;
  The false tunges weren lore;
  Whiche upon love wolden lie。
  Forthi touchende of this Envie
  Which longeth unto bacbitinge;
  Be war thou make no lesinge
  In hindringe of an other wiht:
  And if thou wolt be tawht ariht
  What meschief bakbitinge doth
  Be other weie; a tale soth    1610
  Now miht thou hiere next suiende;
  Which to this vice is acordende。
  In a Cronique; as thou schalt wite;
  A gret ensample I finde write;
  Which I schal telle upon this thing。
  Philippe of Macedoyne kyng
  Two Sones hadde be his wif;
  Whos fame is yit in Grece rif:
  Demetrius the ferste brother
  Was hote; and Perses that other。     1620
  Demetrius men seiden tho
  The betre knyht was of the tuo;
  To whom the lond was entendant;
  As he which heir was apparant
  To regne after his fader dai:
  Bot that thing which no water mai
  Quenche in this world; bot evere brenneth;
  Into his brother herte it renneth;
  The proude Envie of that he sih
  His brother scholde clymbe on hih;     1630
  And he to him mot thanne obeie:
  That may he soffre be no weie。
  With strengthe dorst he nothing fonde;
  So tok he lesinge upon honde;
  Whan he sih time and spak therto。
  For it befell that time so;
  His fader grete werres hadde
  With Rome; whiche he streite ladde
  Thurgh mihty hond of his manhode;
  As he which hath ynowh knihthode;   1640
  And ofte hem hadde sore grieved。
  Bot er the werre were achieved;
  As he was upon ordinance
  At hom in Grece; it fell per chance;
  Demetrius; which ofte aboute
  Ridende was; stod that time oute;
  So that this Perse in his absence;
  Which bar the tunge of pestilence;
  With false wordes whiche he feigneth
  Upon his oghne brother pleigneth    1650
  In privete behinde his bak;
  And to his fader thus he spak:
  〃Mi diere fader; I am holde
  Be weie of kinde; as resoun wolde;
  That I fro yow schal nothing hide;
  Which mihte torne in eny side
  Of youre astat into grevance:
  Forthi myn hertes obeissance
  Towardes you I thenke kepe;
  For it is good ye take kepe   1660
  Upon a thing which is me told。
  Mi brother hath ous alle sold
  To hem of Rome; and you also;
  For thanne they behote him so;
  That he with hem schal regne in pes。
  Thus hath he cast for his encress
  That youre astat schal go to noght;
  And this to proeve schal be broght
  So ferforth; that I undertake
  It schal noght wel mow be forsake。〃    1670
  The king upon this tale ansuerde
  And seide; if this thing which he herde
  Be soth and mai be broght to prove;
  〃It schal noght be to his behove;
  Which so hath schapen ous the werste;
  For he himself schal be the ferste
  That schal be ded; i