第 5 节
作者:散发弄舟      更新:2024-01-06 10:43      字数:9322
  straight at her brother…in…law。 〃Women are sometimes embarrassed for
  money; and do not wish to tell their husbands; like Josephine with
  Napoleon。 I came here to ask Eugenie to do me a service。〃
  〃She can easily do that; madame。 Eugenie is very rich;〃 replied du
  Tillet; with concealed sarcasm。
  〃Is she?〃 replied the countess; smiling bitterly。
  〃How much do you want?〃 asked du Tillet; who was not sorry to get his
  sister…in…law into his meshes。
  〃Ah; monsieur! but I have told you already we do not wish to let our
  husbands into this affair;〃 said Madame de Vandenesse; cautiously;
  aware that if she took his money; she would put herself at the mercy
  of the man whose portrait Eugenie had fortunately drawn for her not
  ten minutes earlier。 〃I will come to…morrow and talk with Eugenie。〃
  〃To…morrow?〃 said the banker。 〃No; Madame du Tillet dines to…morrow
  with a future peer of France; the Baron de Nucingen; who is to leave
  me his place in the Chamber of Deputies。〃
  〃Then permit her to join me in my box at the Opera;〃 said the
  countess; without even glancing at her sister; so much did she fear
  that Eugenie's candor would betray them。
  〃She has her own box; madame;〃 said du Tillet; nettled。
  〃Very good; then I will go to hers;〃 replied the countess。
  〃It will be the first time you have done us that honor;〃 said du
  The countess felt the sting of that reproach; and began to laugh。
  〃Well; never mind; you shall not be made to pay anything this time。
  Adieu; my darling。〃
  〃She is an insolent woman;〃 said du Tillet; picking up the flowers
  that had fallen on the carpet。 〃You ought;〃 he said to his wife; 〃to
  study Madame de Vandenesse。 I'd like to see you before the world as
  insolent and overbearing as your sister has just been here。 You have a
  silly; bourgeois air which I detest。〃
  Eugenie raised her eyes to heaven as her only answer。
  〃Ah ca; madame! what have you both been talking of?〃 said the banker;
  after a pause; pointing to the flowers。 〃What has happened to make
  your sister so anxious all of a sudden to go to your opera…box?〃
  The poor helot endeavored to escape questioning on the score of
  sleepiness; and turned to go into her dressing…room to prepare for the
  night; but du Tillet took her by the arm and brought her back under
  the full light of the wax…candles which were burning in two silver…
  gilt sconces between fragrant nosegays。 He plunged his light eyes into
  hers and said; coldly:
  〃Your sister came here to borrow forty thousand francs for a man in
  whom she takes an interest; who'll be locked up within three days in a
  debtor's prison。〃
  The poor woman was seized with a nervous trembling; which she
  endeavored to repress。
  〃You alarm me;〃 she said。 〃But my sister is far too well brought up;
  and she loves her husband too much to be interested in any man to that
  〃Quite the contrary;〃 he said; dryly。 〃Girls brought up as you two
  were; in the constraints and practice of piety; have a thirst for
  liberty; they desire happiness; and the happiness they get in marriage
  is never as fine as that they dreamt of。 Such girls make bad wives。〃
  〃Speak for me;〃 said poor Eugenie; in a tone of bitter feeling; 〃but
  respect my sister。 The Comtesse de Vandenesse is happy; her husband
  gives her too much freedom not to make her truly attached to him。
  Besides; if your supposition were true; she would never have told me
  of such a matter。〃
  〃It is true;〃 he said; 〃and I forbid you to have anything to do with
  the affair。 My interests demand that the man shall go to prison。
  Remember my orders。〃
  Madame du Tillet left the room。
  〃She will disobey me; of course; and I shall find out all the facts by
  watching her;〃 thought du Tillet; when alone in the boudoir。 〃These
  poor fools always think they can do battle against us。〃
  He shrugged his shoulders and rejoined his wife; or to speak the
  truth; his slave。
  The confidence made to Madame du Tillet by Madame Felix de Vandenesse
  is connected with so many points of the latter's history for the last
  six years; that it would be unintelligible without a succinct account
  of the principal events of her life。
  Among the remarkable men who owed their destiny to the Restoration;
  but whom; unfortunately; the restored monarchy kept; with Martignac;
  aloof from the concerns of government; was Felix de Vandenesse;
  removed; with several others; to the Chamber of peers during the last
  days of Charles X。 This misfortune; though; as he supposed; temporary;
  made him think of marriage; towards which he was also led; as so many
  men are; by a sort of disgust for the emotions of gallantry; those
  fairy flowers of the soul。 There comes a vital moment to most of us
  when social life appears in all its soberness。
  Felix de Vandenesse had been in turn happy and unhappy; oftener
  unhappy than happy; like men who; at their start in life; have met
  with Love in its most perfect form。 Such privileged beings can never
  subsequently be satisfied; but; after fully experiencing life; and
  comparing characters; they attain to a certain contentment; taking
  refuge in a spirit of general indulgence。 No one deceives them; for
  they delude themselves no longer; but their resignation; their
  disillusionment is always graceful; they expect what comes; and
  therefor they suffer less。 Felix might still rank among the handsomest
  and most agreeable men in Paris。 He was originally commended to many
  women by one of the noblest creatures of our epoch; Madame de
  Mortsauf; who had died; it was said; out of love and grief for him;
  but he was specially trained for social life by the handsome and well…
  known Lady Dudley。
  In the eyes of many Parisian women; Felix; a sort of hero of romance;
  owed much of his success to the evil that was said of him。 Madame de
  Manerville had closed the list of his amorous adventures; and perhaps
  her dismissal had something to do with his frame of mind。 At any rate;
  without being in any way a Don Juan; he had gathered in the world of
  love as many disenchantments as he had met with in the world of
  politics。 That ideal of womanhood and of passion; the type of which
  perhaps to his sorrowhad lighted and governed his dawn of life; he
  despaired of ever finding again。
  At thirty years of age; Comte Felix determined to put an end to the
  burden of his various felicities by marriage。 On that point his ideas
  were extremely fixed; he wanted a young girl brought up in the
  strictest tenets of Catholicism。 It was enough for him to know how the
  Comtesse de Granville had trained her daughters to make him; after he
  had once resolved on marriage; request the hand of the eldest。 He
  himself had suffered under the despotism of a mother; he still
  remembered his unhappy childhood too well not to recognize; beneath
  the reserves of feminine shyness; the state to which such a yoke must
  have brought the heart of a young girl; whether that heart was soured;
  embittered; or rebellious; or whether it was still peaceful; lovable;
  and ready to unclose to noble sentiments。 Tyranny produces two
  opposite effects; the symbols of which exist in two grand figures of
  ancient slavery; Epictetus and Spartacus;hatred and evil feelings on
  the one hand; resignation and tenderness; on the other。
  The Comte de Vandenesse recognized himself in Marie…Angelique de
  Granville。 In choosing for his wife an artless; innocent; and pure
  young girl; this young old man determined to mingle a paternal feeling
  with the conjugal feeling。 He knew his own heart was withered by the
  world and by politics; and he felt that he was giving in exchange for
  a dawning life the remains of a worn…out existence。 Beside those
  springtide flowers he was putting the ice of winter; hoary experience
  with young and innocent ignorance。 After soberly judging the position;
  he took up his conjugal career with ample precaution; indulgence and
  perfect confidence were the two anchors to which he moored it。 Mothers
  of families ought to seek such men for their daughters。 A good mind
  protects like a divinity; disenchantment is as keen…sighted as a
  surgeon; experience as foreseeing as a mother。 Those three qualities
  are the cardinal virtues of a safe marriage。 All that his past career
  had taught to Felix de Vandenesse; the observations of a life that was
  busy; literary; and thoughtful by turns; all his forces; in fact; were
  now employed in making his wife happy; to that end he applied his
  When Marie…Angelique left the maternal purgatory; she rose at once
  into the conjugal paradise prepared for her by Felix; rue du Rocher;
  in a house where all things were redolent of aristocracy; but where
  the varnish of society did not impede the ease and 〃laisser…aller〃
  which young and loving hearts desire so much。 From the start; Marie…
  Angelique tasted all the sweets of ma