第 3 节
作者:没事找事      更新:2023-08-28 11:48      字数:9322
  Instantly the deer disappeared; and in its place was a handsome charger; milk…white in color; with flowing mane and tail。  Upon its back was a saddle sparkling with brilliant gems sewn upon fine dressed leather。
  The girls uttered cries of astonishment and delight; and the fairy said:
  〃You see; these transformations are not at all difficult。  I must now have a sword。〃
  She plucked a twig from a near…by tree and cast it upon the ground at her feet。  Again she waved her wandand the twig turned to a gleaming sword; richly engraved; that seemed to the silent watchers to tremble slightly in its sheath; as if its heart of steel throbbed with hopes of battles to come。
  〃And now I must have shield and armor; said the fairy; gaily。  〃This will make a shield;〃and she stripped a sheet of loose bark from a tree…trunk;〃but for armor I must have something better。  Will you give me your cloak?〃
  This appeal was made to Seseley; and the baron's daughter drew her white velvet cloak from her shoulders and handed it to the fairy。  A moment later it was transformed into a suit of glittering armor that seemed fashioned of pure silver inlaid with gold; while the sheet of bark at the same time became a handsome shield; with the figures of three girls graven upon it。  Seseley recognized the features as those of herself and her comrades; and noted also that they appeared sitting at the edge of a forest; the great trees showing plainly in the background。
  〃I shall be your champion; you see;〃 laughed the fairy; gleefully; 〃and maybe I shall be able to repay you for the loss of your cloak。〃
  〃I do not mind the cloak;〃 returned the child; who had been greatly interested in these strange transformations。  〃But it seems impossible that a dainty little girl like you can ride this horse and carry these heavy arms。〃
  〃I'll not be a girl much longer;〃 said the little creature。  〃Here; take my wand; and transform me into a noble youth!〃
  Again the pretty fairy kneeled before Seseley; her dainty; rounded limbs of white and rose showing plainly through her gauzy attire。  And the baron's daughter was suddenly inspired to be brave; not wishing to disappoint the venturous immortal。  So she rose and took the magic wand in her hand; waving it three times above the head of the fairy。
  〃By my powers as a mortal;〃 she said; marveling even then at the strange speech; 〃I command you to become a brave and gallant youthhandsome; strong; fearless!  And such shall you remain for the space of one year。
  As she ceased speaking the fairy was gone; and a slender youth; dark…eyed and laughing; was holding her hand in his and kissing it gratefully。
  〃I thank you; most lovely maiden;〃 he said; in a pleasant voice; 〃for giving me a place in the world of mortals。  I shall ride at once in search of adventure; but my good sword is ever at your service。〃
  With this he gracefully arose and began to buckle on his magnificent armor and to fasten the sword to his belt。
  Seseley drew a long; sighing breath of amazement at her own powers; and turning to Berna and Helda she asked:
  〃Do I see aright?  Is the little fairy really transformed to this youth?〃
  〃It certainly seems so;〃 returned Helda; who; being unabashed by the marvels she had beheld; turned to gaze boldly upon the young knight。
  〃Do you still remember that a moment ago you were a fairy?〃 she inquired。
  〃Yes; indeed;〃 said he; smiling; 〃and I am really a fairy now; being but changed in outward form。  But no one must know this save yourselves; until the year has expired and I resume my true station。 Will you promise to guard my secret?〃
  〃Oh; yes!〃 they exclaimed; in chorus。  For they were delighted; as any children might well be; at having so remarkable a secret to keep and talk over among themselves。
  〃I must ask one more favor;〃 continued the youth: 〃that you give me a name; for in this island I believe all men bear names of some sort; to distinguish them one from another。〃
  〃True;〃 said Seseley; thoughtfully。  〃What were you called as a fairy?〃
  〃That does not matter in the least;〃 he answered; hastily。  〃I must have an entirely new name。〃
  〃Suppose we call him the Silver Knight;〃 suggested Berna; as she eyed his glistening armor。
  〃Oh; no!that is no name at all!〃 declared Helda。  〃We might better call him Baron Strongarm。〃
  〃I do not like that; either;〃 said the Lady Seseley; 〃for we do not know whether his arm is strong or not。  But he has been transformed in a most astonishing and bewildering manner before our very eyes; and I think the name of Prince Marvel would suit him very well。〃
  〃Excellent!〃 cried the youth; picking up his richly graven shield。  〃The name seems fitting in every way。  And for a year I shall be known to all this island as Prince Marvel!〃
  5。  The King of Thieves
  Old Marshelm; the captain of the guard; was much surprised when he saw the baron's daughter and her playmates approach her father's castle escorted by a knight in glittering armor。
  To be sure it was a rather small knight; but the horse he led by the bridle was so stately and magnificent in appearance that old Marshelm; who was an excellent judge of horses; at once decided the stranger must be a personage of unusual importance。
  As they came nearer the captain of the guard also observed the beauty of the little knight's armor; and caught the glint of jewels set in the handle of his sword; so he called his men about him and prepared to receive the knight with the honors doubtless due his high rank。
  But to the captain's disappointment the stranger showed no intention of entering the castle。  On the contrary; he kissed the little Lady Seseley's hand respectfully; waved an adieu to the others; and then mounted his charger and galloped away over the plains。
  The drawbridge was let down to permit the three children to enter; and the great Baron Merd came himself to question his daughter。
  〃Who was the little knight?〃 he asked。
  〃His name is Prince Marvel;〃 answered Seseley; demurely。
  〃Prince Marvel?〃 exclaimed the Baron。  〃I have never heard of him。 Does he come from the Kingdom of Dawna; or that of Auriel; or Plenta?〃
  〃That I do not know;〃 said Seseley; with truth。
  〃Where did you meet him?〃 continued the baron。
  〃In the forest; my father; and he kindly escorted us home。〃
  〃Hm!〃 muttered the baron; thoughtfully。  〃Did he say what adventure brought him to our Kingdom of Heg?〃
  〃No; father。  But he mentioned being in search of adventure。〃
  〃Oh; he'll find enough to busy him in this wild island; where every man he meets would rather draw his sword than eat;〃 returned the old warrior; smiling。  〃How old may this Prince Marvel be?〃
  〃He looks not over fifteen years of age;〃 said Seseley; uneasy at so much questioning; for she did not wish to be forced to tell an untruth。  〃But it is possible he is much older;〃 she added; beginning to get confused。
  〃Well; well; I am sorry he did not pay my castle a visit;〃 declared the baron。  〃He is very small and slight to be traveling this dangerous country alone; and I might have advised him as to his welfare。〃
  Seseley thought that Prince Marvel would need no advice from any one as to his conduct; but she wisely refrained from speaking this thought; and the old baron walked away to glance through a slit in the stone wall at the figure of the now distant knight。
  Prince Marvel was riding swiftly toward the brow of the hill; and shortly his great war…horse mounted the ascent and disappeared on its farther slope。
  The youth's heart was merry and light; and he reflected joyously; as he rode along; that a whole year of freedom and fascinating adventure lay before him。
  The valley in which he now found himself was very beautiful; the soft grass beneath his horse's feet being sprinkled with bright flowers; while clumps of trees stood here and there to break the monotony of the landscape。
  For an hour the prince rode along; rejoicing in the free motion of his horse and breathing in the perfume…laden air。  Then he found he had crossed the valley and was approaching a series of hills。  These were broken by huge rocks; the ground being cluttered with boulders of rough stone。  His horse speedily found a pathway leading through these rocks; but was obliged to proceed at a walk; turning first one way and then another as the path zigzagged up the hill。
  Presently; being engaged in deep thought and little noting the way; Prince Marvel rode between two high walls of rock standing so close together that horse and rider could scarcely pass between the sides。 Having traversed this narrow space some distance the wall opened suddenly upon a level plat of ground; where grass and trees grew。  It was not a very big place; but was surely the end of the path; as all around it stood bare walls so high and steep that neither horse nor man could climb them。  In the side of the rocky wall facing the entrance the traveler noticed a hollow; like the mouth of a cave; across which was placed an iron gate。  And above the gateway was painted in red letters on the gray stone the following words:
  WUL…TAKIM          KING OF THIEVES                        HIS TREASURE HOUSE              KEEP OUT
  Prince Marvel laughed on reading this; and afte