第 9 节
作者:随便看看      更新:2023-08-28 11:47      字数:9322
  seen his only child suffer during the hours of this long afternoon。
  But he knew the law would not so regard it。  Even the lax Welsh law
  of those days could not fail to examine into the death of a man of
  Squire Griffith's standing。  So the acute Ellis thought how he could
  conceal the culprit for a time。
  〃Come;〃 said he; 〃don't look so scared!  It was your doom; not your
  fault;〃 and he laid a hand on Owen's shoulder。
  〃You're wet;〃 said he; suddenly。  〃Where have you been?  Nest; your
  husband is dripping; drookit wet。  That's what makes him look so blue
  and wan。〃
  Nest softly laid her baby in its cradle; she was half stupefied with
  crying; and had not understood to what Owen alluded; when he spoke of
  his doom being fulfilled; if indeed she had heard the words。
  Her touch thawed Owen's miserable heart。
  〃Oh; Nest!〃 said he; clasping her in his arms; 〃do you love me still…
  …can you love me; my own darling?〃
  〃Why not?〃 asked she; her eyes filling with tears。  〃I only love you
  more than ever; for you were my poor baby's father!〃
  〃But; NestOh; tell her; Ellis! YOU know。〃
  〃No need; no need!〃 said Ellis。  〃She's had enough to think on。
  Bustle; my girl; and get out my Sunday clothes。〃
  〃I don't understand;〃 said Nest; putting her hand up to her head。
  〃What is to tell? and why are you so wet?  God help me for a poor
  crazed thing; for I cannot guess at the meaning of your words and
  your strange looks!  I only know my baby is dead!〃 and she burst into
  〃Come; Nest! go and fetch him a change; quick!〃 and as she meekly
  obeyed; too languid to strive further to understand; Ellis said
  rapidly to Owen; in a low; hurried voice …
  〃Are you meaning that the Squire is dead?  Speak low; lest she hear。
  Well; well; no need to talk about how he died。  It was sudden; I see;
  and we must all of us die; and he'll have to be buried。  It's well
  the night is near。  And I should not wonder now if you'd like to
  travel for a bit; it would do Nest a power of good; and thenthere's
  many a one goes out of his own house and never comes back again; and…
  …I trust he's not lying in his own houseand there's a stir for a
  bit; and a search; and a wonderand; by…and…by; the heir just steps
  in; as quiet as can be。  And that's what you'll do; and bring Nest to
  Bodowen after all。  Nay; child; better stockings nor those; find the
  blue woollens I bought at Llanrwst fair。  Only don't lose heart。
  It's done now and can't be helped。  It was the piece of work set you
  to do from the days of the Tudors; they say。  And he deserved it。
  Look in yon cradle。  So tell us where he is; and I'll take heart of
  grace and see what can be done for him。〃
  But Owen sat wet and haggard; looking into the peat fire as if for
  visions of the past; and never heeding a word Ellis said。  Nor did he
  move when Nest brought the armful of dry clothes。
  〃Come; rouse up; man!〃 said Ellis; growing impatient。  But he neither
  spoke nor moved。
  〃What is the matter; father?〃 asked Nest; bewildered。
  Ellis kept on watching Owen for a minute or two; till on his
  daughter's repetition of the question; he said …
  〃Ask him yourself; Nest。〃
  〃Oh; husband; what is it?〃 said she; kneeling down and bringing her
  face to a level with his。
  〃Don't you know?〃 said he; heavily。  〃You won't love me when you do
  know。  And yet it was not my doing:  it was my doom。〃
  〃What does he mean; father?〃 asked Nest; looking up; but she caught a
  gesture from Ellis urging her to go on questioning her husband。
  〃I will love you; husband; whatever has happened。  Only let me know
  the worst。〃
  A pause; during which Nest and Ellis hung breathless。
  〃My father is dead; Nest。〃
  Nest caught her breath with a sharp gasp。
  〃God forgive him!〃 said she; thinking on her babe。
  〃God forgive ME!〃 said Owen。
  〃You did not〃 Nest stopped。
  〃Yes; I did。  Now you know it。  It was my doom。  How could I help it?
  The devil helped mehe placed the stone so that my father fell。  I
  jumped into the water to save him。  I did; indeed; Nest。  I was
  nearly drowned myself。  But he was deaddeadkilled by the fall!〃
  〃Then he is safe at the bottom of the sea?〃 said Ellis; with hungry
  〃No; he is not; he lies in my boat;〃 said Owen; shivering a little;
  more at the thought of his last glimpse at his father's face than
  from cold。
  〃Oh; husband; change your wet clothes!〃 pleaded Nest; to whom the
  death of the old man was simply a horror with which she had nothing
  to do; while her husband's discomfort was a present trouble。
  While she helped him to take off the wet garments which he would
  never have had energy enough to remove of himself; Ellis was busy
  preparing food; and mixing a great tumbler of spirits and hot water。
  He stood over the unfortunate young man and compelled him to eat and
  drink; and made Nest; too; taste some mouthfulsall the while
  planning in his own mind how best to conceal what had been done; and
  who had done it; not altogether without a certain feeling of vulgar
  triumph in the reflection that Nest; as she stood there; carelessly
  dressed; dishevelled in her grief; was in reality the mistress of
  Bodowen; than which Ellis Pritchard had never seen a grander house;
  though he believed such might exist。
  By dint of a few dexterous questions he found out all he wanted to
  know from Owen; as he ate and drank。  In fact; it was almost a relief
  to Owen to dilute the horror by talking about it。  Before the meal
  was done; if meal it could be called; Ellis knew all he cared to
  〃Now; Nest; on with your cloak and haps。  Pack up what needs to go
  with you; for both you and your husband must be half way to Liverpool
  by to…morrow's morn。  I'll take you past Rhyl Sands in my fishing…
  boat; with yours in tow; and; once over the dangerous part; I'll
  return with my cargo of fish; and learn how much stir there is at
  Bodowen。  Once safe hidden in Liverpool; no one will know where you
  are; and you may stay quiet till your time comes for returning。〃
  〃I will never come home again;〃 said Owen; doggedly。  〃The place is
  〃Hoot! be guided by me; man。  Why; it was but an accident; after all!
  And we'll land at the Holy Island; at the Point of Llyn; there is an
  old cousin of mine; the parson; therefor the Pritchards have known
  better days; Squireand we'll bury him there。  It was but an
  accident; man。  Hold up your head!  You and Nest will come home yet
  and fill Bodowen with children; and I'll live to see it。〃
  〃Never!〃 said Owen。  〃I am the last male of my race; and the son has
  murdered his father!〃
  Nest came in laden and cloaked。  Ellis was for hurrying them off。
  The fire was extinguished; the door was locked。
  〃Here; Nest; my darling; let me take your bundle while I guide you
  down the steps。〃  But her husband bent his head; and spoke never a
  word。  Nest gave her father the bundle (already loaded with such
  things as he himself had seen fit to take); but clasped another
  softly and tightly。
  〃No one shall help me with this;〃 said she; in a low voice。
  Her father did not understand her; her husband did; and placed his
  strong helping arm round her waist; and blessed her。
  〃We will all go together; Nest;〃 said he。  〃But where?〃 and he looked
  up at the storm…tossed clouds coming up from windward。
  〃It is a dirty night;〃 said Ellis; turning his head round to speak to
  his companions at last。  〃But never fear; we'll weather it?〃  And he
  made for the place where his vessel was moored。  Then he stopped and
  thought a moment。
  〃Stay here!〃 said he; addressing his companions。  〃I may meet folk;
  and I shall; maybe; have to hear and to speak。  You wait here till I
  come back for you。〃  So they sat down close together in a corner of
  the path。
  〃Let me look at him; Nest!〃 said Owen。
  She took her little dead son out from under her shawl; they looked at
  his waxen face long and tenderly; kissed it; and covered it up
  reverently and softly。
  〃Nest;〃 said Owen; at last; 〃I feel as though my father's spirit had
  been near us; and as if it had bent over our poor little one。  A
  strange chilly air met me as I stooped over him。  I could fancy the
  spirit of our pure; blameless child guiding my father's safe over the
  paths of the sky to the gates of heaven; and escaping those accursed
  dogs of hell that were darting up from the north in pursuit of souls
  not five minutes since。
  〃Don't talk so; Owen;〃 said Nest; curling up to him in the darkness
  of the copse。  〃Who knows what may be listening?〃
  The pair were silent; in a kind of nameless terror; till they heard
  Ellis Pritchard's loud whisper。  〃Where are ye?  Come along; soft and
  steady。  There were folk about even now; and the Squire is missed;
  and madam in a fright。〃
  They went swiftly down to the little harbour; and embarked on board
  Ellis's boat。  The sea heaved and r