第 4 节
作者:月寒      更新:2023-08-28 11:46      字数:4967
  There was an inrush of police; the handcuffs clicked and the
  criminals were led to the waiting cab。 Watson lingered with Holmes;
  congratulating him upon this fresh leaf added to his laurels。 Once
  more their conversation was interrupted by the imperturbable Billy
  with his card…tray。
  〃Lord Cantlemere; sir。〃
  〃Show him up; Billy。 This is the eminent peer who represents the
  very highest interests;〃 said Holmes。 〃He is an excellent and loyal
  person; but rather of the old regime。 Shall we make him unbend? Dare
  we venture upon a slight liberty? He knows; we may conjecture; nothing
  of what has occurred。〃
  The door opened to admit a thin; austere figure with a hatchet
  face and drooping mid…Victorian whiskers of a glossy blackness which
  hardly corresponded with the rounded shoulders and feeble gait。 Holmes
  advanced affably; and shook an unresponsive hand。
  〃How do you do; Lord Cantlemere? It is chilly for the time of
  year; but rather warm indoors。 May I take your overcoat?〃
  〃No; I thank you; I will not take it off。〃
  Holmes laid his hand insistently upon the sleeve。
  〃Pray allow me! My friend Dr。 Watson would assure you that these
  changes of temperature are most insidious。〃
  His Lordship shook himself free with some impatience。
  〃I am quite comfortable; sir。 I have no need to stay。 I have
  simply looked in to know how your self…appointed task was
  〃It is difficult… very difficult。〃
  〃I feared that you would find it so。〃
  There was a distinct sneer in the old courtier's words and manner。
  〃Every man finds his limitations; Mr。 Holmes; but at least it
  cures us of the weakness of self…satisfaction。〃
  〃Yes; sir; I have been much perplexed。〃
  〃No doubt。〃
  〃Especially upon one point。 Possibly you could help me upon it?〃
  〃You apply for my advice rather late in the day。 I thought that
  you had your own all…sufficient methods。 Still; I am ready to help
  〃You see; Lord Cantlemere; we can no doubt frame a case against
  the actual thieves。〃
  〃When you have caught them。〃
  〃Exactly。 But the question is… how shall we proceed against the
  〃Is this not rather premature?〃
  〃It is as well to have our plans ready。 Now; what would you regard
  as final evidence against the receiver?〃
  〃The actual possession of the stone。〃
  〃You would arrest him upon that?〃
  〃Most undoubtedly。〃
  Holmes seldom laughed; but he got as near it as his old friend
  Watson could remember。
  〃In that case; my dear sir; I shall be under the painful necessity
  of advising your arrest。〃
  Lord Cantlemere was very angry。 Some of the ancient fires
  flickered up into his sallow checks。
  〃You take a great liberty; Mr。 Holmes。 In fifty years of official
  life I cannot recall such a case。 I am a busy man; sir; engaged upon
  important affairs; and I have no time or taste for foolish jokes。 I
  may tell you frankly; sir; that I have never been a believer in your
  powers; and that I have always been of the opinion that the matter was
  far safer in the hands of the regular police force。 Your conduct
  confirms all my conclusions。 I have the honour; sir; to wish you
  Holmes had swiftly changed his position and was between the peer and
  the door。
  〃One moment; sir;〃 said he。 〃To actually go off with the Mazarin
  stone would be a more serious offence than to be found in temporary
  possession of it。〃
  〃Sir; this is intolerable! Let me pass。〃
  〃Put your hand in the right…hand pocket of your overcoat。〃
  〃What do you mean; sir?〃
  〃Come… come; do what I ask。〃
  An instant later the amazed peer was standing; blinking and
  stammering; with the great yellow stone on his shaking palm。
  〃What! What! How is this; Mr。 Holmes?〃
  〃Too bad; Lord Cantlemere; too bad!〃 cried Holmes。 〃My old friend
  here will tell you that I have an impish habit of practical joking。
  Also that I can never resist a dramatic situation。 I took the liberty…
  the very great liberty; I admit… of putting the stone into your pocket
  at the beginning of our interview。〃
  The old peer stared from the stone to the smiling face before him。
  〃Sir; I am bewildered。 But… yes… it is indeed the Mazarin stone。
  We are greatly your debtors; Mr。 Holmes。 Your sense of humour may;
  as you admit; be somewhat perverted; and its exhibition remarkably
  untimely; but at least I withdraw any reflection I have made upon your
  amazing professional powers。 But how…〃
  〃The case is but half finished; the details can wait。 No doubt; Lord
  Cantlemere; your pleasure in telling of this successful result in
  the exalted role to which you return will be some small atonement
  for my practical joke。 Billy; you will show his Lordship out; and tell
  Mrs。 Hudson that I should be glad if she would send up dinner for
  two as soon as possible。〃