第 3 节
作者:散发弄舟      更新:2023-05-17 13:24      字数:9322
  last scene at the Tower of Babel。
  Having accomplished this to its evident
  satisfaction; the audience proceeded; like
  the closing phrase of the
  ‘‘Goetterdaemmerung'' Dead March; to become
  exceedingly quietthen expectant。
  This expectancy lasted fully three
  minutes。 Then there were some impatient
  handclappings。 A few persons
  whispered: ‘‘Why is he late?'' ‘‘Why
  doesn't he come?'' ‘‘I wonder where
  Diotti is;'' and then came unmistakable
  signs of impatience。 At its height
  Perkins appeared; hesitatingly。 Nervous
  and jerky he walked to the center of
  the stage; and raised his hand begging
  silence。 The audience was stilled。
  ‘‘Ladies and gentlemen;'' he falteringly
  said; ‘‘Signor Diotti left his hotel
  at seven o'clock and was driven to the
  Academy。 The call…boy rapped at his
  dressing…room; and not receiving a reply;
  opened the door to find the room
  empty。 We have despatched searchers
  in every direction and have sent out a
  police alarm。 We fear some accident
  has befallen the Signor。 We ask your
  indulgence for the keen disappointment;
  and beg to say that your money will be
  refunded at the box…office。''
  Diotti had disappeared as completely
  as though the earth had swallowed him。
  My Dearest Sister:  You
  doubtless were exceedingly mystified
  and troubled over the report that
  was flashed to Europe regarding my
  sudden disappearance on the eve of my
  second concert in New York。
  Fearing; sweet Francesca; that you
  might mourn me as dead; I sent the
  cablegram you received some weeks
  since; telling you to be of good heart
  and await my letter。 To make my action
  thoroughly understood I must give
  you a record of what happened to me
  from the first day I arrived in
  America。 I found a great interest mani…
  fested in my premiere; and socially
  everything was done to make me happy。
  Mrs。 James Llewellyn; whom; you
  no doubt remember; we met in Florence
  the winter of 18; immediately after I
  reached New York arranged a reception
  for me; which was elegant in the
  extreme。 But from that night dates
  my misery。
  You ask her name?Mildred Wallace。
  Tell me what she is like; I hear
  you say。 Of graceful height; willowy
  and exquisitely molded; not over twenty…
  four; with the face of a Madonna;
  wondrous eyes of darkest blue; hair
  indescribable in its maze of tawny color
  in a word; the perfection of womanhood。
  In half an hour I was her abject
  slave; and proud in my serfdom。
  When I returned to the hotel that evening
  I could not sleep。 Her image ever
  was before me; elusive and shadowy。
  And yet we seemed to grow farther and
  farther apartshe nearer heaven; I
  nearer earth。
  The next evening I gave my first and
  what I fear may prove my last concert
  in America。 The vision of my dreams
  was there; radiant in rarest beauty。
  Singularly enough; she was in the direct
  line of my vision while I played。
  I saw only her; played but for her; and
  cast my soul at her feet。 She sat indifferent
  and silent。 ‘‘Cold?'' you say。 No!
  No! Francesca; not cold; superior to
  my poor efforts。 I realized my
  limitations。 I questioned my genius。 When
  I returned to bow my acknowledgments
  for the most generous applause I have
  ever received; there was no sign on her
  part that I had interested her; either
  through my talent or by appeal to her
  curiosity。 I hoped against hope that
  some word might come from her; but I
  was doomed to disappointment。 The
  critics were fulsome in their praise and
  the public was lavish with its plaudits;
  but I was abjectly miserable。 Another
  sleepless night and I was determined to
  see her。 She received me most
  graciously; although I fear she thought my
  visit one of vanitywounded vanity
  and me petulant because of her lack of
  Oh; sister mine; I knew better。 I
  knew my heart craved one word; however
  matter…of…fact; that would rekindle
  the hope that was dying within me。
  Hesitatingly; and like a clumsy yokel;
  I blurted: ‘‘I have been wondering
  whether you cared for the performance
  I gave?''
  ‘‘It certainly ought to make little
  difference to you;'' she replied; ‘‘the
  public was enthusiastic enough in its
  ‘‘But I want your opinion;'' I pleaded。
  ‘‘My opinion would not at all affect
  the almost unanimous verdict; ‘‘she
  replied calmly。
  ‘‘And;'' I urged desperately; ‘‘you
  were not affected in the least?''
  Very coldly she answered; ‘‘Not in
  the least;'' and then fearlessly; like a
  princess in the Palace of Truth: ‘‘If
  ever a man comes who can awaken my
  heart; frankly and honestly I will
  confess it。''
  ‘‘Perhaps such a one lives;'' I said;
  but has yet to reach the height to win
  ‘‘Speak it;'' she said; ‘‘to win my
  ‘‘Yes;'' I cried; startled at her
  candor; ‘‘to win your love。'' Hope slowly
  rekindled within my breast; and then
  with half…closed eyes; and wooingly; she
  ‘‘No drooping Clytie could be more
  constant than I to him who strikes the
  chord that is responsive in my soul。''
  Her emotion must have surprised her;
  but immediately she regained her placidity
  and reverted no more to the subject。
  I went out into the gathering gloom。
  Her words haunted me。 A strange
  feeling came over me。 A voice within
  me cried: ‘‘Do not play to…night。
  Study! study! Perhaps in the full fruition
  of your genius your music; like the
  warm western wind to the harp; may
  bring life to her soul。''
  I fled; and I am here。 I am delving
  deeper and deeper into the mysteries of
  my art; and I pray God each hour that
  He may place within my grasp the
  wondrous music His blessed angels
  sing; for the soul of her I love is at。
  tuned to the harmonies of heaven。
  Your affectionate brother;
  ISLAND OF BAHAMA; January 2。
  When Diotti left New York so
  precipitately he took passage
  on a coast line steamer sailing for the
  Bahama Islands。 Once there; he leased
  a small cay; one of a group off the main
  land; and lived alone and unattended;
  save for the weekly visits of an old
  fisherman and his son; who brought
  supplies of provisions from the town
  miles away。 His dwelling…place;
  surrounded with palmetto trees; was little
  more than a rough shelter。 Diotti arose
  at daylight; and after a simple repast;
  betook himself to practise。 Hour after
  hour he would let his muse run riot
  with his fingers。 Lovingly he wooed
  the strings with plaintive song; then
  conquering and triumphant would be
  his theme。 But neither satisfied him。
  The vague dream of a melody more
  beautiful than ever man had heard
  dwelt hauntingly on the borders of his
  imagination; but was no nearer realization
  than when he began。 As the day's
  work closed; he wearily placed the
  violin within its case; murmuring;
  ‘‘Not yet; not yet; I have not found it。''
  Days passed; weeks crept slowly
  on; still he worked; but always
  with the same result。 One day;
  feverish and excited; he played on
  in monotone almost listless。 His tired;
  over…wrought brain denied a further
  thought。 His arm and fingers refused
  response to his will。 With an uncontrollable
  outburst of grief and anger he
  dashed the violin to the floor; where it
  lay a hopeless wreck。 Extending his
  arms he cried; in the agony of despair:
  ‘‘It is of no use! If the God of heaven
  will not aid me; I ask the prince of
  darkness to come。''
  A tall; rather spare; but well…made
  and handsome man appeared at the
  door of the hut。 His manner was that of
  one evidently conversant with the usages
  of good society。
  ‘‘I beg pardon;'' said the musician;
  surprised and visibly nettled at the
  intrusion; and then with forced politeness
  he asked: ‘‘To whom am I indebted
  for this unexpected visit?''
  ‘‘Allow me;'' said the stranger taking
  a card from his case and handing
  it to the musician; who read: ‘‘Satan;''
  and; in the lower left…hand corner
  ‘‘Prince of Darkness。''
  ‘‘I am the Prince;'' said the stranger;
  bowing low。
  There was no hint of the pavement…
  made ruler in the information he gave;
  but rather of the desire of one gentleman
  to set another right at the beginning。
  The musician assumed a position
  of open…mouthed wonder; gazing
  steadily at the visitor。
  ‘‘Satan?'' he whispered hoarsely。
  ‘‘You need help and advice;'' said
  the visitor; his voice sounding like that
  of a disciple of the healing art; and
  implying that he had thoroughly diagnosed
  the case。
  ‘‘No; no;'' cried the shuddering
  violinist; ‘‘go away。 I do not need you。''
  ‘‘I regret I can not accept that
  statement as gospel truth;'' said Satan;
  sarcastically; ‘‘for if ever a man needed
  help; you are that man。''
  ‘‘But not from you;'' replied Diotti。
  ‘‘That statement is discredited also
  by your outburst of a fe