第 9 节
作者:笑傲网络      更新:2023-05-17 13:23      字数:9322
  haunches with his tongue hanging out and gazed upon the scene as
  benevolently as if his own stomach were full instead of empty。
  The children were so weary they threw themselves down in the
  grass beside him to rest。
  Now that they had escaped the perils of the forest; it almost
  seemed to them for a little while as if their troubles were over;
  but by and by Seppi sat up and studied the scene before them。 He
  looked past the long slopes to the glacier and the river in the
  valley below。
  〃We've got to get across that somehow;〃 he said to Leneli; at
  last; pointing to the stream; 〃and there are only two ways of
  doing it。 When we get down there; we must either go through the
  river; or across the glacier which feeds it。〃
  〃We can't go through it;〃 answered Leneli。 〃We don't know how
  deep it is。〃
  〃Then it will have to be the glacier;〃 said Seppi; 〃and I'm glad
  goats are so sure…footed。 We'd better start along; for it's
  getting later every minute; and I'm bound to reach that farm…
  house before dark。〃 He pointed to a speck in the distance。
  〃Oh; dear;〃 sighed Leneli; as she followed his finger with her
  eye; 〃it's like dying to get to heaven! Suppose we fall into
  cracks in the glacier?〃
  〃You're the worst supposer I ever saw;〃 snapped Seppi。 〃 Suppose
  we don't fall in! Suppose we get across all right with all the
  goats; and suppose there's a good woman at the farm…house who
  feeds us; and Bello too! Suppose she gives us。。。 what would you
  like best for supper; Leneli?〃
  〃Oh!〃 cried Leneli; clasping her hands; 〃soup and pancakes!〃
  〃Hurry up; then;〃 said Seppi。 〃We shall surely never get them;
  nor anything else; by staying here。〃
  Leneli struggled to her feet; and once more they moved forward。
  Half an hour of brisk walking brought them to the edge of the
  glacier; and here Seppi arranged their marching order。
  〃I'll go first;〃 he said; 〃the same as a guide; then the goats;
  and then you and Bello。 You must watch every step; and keep
  sticking in your alpenstock to be sure you are on solid ice。 If
  you don't; you might strike a hollow place and fall through the
  〃I'll be careful;〃 said Leneli。
  〃All right; then! here we go!〃 said Seppi。 〃I can just smell
  those pancakes!〃 and with that he set out across the river of
  The children understood very well the dangers of the glaciers。 It
  was not simply a frozen stream on which one might skate。 It was a
  great slow…moving; grinding avalanche of ice and rocks; full of
  seams and cracks and holes; which was creeping steadily down the
  valley。 The river formed by the melting snows; gushed forth from
  beneath it and rushed away to join the lake still far below。
  Even the goats knew it was a perilous journey; and besides they
  were unwilling to leave the rich grass of the fields; so it was
  with some difficulty that they were finally driven forward upon
  the glacier。 Seppi led the way; blowing on his little horn to
  encourage them; trying every step with his stick; and waiting for
  them to catch up before going farther。 They were nearly half way
  across; when Seppi stopped and called to Leneli to stand still。
  There in front of him yawned a wide crevasse。 The frozen river
  had cracked open; and if they went forward in a straight line
  they would plunge down into an ice prison from which they could
  never escape alive。
  It was the hardest puzzle and the greatest danger they had met in
  their whole journey; and for a minute poor Seppi almost gave up
  in despair。 He thought they would have to go back and try the
  river after all。 Shouting to Leneli to keep the goats together if
  she could; he turned and made his way up…stream along the edge of
  the crevasse。 It grew narrower as he followed it; and broke into
  a number of smaller cracks。
  The only way to get to the other side was to follow along these
  smaller cracks where they made a crooked natural bridge across
  the chasm。 Even Seppi's stout heart quailed a little as he gazed
  down into the depths of the huge rifts。 The walls of ice gleamed
  with wonderful greens and blues; but he had no heart to admire
  the beautiful colors。
  〃Remember Peter of Lucerne; and come on;〃 he shouted back to
  Leneli; and without another word started across the treacherous
  ice bridge。 It made no difference whether she was frightened or
  not; Leneli simply had to follow him even though the goats; sure…
  footed as they were; shrank from the journey; and Bello hung back
  and whined。
  〃Follow exactly in my footsteps;〃 shouted Seppi; and Leneli
  swallowed a lump in her throat; grasped her alpenstock more
  firmly and went forward。
  〃Don't look down into the hole! Look at the bridge across it!〃
  shouted Seppi。
  He stepped carefully forward; finding solid footing with his
  stick before each step; and in a short time stood safely on the
  other side of the chasm。 There he waited and held his breath;
  while the goats picked their way daintily across the ice bridge
  after him; and when Leneli and Bello at last reached his side; he
  hugged them both for joy。
  〃There;〃 he said; 〃there can't be anything worse than that; and
  we'll soon be on green grass again。
  They passed other smaller crevasses; but they could make their
  way around the ends of these; and it was not long before they had
  scrambled over the rocks at the glacier's edge and once more
  stood on solid ground。 Even Bello seemed to realize that their
  troubles were now nearly over; for he barked and ran round them
  in circles and leaped up with his paws on their shoulders to give
  them dog kisses; and; as for his tailhe nearly wagged it loose
  in his joy。 The goats sprang forward to reach the grass; and when
  the children drove them on; snatched greedy mouthfuls as they
  passed。 The children could see the farm…house growing from a mere
  speck larger and larger as they came down the valley toward it;
  and at last the little group of stragglers pattered into the door…
  The noise of bleating goats and a barking dog brought the
  farmer's wife to the door; and for a moment she stood there with
  her baby in her arms and looked down at them in astonishment;
  just as the old herdsman had done on the mountain。
  〃Where in the world did you come from?〃 she cried at last。 〃Who
  are you? and what do you want here?〃
  Leneli opened her mouth to answer; but when she saw the woman's
  kind face; and the baby sucking its thumb and looking at them
  solemnly; it reminded her so of her mother and Baby Roseli that;
  instead of explaining; she burst into tears。
  The woman clattered down the steps of once; put her free arm
  around Leneli; and patted her comfortingly; while Seppi told her
  their story。 Before he had got farther than the avalanche part of
  it; she seemed to guess all the rest。 It was not the first time
  that people had been lost on the mountain。
  〃Come right in this minute;〃 she cried。 〃Don't stop to talk! You
  must be as hungry as wolves。 I'll get you something to eat; and
  then you can tell me every word。〃
  〃Please;〃 said Leneli timidly; drying her tears; 〃could you give
  Bello something first? The goats have had a little grass and we
  had some bread and cheese; but Bello hasn't had a bite all day。〃
  〃Bless my soul!〃 said the woman。 〃What a little woman it is; to
  think first of the dog! Here;〃 she cried to Seppi; 〃take this
  bone to him right away; and shut up the goats in the barn…yard。
  Then come back and I'll give you whatever you like best; if I've
  got it!〃
  〃If you please; ma'am;〃 said Seppi; his eyes shining; 〃up on the
  mountain when we were lost; we saw your house and we just
  supposed that maybe you might have soup and pancakes!〃
  〃Bless my soul!〃 cried the woman。 〃Soup and pancakes it shall be;
  and that's soon ready!〃
  She put the baby into Leneli's arms and flew about the kitchen;
  rattling pots and pans; stirring up the fire; and mixing her
  batter; and when Seppi returned; the smell of pancakes was
  already in the air; and the soup was bubbling in the pot。 In five
  minutes more the children were seated at the kitchen table with
  steaming bowls before them; while their new friend cooked a pile
  of pancakes that it would have warmed the cockles of your heart
  to see。
  The farmer himself was far away on the high alps with his cattle;
  and came down the mountain only once in a while with a load of
  cheeses on his back。 His wife was very lonely in his absence and
  was glad to have company; if only for a single night; so she
  comforted the children and talked with them about their mother;
  and piled pancakes on their plates until they could not hold
  another mouthful。 Then she helped them milk the goats; and when
  the sun went down; sent them to bed so they would be well rested
  for their long walk the next day。
  When the children came into the kitchen the next morning; they
  found their new friend beating mush and milk together for their
  breakfast; and there was a smell of coffee in the air。
  〃Sit right down and eat;〃 said she; pushing a stool toward the
  table with her foot。 〃I've milked the goats for you。 They didn't
  give much; poor things; and it's no wonder; after such a day as
  they had yesterday! The wonder is that they gave any at all。 I've
  made coffee for you