第 5 节
作者:笑傲网络      更新:2023-05-17 13:23      字数:9322
  and Bello crept farther under the rock。 〃The avalanche!〃 gasped
  Leneli; shaking with fright。 〃Father thought there wouldn't be
  any more this spring! Oh; I wish we were home!〃
  Far down the mountain…side there were sounds of mighty trees
  being torn up by the roots and of rocks broken from the cliffs
  and bounding from ledge to ledge。
  It seemed as if the whole world were being torn to pieces。 At
  last the terrible roar ceased and a terrible silence settled over
  the mountains。 The children knew well the awful dangers of the
  avalanche。 Ever since they could remember they had heard stories
  of travelers buried alive under masses of snow and ice; and of
  whole villages swept away; or so covered with stones; trees; and;
  earth that not a sign of them was ever seen again。
  Their first thought was of their mother。
  〃Oh;〃 shuddered Leneli; 〃do you suppose our house was in the path
  of it?〃
  Seppi thought a moment; then he said soberly; 〃No; that couldn't
  be; for there is a wide hollow between our farm and the mountain…
  slope that would have to be filled first。 I'm quite sure no
  avalanche could possibly carry the house away。〃
  〃FatherFritz;〃 sobbed Leneli。
  〃They are far round on the other side of the mountain by this
  time;〃 said Seppi; 〃where the sun has not yet had so much chance
  to melt the snow and start avalanches。 They could not have been
  harmed by this one; for it fell on our side of the mountain。〃
  〃Let us start home anyway;〃 said Leneli; 〃even if it is early。 I
  can't wait until night to know that Mother and Baby Roseli are
  〃We ought to keep the goats up here eating all day;〃 objected
  Seppi; 〃or they won't give any milk to…night。〃
  〃They may not give much anyway;〃 answered Leneli; 〃because
  they've been so frightened; but we will let them go slowly and
  they can get a bite here and there as they go。〃
  She took up her alpenstock; a long stick which she always carried
  with her; hung the little bundle of lunch; tied up in a cloth;
  from the end of it; put the stick over her shoulder; and; calling
  Bello; began at once to herd the goats together。
  Seppi followed her a little doubtfully; and soon they were all on
  their way down the steep mountain path。 The sun was now shining
  again as brilliantly as ever; the white clouds were floating
  lazily across the deep blue sky; and it did not seem as if
  anything unusual could possibly have happened。
  Seppi's conscience troubled him。 〃It was only a thunder…storm
  after all;〃 he said to Leneli; 〃and the avalanche is past and
  gone。 It can't do any more harm。 I'm afraid Father wouldn't like
  us to give up and go home now。 He might think we were no better
  than babies to be so scared when we know we aren't hurt。〃
  Leneli did not answer; but she kept right on going; and for a
  time they trudged along in silence。 They had reached the Giant
  Pine where the trails divided; and had rounded a bend in the
  path; when Bello; who was a little way ahead with the goats;
  suddenly set up a furious barking。
  〃It's that Nanni; I do not doubt;〃 said Seppi。 〃She's probably
  trying to break her neck somewhere。〃 He dashed ahead and
  disappeared around a high rock; Leneli following him at a slower
  In a moment Seppi came running back to her; his face pale with
  surprise and alarm。
  〃It isn't Nanni;〃 he gasped; 〃it's the avalanche! It's all across
  the pass! We can't get by。〃
  He seized his sister's hand and dragged her to the top of the
  rock which overlooked the pass; and there they gazed in dismay at
  the scene before them。 Where that morning the procession from the
  village had so gayly followed the winding trail up the mountain…
  side; there was now a great mass of rocks; ice; and snow
  completely blocking the path。 Worse than that; the avalanche had
  made a dam across the bed of the mountain stream where the cattle
  stopped to drink; turning it into a little lake which was growing
  wider and deeper every moment。 The goats were huddled together on
  the brink; bleating anxiously; while Bello; completely
  bewildered; ran back and forth; barking wildly。
  The children knew well how serious their situation was; they were
  alone on the mountain; the only pass to the village closed; and
  without food except the lunch they had brought from home that
  morning。 For a few moments they watched the water rising steadily
  in the little lake; too terrified to speak; then Leneli said;
  〃Let's go back to the Giant Pine and think。〃
  Seppi blew his little horn; but; instead of rounding up the
  goats; Bello only looked at him and whined。 It had been a day of
  tremendous surprises to Bello。 First Fritz had left him; then
  came the thunder…storm; then starting home in the middle of the
  day instead of at the proper time; and now the path itself was
  gone! No wonder he was bewildered。 Seppi dashed down to the
  water's edge and drove the goats up the trail again himself; and
  while they snatched stray mouthfuls here and there about the pine
  tree; he and Leneli sat down under it to think。
  〃We can't get home that way; that's certain;〃 said Seppi;
  pointing to the buried pass。
  〃And we can't stay here either;〃 moaned Leneli; 〃not if there is
  a way out in any direction。〃
  〃There's the path Father and Fritz took this morning;〃 said
  Seppi。 〃We might try that。 It must go somewhere。〃
  〃Perhaps that is blocked too;〃 said Leneli。
  〃I'll go a little way and see;〃 said Seppi。 〃You stay here and
  watch the goats。〃
  〃Give me your horn; then;〃 said Leneli; 〃and I'll blow it every
  little while so you can find your way back。 You know Father
  always tells us not to leave the path because it's so easy to get
  〃That's a good idea;〃 said Seppi。 〃See if you can blow it。〃
  Leneli put it to; her lips and blew until her face was purple;
  but achieved only a dismal squawk。
  〃I'll keep the horn myself;〃 said Seppi; taking it from her; 〃and
  every little while I'll blow it。 You can answer by blowing on a
  grass stem the way you did up yonder。 Girls can't manage a horn
  Leneli was too miserable to reply; and in another minute Seppi
  had disappeared up the strange path。 For what seemed to her a
  very long time; Leneli answered the horn; as it grew fainter and
  fainter in the distance。 Finally she could not hear it at all。
  〃Oh; what shall I do if Seppi's gone too?〃 she moaned when her
  desperate signals brought no answer。
  Then her Mother's words came back to her; and; plumping herself
  down on her knees among the goats; she sent up a fervent prayer。
  〃Oh; dear God;〃 she cried; clasping her hands; 〃Mother said we
  should be very close to you on the mountain and I suppose you can
  see me and Seppi both at the same time; from where you are。
  Please; please send him back for I'm scared。 Dear God; do please
  hurry and help us find the way down the mountain before it gets
  dark and you have to go away to watch the other side of the
  world。 Amen。〃
  She rose from her knees and listened。 Far away there came the
  sound of Seppi's horn。 〃Oh; thank you; God! There he comes!〃 she
  dried joyfully; and; snatching a grass…blade; she put it between
  her thumbs and gave an answering blast。
  Soon Seppi himself came bounding into sight。 〃Come along;〃 he
  shouted; waving his hand frantically toward the path; and Leneli
  at once called Bello; and together they started the goats。
  〃The avalanche must have begun on the other side of our pass;〃
  said Seppi when Leneli caught up with him。 〃There's no sign of it
  on this side。〃
  〃Maybe if we follow far enough we'll find Father and Fritz;〃 said
  Leneli; brightening。
  〃I thought of that; too;〃 answered Seppi; 〃but if there is any
  way to get down the mountain; I think we ought to do it on
  Mother's account。 Father and Fritz won't know about it; so they
  won't be anxious; but if we don't get home Mother will think we
  are killed。〃
  〃Oh; I wish we could fly;〃 said Leneli。
  〃Then we must wish for wings on the goats too;〃 said Seppi; 〃for
  you know Father said we must take care of them whatever happens。〃
  Sad and frightened though she was; Leneli giggled a little at
  that。 〃Wouldn't they look funny flying through the air with you
  and me and Bello all flopping after them?〃 she said。 〃Anyway;
  they might go a little faster than they do now;〃 she added
  impatiently; giving Nanni a poke with her stick。
  〃They are hungry;〃 said Seppi。 〃They hardly had time to eat
  anything before the storm came up。〃
  Then a bright idea came into his head。 〃I'm hungry; too;〃 he
  said; 〃and so are you。 Let's eat our lunch while the goats get a
  few mouthfuls among the rocks; and then we shall all have more
  strength and shall get along faster。〃
  The sun was already dipping toward the west when they finished
  the last crumb of their bread and cheese; washed it down with a
  drink from the mountain stream; and started once more on their
  journey。 They followed the path without much difficulty; for it
  had been trampled by the feet of many cattle that morning; and at
  the end of an hour had covered several miles without meeting a
  person or finding any sign of human habitation The way grew
  wilder and wilder and wound slowly upward。
  〃It's going to be dark pretty soon;〃 said Leneli at last