第 39 节
作者:大热      更新:2023-01-03 17:22      字数:8938
  and most familiar topic: him 。
  “You’re a rather deft liar; Andrea。 To an untrained ear that almost
  sounded believable; but you know what they say; don’t you? You can’t
  bullshit a bullshitter。 Don’t worry; though。 I’ll let you get away
  with it this time。” I opened my mouth to deny the accusation; but
  instead I just laughed。 A perceptive one indeed。 “Let me get right
  to the point here; because I’m about to get on a plane for D。C。 and
  security doesn’t look all too happy that I’m walking through a metal
  detector while talking on the phone。 Do you have plans for Saturday
  I hated when people phrased their questions that way; asked if you
  had plans before they told you what they had in mind。 Did his
  girfriend need someone to run errands for her and he thought I fit
  the bill? Or maybe he needed someone to walk his dog while he gave
  yet another eight…hour…long interview to theNew York Times ? I was
  considering what nonmittal way I could answer that question when
  he said; “So; I have a reservation at Babbo this Saturday。 Nine
  o’clock。 A bunch of friends will be there; too; mostly magazine
  editors and pretty interesting people。 An editor fromThe Buzz; and a
  couple writers fromThe New Yorker 。 Good crowd。 You up for it?” At
  that exact moment; an ambulance roared past me with its siren
  wailing; lights flashing in a fruitless attempt to speed through the
  hopelessly gridlocked traffic。 As usual; the drivers ignored the
  ambulance and it sat at the red light like all the other vehicles。
  Had he just asked me out? Yes; I thought that’s exactly what had
  just happened。 He was asking me out! He was asking me out。 Christian
  Collinsworth was asking me on a date—a Saturday…night date; to be
  specific; and to Babbo; where he just so happened to have a
  prime…time reservation with a group of smart; interesting people;
  people just like him。 Never even mind theNew Yorkerwriters! I racked
  my brain; trying to remember if I’d mentioned to him at the party
  that Babbo was the one restaurant I most wanted to try in New York;
  that I loved Italian and knew how much Miranda loved it and I was
  dying to go。 I’d even thought about blowing a week’s pay on a meal
  and had called to make a reservation for Alex and me; but they’d
  been booked solid for the next five months。 I hadn’t been asked on a
  date by anyone other than Alex in three years。
  “Um; Christian; golly; I’d love to;” I started; trying to forget
  immediately that I’d just said “golly。”Golly! Who said that? The
  scene where Baby proudly announces to Johnny that she’d carried a
  watermelon flashed to mind; but I pushed it back and willed myself
  to forge forward despite the humiliation。 “I’d really love to”—yes;
  you idiot; you just said that; try to make some progress here—“but I
  just can’t do it。 I; um; I already have plans for Saturday。” A good
  response overall; I thought。 I was shouting over the noise of the
  siren; but I thought I still sounded somewhat dignified。 No need to
  be available for a date that was only two days away; and no real
  need to reveal existence of boyfriend 。 。 。 after all; it really
  wasn’t any of his Business。 Right?
  “Do you really have plans; Andrea; or do you think your boyfriend
  would disapprove of you going out with another man?” He was Fishing;
  I could tell。
  “Either way has nothing to do with you;” I said prissily; and I
  actually rolled my eyes at myself。 I crossed Third Avenue without
  noticing that the light was against me and almost got mowed down by
  a minivan。
  “OK; well; I’ll let you off this time。 But I’ll be asking again。 And
  I think next time you’ll say yes。”
  “Oh; really? What gives you that impression?” The confidence that
  had seemed so sexy before was now starting to sound a whole lot like
  arrogance。 The only problem was that it made him sound even sexier。
  “Just a hunch; Andrea; just a hunch。 And no need to worry that
  pretty little head of yours—or your boyfriend’s—I was just extending
  a friendly invitation for a good meal and good pany。 Maybe he’d
  like to join us; Andrea? Your boyfriend。 He must be a great guy; I’d
  really like to meet him。”
  “No!” I almost shouted; horrified at the thought of the two of them
  sitting across a table from each other; each so amazing in such
  radically different ways。 I’d be ashamed for Christian to see Alex’s
  wholesomeness; his do…gooder ways。 To Christian; Alex would seem
  like a naï;ve hick。 And I’d be even more ashamed for Alex to see;
  with his own eyes; all the ugly things I found so incredibly
  attractive about Christian: the style; the cockiness; a
  self…assuredness so rock…solid it seemed impossible to insult him。
  “No。” I laughed or; rather; forced a laugh; as I tried to make it
  sound casual。 “I’m not so sure that’s a good idea。 Although I’m sure
  he’d just love to meet you; too。”
  He laughed with me; but it had turned mocking; patronizing。 “I was
  just kidding; Andrea。 I’m sure your boyfriend’s a really great guy;
  but I’m not particularly interested in meeting him。”
  “Well; of course。 Sure。 I mean; I knew what you—”
  “Listen; I’ve got to run。 Why don’t you give me a call if you change
  your mind 。 。 。 or your ‘plans;’ OK? Offer’s still open。 Oh; and
  have a great day。” And before I could say another word; he’d hung
  What the hell had just happened? I ran through it again: Hot Smart
  Writer had somehow found my cell number; called it; and fully asked
  me on a date for Saturday night to Hot Trendy Restaurant。 I wasn’t
  clear whether he knew ahead of time if I had a boyfriend or not; but
  he didn’t appear particularly daunted by the information。 The only
  thing I knew for sure was that I’d spent way too long chatting on
  the phone; a fact confirmed by a quick glance at my watch。 It had
  been thirty…two minutes since I’d left the office; longer than the
  time it usually took me to get lunch and e back。
  I stashed the phone and realized I had already made it to the
  restaurant。 I pulled open the lumbering wooden door and stepped into
  the hushed; darkened dining room。 Even though every table was filled
  with midtown bankers and lawyers gnawing on their favorite steaks;
  there was barely any noise at all; as if the plush carpeting and
  manly color scheme just absorbed all the sound。
  “Andrea!” I heard Sebastian cry from the hostess stand。 He beelined
  toward me as though I might be holding the last of a life…saving
  medication。 “We’re just all so glad you’re here!” Two young girls in
  crisp gray skirt suits nodded seriously behind him。
  “Oh; really? Why is that?” I could never help myself toying with
  Sebastian; just a little。 He was such an unbelievable kiss…ass。
  He leaned over conspiratorially; his excitement palpable。 “Well; you
  know how the entire staff here at Smith and Wollensky feels about
  Ms。 Priestly; don’t you?Runway is such a gorgeous magazine; what
  with all the beautiful shoots and stunning style and; of course;
  fascinating; literate articles。 We all just adore it!”
  “Literate articles; huh?” I asked; suppressing the huge smile that
  was threatening to emerge。 He nodded proudly and turned as one of
  the suited helpers tapped him on the shoulder to hand him a tote
  He literally cried out in joy。 “Ah…hah! Here we have it; one
  perfectly prepared lunch for one perfect editor—and one perfect
  assistant;” he added while winking at me。
  “Thank you; Sebastian; we both appreciate it。” I opened the natural
  cotton tote; a bag that looked just like thoseüber …cool ones from
  the Strand that all the NYU students slung over their shoulder; but
  without the logo; and made sure everything was right。
  One…and…a…quarter…pound ribeye; bleeding all over the container; so
  raw it just might not have been cooked at all。 Check。 Two baked
  potatoes the size of small kittens; each steaming hot。 Check。 One
  small side container of smashed potatoes; made soft with lots of
  heavy cream and extra butter。 Check。 Precisely eight perfect stalks
  of asparagus with the tips looking plump and juicy and the ends
  shaved to a clean; white finish。 Check。 There was also a metal gravy
  boat full of softened butter; a pinch…box overflowing with grainy
  kosher salt; a wooden…handled steak knife; and a crisp white linen
  napkin; which today was folded into the shape of a pleated skirt。
  How adorable。 Sebastian waited to see if I liked it。
  “Very nice; Sebastian;” I said as though I were praising a puppy for
  going number two outside。 “You really outdid yourself today。”
  He beamed and then look