第 80 节
作者:谁知道呢      更新:2022-11-28 19:13      字数:9305
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  Once again I felt oddly off balance; waiting for reactions my body wasn't capable of anymore。 My heart
  should have been thundering like a steam engine about to hit us。 Deafening。 My cheeks should have been
  brilliant red。
  For that matter; I ought to have been exhausted。 This had been the longest day of my life。
  I laughed out loud—just one quiet little laugh of shock—when I realized that this day would never end。
  〃Do I get to hear the joke?〃
  〃It's not a very good one;〃 I told him as he led the way to the little rounded door。 〃I was just thinking
  —today is the first and last day of forever。 It's kind of hard to wrap my head around it。 Even with all this
  extra room for wrapping。〃 I laughed again。
  He chuckled with me。 He held his hand out toward the doorknob; waiting for me to do the honors。 I
  stuck the key in the lock and turned it。
  〃You're such a natural at this; Bella; I forget how very strange this all must be for you。 I wish I could
  hear it。〃 He ducked down and yanked me up into his arms so fast that I didn't see it coming—and that
  was really something。
  〃Thresholds are part of my job description;〃 he reminded me。 〃But I'm curious。 Tell me what you're
  thinking about right now。〃
  He opened the door—it fell back with a barely audible creak—and stepped through into the little stone
  living room。
  〃Everything;〃 I told him。 〃All at the same time; you know。 Good things and things to worry about and
  things that are new。 How I keep using too many superlatives in my head。 Right now; I'm thinking that
  Esme is an artist。 It's so perfect!〃
  The cottage room was something from a fairy tale。 The floor was a crazy quilt of smooth; flat stones。 The
  low ceiling had long exposed beams that someone as tall as Jacob would surely knock his head on。 The
  walls were warm wood in some places; stone mosaics in others。 The beehive fireplace in the corner held
  the remains of a slow flickering fire。 It was driftwood burning there—the low flames were blue and green
  from the salt。
  It was furnished in eclectic pieces; not one of them matching another; but harmonious just the same。 One
  chair seemed vaguely medieval; while a low ottoman by the fire was more contemporary and the stocked
  bookshelf against the far window reminded me of movies set in Italy。 Somehow each piece fit together
  with the others like a big three…dimensional puzzle。 There were a few paintings on the walls that I
  recognized—some of my very favorites from the big house。 Priceless originals; no doubt; but they
  seemed to belong here; too; like all the rest。
  It was a place where anyone could believe magic existed。 A place where you just expected Snow White
  to walk right in with her apple in hand; or a unicorn to stop and nibble at the rosebushes。
  Edward had always thought that he belonged to the world of horror stories。 Of course; I'd known he
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  was dead wrong。 It was obvious that he belonged here。 In a fairy tale。
  And now I was in the story with him。
  I was about to take advantage of the fact that he hadn't gotten around to setting me back on my feet and
  that his wits…scramblingly beautiful face was only inches away when he said; 〃We're lucky Esme thought
  to add an extra room。 No one was planning for Ness—Renesmee。〃
  I frowned at him; my thoughts channeled down a less pleasant path。
  〃Not you; too;〃 I complained。
  〃Sorry; love。 I hear it in their thoughts all the time; you know。 It's rubbing off on me。〃
  I sighed。 My baby; the sea serpent。 Maybe there was no help for it。 Well; /wasn't giving in。
  Tm sure you're dying to see the closet。 Or; at least I'll tell Alice that you were; to make her feel good。〃
  〃Should I be afraid?〃
  He carried me down a narrow stone hallway with tiny arches in the ceiling; like it was our own miniature
  〃That will be Renesmee's room;〃 he said; nodding to an empty room with a pale wooden floor。 〃They
  didn't have time to do much with it; what with the angry werewolves___〃
  I laughed quietly; amazed at how quickly everything had turned right when it had all had looked so
  nightmarish just a week ago。
  Drat Jacob for making everything perfect this way。
  〃Here's our room。 Esme tried to bring some of her island back here for us。 She guessed that we would
  get attached。〃
  The bed was huge and white; with clouds of gossamer floating down from the canopy to the floor。 The
  pale wood floor matched the other room; and now I grasped that it was precisely the color of a pristine
  beach。 The walls were that almost…white…blue of a brilliant sunny day; and the back wall had big glass
  doors that opened into a little hidden garden。 Climbing roses and a small round pond; smooth as a mirror
  and edged with shiny stones。 A tiny; calm ocean for us。
  〃Oh〃 was all I could say。
  〃I know;〃 he whispered。
  We stood there for a minute; remembering。 Though the memories were human and clouded; they took
  over my mind completely。
  He smiled a wide; gleaming smile and then laughed。 〃The closet is through those double doors。 I should
  warn you—it's bigger than this room。〃
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  I didn't even glance at the doors。 There was nothing else in the world but him again—his arms curled
  under me; his sweet breath on my face; his lips just inches from mine—and there was nothing that could
  distract me now; newborn vampire or not。
  〃We're going to tell Alice that I ran right to the clothes;〃 I whispered; twisting my fingers into his hair and
  pulling my face closer to his。 〃We're going to tell her I spent hours in there playing dress…up。 We're going
  to lie〃
  He caught up to my mood in an instant; or maybe he'd already been there; and he was just trying to let
  me fully appreciate my birthday present; like a gentleman。 He pulled my face to his with a sudden
  fierceness; a low moan in his throat。 The sound sent the electric current running through my body into a
  near…frenzy; like I couldn't get close enough to him fast enough。
  I heard the fabric tearing under our hands; and I was glad my clothes; at least; were already destroyed。
  It was too late for his。 It felt almost rude to ignore the pretty white bed; but we just weren't going to
  make it that far。
  This second honeymoon wasn't like our first。
  Our time on the island had been the epitome of my human life。 The very best of it。 I'd been so ready to
  string along my human time; just to hold on to what I had with him for a little while longer。 Because the
  physical part wasn't going to be the same ever again。
  I should have guessed; after a day like today; that it would be better。
  I could really appreciate him now—could properly see every beautiful line of his perfect face; of his long;
  flawless body with my strong new eyes; every angle and every plane of him。 I could taste his pure; vivid
  scent on my tongue and feel the unbelievable silkiness of his marble skin under my sensitive fingertips。
  My skin was so sensitive under his hands; too。
  He was all new; a different person as our bodies tangled gracefully into one on the sand…pale floor。 No
  caution; no restraint。 No fear—especially not that。 We could love together— both active participants
  now。 Finally equals。
  Like our kisses before; every touch was more than I was used to。 So much of himself he'd been holding
  back。 Necessary at the time; but I couldn't believe how much I'd been missing。
  I tried to keep in mind that I was stronger than he was; but it was hard to focus on anything with
  sensations so intense; pulling my attention to a million different places in my body every second; if I hurt
  him; he didn't complain。
  A very; very small part of my head considered the interesting conundrum presented in this situation。 I
  was never going to get tired; and neither was he。 We didn't have to catch our breath or rest or eat or
  even use the bathroom; we had no more mundane human needs。 He had the most beautiful; perfect body
  in the world and I had him all to myself; and it didn't feel like I was ever going to find a point where I
  would think; Now I've had enough for one day。 I was always going to want more。 And the day was
  never going to end。 So; in such a situation; how did we ever stop?
  It didn't bother me at all that I had no answer。
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  I sort of noticed when the sky began to lighten。 The tiny ocean outside turned from black to gray; and a
  lark started to sing somewhere very close by—maybe she had a nest in the roses。
  〃Do you