第 52 节
作者:谁知道呢      更新:2022-11-28 19:13      字数:9315
  Tillet you know。〃
  It felt good to get back to my animal self。 I was stiff from sitting still for so long。 I extended my stride;
  working out the kinks。
  Morning; Jacob;Leah greeted me。
  Good; you're up。 How long's Seth been out?
  Not out yet;Seth thought sleepily。 Almost there。 What do you need?
  You think you got another hour in you?
  Sure thing。 No problem。Seth got to his feet right away; shaking out his fur。
  Let's make the deep run;Itold Leah。 Seth; take the perimeter。
  Gotcha。Seth broke into an easy jog。
  Off on another vampire errand;Leah grumbled。
  You got a problem with that?
  Of course not。 I just love to coddle those darling leeches。
  Good。 Let's see how fast we can run。
  Okay; I'm definitely up forthat/
  Leah was on the far western rim of the perimeter。 Rather than cut close to the Cullens' house; she stuck
  to the circle as she raced around to meet me。 I sprinted off straight east; knowing that even with the head
  start; she'd be
  passing me soon if I took it easy for even a second。
  Nose to the ground; Leah。 This isn't a race; it's a reconnaissance mission。
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  I can do both and still kick your butt
  I gave her that one。 / know。
  She laughed。
  We took a winding path through the eastern mountains。 It wasa familiar route。 We'd run these mountains
  when the vampires had left a year ago; making it part of our patrol route to better protect the people
  here。 Then we'd pulled back the lines when the Cullens returned。 This was their treaty land。
  But that fact would probably mean nothing to Sam now。 The treaty was dead。 The question today was
  how thin he was willing to spread his force。 Was he looking for stray Cullens to poach on their land or
  not? Had Jared spoken the truth or taken advantage of the silence between us?
  We got deeper and deeper into the mountains without finding any trace of the pack。 Fading vampire
  trails were everywhere; but the scents were familiar now。 I was breathing them in all day long。
  I founda heavy; somewhat recent concentration on one particular trail—all of them coming and going
  here except for Edward。 Some reason for gathering that must have been forgotten when Edward brought
  his dying pregnant wife home。 I gritted my teeth。 Whatever it was; it had nothing to do with me。
  Leah didn't push herself past me; though she could have now。 I was paying more attention to each new
  scent than I was to the speed contest。 She kept to my right side; running with me rather than racing
  against me。
  Were getting pretty far out here;she commented。
  Yeah。 If Sam was hunting strays; we should have crossed his trail by now。
  Makes more sense right now for him to bunker down in La Push;Leah thought。 He knows we're giving
  the bloodsuckers three extra sets of eyes and legs。 He's not going to be able to surprise them。
  This was just a precaution; really。
  Wouldn't want our precious parasites taking unnecessary chances。
  Nope;I agreed; ignoring the sarcasm。
  You've changed so much; Jacob。 Talk about one…eighties。
  You're not exactly the same Leah I've always known and loved; either。
  True。 Am I less annoying than Paul now?
  Amazingly。。。 yes。
  Ah; sweet success。
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  We ran in silence again then。 It was probably time to turn around; but neither of us wanted to。 It felt nice
  to run like this。 We'd been staring at the same small circle of atrail for too long。 It felt good to stretch our
  muscles and take the rugged terrain。 We weren't in a huge hurry; so I thought maybe we should hunt on
  the way back。 Leah was pretty
  Yum; yum;she thought sourly。
  It's all in your head;I told her。 That's the way wolves eat。 It's natural。 It tastes fine。 If you didn't
  think about it from a human perspective—
  Forget the pep talk; Jacob。 I'll hunt I don't have to like it
  Sure; sure;I agreed easily。 It wasn't my business if she wanted to make things harder for herself。
  She didn't add anything for a few minutes; I started thinking about turning back。
  Thank you;Leah suddenly told me in a much different tone。
  For letting me be。 For letting me stay。 You've been nicer than I had any right to expect; Jacob。
  Er; no problem。 Actually; I mean that。 I don't mind having you here like I thought I would。
  She snorted; but it was a playful sound。 What a glowing commendation!
  Don't let it go to your head。
  Okay— if you don't let this go to yours。She paused for a second。 / think you make a good Alpha。
  Not in the same way Sam does; but in your own way。 You're worth following; Jacob。
  My mind went blank with surprise。 It took me a second to recover enough to respond。
  Er; thanks。 Not totally sure I'll be able to stop that one from going to my head; though。 Where did that
  come from?
  She didn't answer right away; and I followed the wordless direction of her thoughts。 She was thinking
  about the future—about what I'd said to Jared the other morning。 About how the time would be up soon;
  and then I'd go back to the forest。 About how I'd promised that she and Seth would return to the pack
  when the Cullens were gone___
  / want to stay with you; she told me。
  The shock shot through my legs; locking my joints。 She blew past me and then put on the brakes。
  Slowly; she walked back to where I was frozen in place。
  / won't be a pain; I swear。 I won't follow you around。 You can go wherever you want; and I'll go
  where I want。 You'll only have to put up with me when we're both wolves。 She paced back and forth
  in front of me; swishing her long gray tail nervously。 And; as I'm planning on quitting as soon as I can
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  manage it。。。 maybe that won't be so often。
  I didn't know what to say。
  I'm happier now; as a part of your pack; than I have been in years。
  I want to stay; too;Seth thought quietly。 I hadn't realized he'd been paying much attention to us as he ran
  the perimeter。 / like this pack。
  Hey; now! Seth; this isn't going to be a pack much longer。I tried to put my thoughts together so they
  would convince him。 We've got a purpose now; but when。。。 after that's over; I'm just going to go
  wolf。 Seth; you need a purpose。 You're a good kid。 You're the kind of person who always has a
  crusade。 And there's no way you're leaving La Push now。 You're going to graduate from high
  school and do something with your life。 You're going to take care of Sue。
  My issues are not going to mess up your future。
  But —
  Jacob is rightLeah seconded。
  You're agreeing with me?
  Of course。 But none of that applies tome。 / was on my way out anyway。 I'll get a job somewhere
  away from La Push。 Maybe take some courses at a community college。 Get into yoga and
  meditation to work on my temper issues。。。。 And stay a part of this pack for the sake of my mental
  well…being。 Jacob— you can see how that makes sense; right? I won't bother you; you won't
  bother me; everyone is happy。
  I turned back and started loping slowly toward the west。
  This is a bit much to deal with; Leah。 Let me think about it; 'kay?
  Sure。 Take your time。
  It took us longer to make the run back。 I wasn't trying for speed。 I was just trying to concentrate enough
  that I wouldn't plow headfirst into a tree。 Seth was grumbling a little bit in the back of my head; but I was
  able to ignore him。 He knew I was right。 He wasn't going to abandon his mom。 He would go back to La
  Push and protect the tribe like he should。
  But I couldn't see Leah doing that。 And that was just plain scary。
  A pack of the two of us? No matter the physical distance; I couldn't imagine the。。。 the intimacy of that
  situation。 I wondered if she'd really thought it through; or if she was just desperate to stay free。
  Leah didn't say anything as I chewed it over。 It was like she was trying to prove how easy it would be if
  it was just us。
  We ran into a herd of black…tailed deer just as the sun was coming up; brightening the clouds a little bit
  behind us。 Leah sighed internally but didn't hesitate。 Her lunge was clean and efficient—graceful; even。
  She took down the largest one; the buck; before the startled animal fully understood the danger。
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  Not to be outdone; I swooped down on the next largest deer; snapping her neck between my jaws
  quickly; so she wouldn't feel unnecessary pain。 I could feel Leah's disgust warring with her h