第 36 节
作者:谁知道呢      更新:2022-11-28 19:13      字数:9314
  I had to warn the Cullens before the pack could get it together and stop me。 If the Cullens were
  prepared;it might give Sam a reason to rethink this before it was too late。 I sprinted toward the white
  house Istill hated; leaving my home behindme。 Home didn't belong to me anymore。 I'd turned my back
  on it。
  Today had begun like any other day。 Made it home from patrol with the rainy sunrise; breakfast with
  Billy and Rachel; bad TV; bickering withPaul。。。 How did it change so completely; turn all surreal? How
  did everything get messed up and twisted so that I was here now; all alone; an unwilling Alpha; cut off
  from my brothers; choosing vampires over them?
  The sound I'd been fearing interrupted my dazed thoughts—it was the soft impact of big paws against
  the ground; chasing after me。 I threw myself forward; rocketing through the black forest。 I just had to get
  close enough so that Edward could hear the warning in my head。 Leah wouldn't be able to stop me
  And then I caught the mood of the thoughts behind me。 Not anger; but enthusiasm。 Not chasing。。。 but
  My stride broke。 I staggered two steps before it evened out again。
  Wait up。 My legs aren't as long as yours。
  SETH! What do you think you're DOING? GO HOME!
  He didn't answer; but I could feel his excitement as he kept right on after me。 I could see through his
  eyes as he
  could see through mine。 The night scene was bleak for me—fullof despair。 For him; it was hopeful。
  I hadn't realized I was slowing down; but suddenly he was on my flank; running in position beside me。
  / am not joking; Seth! This is no place for you。 Get out of here。
  The gangly tan wolf snorted。 I've got your back; Jacob。 I think you're right。 And I'm not going to
  stand behind Sam when—
  Oh yes you are the hell going to stand behind Sam! Get your furry butt back to La Push and do what
  Sam tells you to do。
  Go; Seth!
  Is that anorder。 Jacob?
  His question brought me up short。 I skidded to a halt; my nails gouging furrows in the mud。
  I'm not ordering anyone to do anything。 I'm just telling you what you already know。
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  He plopped down on his haunches beside me。 /'// tell you what I know —I know that it's awful quiet。
  Haven't you noticed?
  I blinked。 My tail swished nervously as I realized what he was thinking underneath the words。 It wasn't
  quiet in one sense。 Howls still filled the air; far away in the west。
  They haven't phased back;Seth said。
  I knew that。 The pack would be on red alert now。 They would be using the mind link to see all sides
  clearly。 But I couldn't hear what they were thinking。 I could only hear Seth。 No one else。
  Looks to me like separate packs aren't linked。 Huh。 Guess there was no reason for our fathers to know
  that before。 'Cause there was no reason for separate packs before。 Never enough wolves for two。 Wow。
  It'sreally quiet。 Sort of eerie。 But also kinda nice; don't you think? I bet it was easier; like this; for
  Ephraim and Quil and Levi。 Not such a babble with just three。 Or just two。
  Shut up; Seth。
  Yes; sir。
  Stop that! There are not two packs。 There is THE pack; and then there is me。 That's all。 So you can go
  home now。
  If there aren't two packs; then why can we hear each other and not the rest? I think that when you
  turned your back on Sam; that was a pretty significant move。 A change。 And when I followed you away;
  I think that was significant; too。
  You've got a point;I conceded。 But what can change can change right back。
  He got up and started trotting toward the east。 No time to argue about it now。 We should be moving
  right along before Sam。。。
  He was right about that part。 There was no time for this argument。 Ifell into a run again; not pushing
  myself quite as hard。 Seth stayed on my heels; holding the Second's traditional place on my right flank。
  / can run somewhere else; he thought; his nose dipping a little。 / didn't follow you because I was after
  a promotion。
  Run wherever you want。 Makes no difference to me。
  There was no sound of pursuit; but we both stepped it up a little at the same time。 I was worried now。 If
  I couldn't tap into the pack's mind; it was going to make this more difficult。 I'd have no more advance
  warning of attack than the Cullens。
  We'll run patrols;Seth suggested。
  And what do we do if the pack challenges us?My eyes tightened。 Attack our brothers? Your sister?
  No— we sound the alarm and fall back。
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  Good answer。 But then what? I don't think。。。
  I know;he agreed。 Less confident now。 / don't think I can fight them; either。 But they won't be any
  happier with the idea of attacking us than we are with attacking them。 That might be enough to
  stop them right there。 Pius; there're only eight of them now。
  Stop being so。。。Took me a minute to decide on the right word。 Optimistic。 It's getting on my nerves。
  No problem。 You want me to be all doom and gloom; or just shut up?
  Just shut up。
  Can do。
  Really? Doesn't seem like it。
  He was finally quiet。
  And then we were across the road and moving through the forest that ringed the Cullens' house。 Could
  Edward hear us yet?
  Maybe we should be thinking something like;'We come in peace。〃
  Go for it
  Edward?He called the name tentatively。 Edward; you there? Okay; now I feel kinda stupid。
  You sound stupid; too。
  Think he can hear us?
  We were less than a mile out now。 / think so。 Hey; Edward。 If you can hear me— circle the wagons;
  bloodsucker。 You've got a problem。
  We've got a problem; Seth corrected。
  Then we broke through the trees into the big lawn。 The house was dark; but not empty。 Edward stood
  on the porch between Emmett and Jasper。 They were snow white in the pale light。
  〃Jacob? Seth? What's going on?〃
  I slowed and then paced back a few steps。 The smell was so sharp through this nose that it felt like it
  was honestly burning me。 Seth whined quietly; hesitating; and then he fell back behind me。
  To answer Edward's question; I let my mind run over the confrontation with Sam; moving through it
  backward。 Seth thought with me; filling in the gaps; showing the scene from another angle。 We stopped
  when we got to the part
  about the 〃abomination;〃 because Edward hissed furiously and leaped off the porch。
  〃They want to kill Bella?〃 he snarled flatly。
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  Emmett and Jasper; not having heard the first part of the conversation; took his inflectionless question for
  a statement。 They were right next to him in a flash; teeth exposed as they moved on us。
  Hey; now;Seth thought; backing away。
  〃Em; Jazz—not theml The others。 The pack is coming。〃
  Emmett and Jasper rocked back on their heels; Emmett turned to Edward while Jasper kept his eyes
  locked on us。
  〃What's their problem?〃 Emmett demanded。
  〃The same one as mine;〃 Edward hissed。 〃But they have their own plan to handle it。 Get the others。 Call
  Carlisle! He and Esme have to get back here now。〃
  I whined uneasily。 They were separated。
  〃They aren't far;〃 Edward said in the same dead voice as before。
  I'm going to go take a look;Seth said。 Run the western perimeter。
  〃Will you be in danger; Seth?〃 Edward asked。
  Seth and I exchanged a glance。
  Don't think so;we thought together。 And then I added; But maybe I should go。 Just in case。。。
  They'll be less likely to challenge me;Seth pointed out。 I'm just a kid to them。
  You're just a kid to me; kid。
  I'm outta here。 You need to coordinate with the Cullens。
  He wheeled and darted into the darkness。 I wasn't going to order Seth around; so I let him go。
  Edward and I stood facing each other in the dark meadow; i could hear Emmett muttering into his
  phone。 Jasper was watching the place where Seth had vanished into the woods。 Alice appeared on the
  porch and then; after staring at me with anxious eyes for a long moment; she flitted to Jasper's side。 I
  guessed that Rosalie was inside with Bella。 Still guarding her—from the wrong dangers。
  〃This isn't the first time I've owed you my gratitude; Jacob;〃 Edward whispered。 〃I would never have
  asked for this from you。〃
  I thought of what he'd asked me for earlier today。 When it came to Bella; there were no lines he
  wouldn't cross。 Yeah; you would。
  He thought about it and then nodded。 〃I suppose you're right about that。〃
  I sighed heavily。 Well; this isn't the first time that I didn't do it for you。
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