第 16 节
作者:寻找山吹      更新:2022-11-28 19:12      字数:9322
  … Page 53…
  But    Terry   freed   herself   with   a  final  jerk  and   whipped     around    the
  counter。     The two; who had been talking together in an undertone; turned
  to   welcome   her。     〃We've   got   a   half…hour。    Come   on。     It's   just   over   to
  Clark and up a block or so。〃
  The   University   Inn;   that   gloriously   intercollegiate   institution   which
  welcomes any  graduate   of any  school of   experience; was situated in the
  basement;   down   a   flight   of   stairs。   Into   the   unwonted   quiet   that   reigns
  during the hour of low potentiality; between five and six; the three went;
  and seated themselves at a table in an obscure corner。                 A waiter brought
  them     things   in  little  glasses;   though    no   order   had   been   given。    The
  woman who had been Ruby Watson was so silent as to be almost wordless。
  But the man talked rapidly。          He talked well; too。        The same quality that
  enabled   him;   voiceless   though   he   was;   to   boost   a   song   to   success   was
  making his plea sound plausible in Terry's ears now。
  〃I've got to go and make up in a few minutes。              So get this。     I'm not
  going to stick down in this basement eating house forever。                    I've got too
  much talent。 If I only had a voiceI mean a singing voice。                But I haven't。
  But then; neither had Georgie Cohan; and I can't see that it wrecked his
  life any。 Now listen。       I've got a song。      It's my own。      That bit you played
  for me up at Gottschalk's is part of the chorus。              But it's the words that'll
  go    big。   They're     great。    It's  an   aviation   song;    see?   Airplane      stuff。
  They're yelling that it's the airyoplanes that're going to win this war。               Well;
  I'll   help   'em。  This   song   is   going   to   put   the   aviator   where   he   belongs。
  It's going to be the big song   of the   war。         It's going to make   ‘Tipperary'
  sound like a Moody and Sankey hymn。                It's the〃
  Ruby lifted her heavy…lidded eyes and sent him a meaning look。                   〃Get
  down   to   business;   Leon。      I'll   tell   her   how   good   you   are   while   you're
  making up。〃
  He shot her a malignant glance; but took her advice。                〃Now what I've
  been looking for for years is somebody who has got the music knack to
  give me the accompaniment just a quarter of a jump ahead of my voice;
  see?     I can follow like a lamb; but I've got to have that feeler first。               It's
  more than a knack。         It's a gift。  And you've got it。        I know it when I see
  … Page 54…
  it。   I want to get away from this night…club thing。              There's nothing in it
  for a man of my talent。          I'm gunning for bigger game。            But they won't
  sign me without a tryout。         And when they hear my voice they Well; if
  me and you work together we can fool 'em。                 The song's great。       And my
  make…up's one of these aviation costumes to go with the song; see?                   Pants
  tight in the knee and baggy on the hips。              And a coat with one of those
  full…skirt whaddyoucall… 'ems〃
  〃Peplums;〃 put in Ruby; placidly。
  〃Sure。     And     the  girls'll  be  wild   about   it。  And     the  words!〃     He
  began to sing; gratingly off key:
  Put on your sky clothes;                 Put on your fly clothes;                 And
  take    a  trip  with   me。           We'll    sail  so  high            Up    in  the   sky
  We'll drop a bomb from Mercury。
  〃Why; that's awfully cute!〃 exclaimed Terry。               Until now her opinion
  of Mr。 Sammett's talents had not been on a level with his。
  〃Yeah; but wait till you hear the second verse。             That's only part of the
  chorus。     You see; he's supposed to be talking to a French girl。             He says:
  ‘I'll  parlez…vous     in   Francais    plain              You'll    answer;     〃Cher
  Americain;〃               We'll both 。 。 。'〃
  The   six…o'clock   lights   blazed   up   suddenly。     A  sad…looking   group   of
  men     trailed  in  and   made     for  a  corner   where    certain   bulky;   shapeless
  bundles   were   soon   revealed   as   those   glittering   and   tortuous   instruments
  which go to make a jazz band。
  〃You better go; Lee。         The crowd comes in awful early now; with all
  these buyers in town。〃
  Both hands on the table; he half rose; reluctantly; still talking。               〃I've
  got   three   other   songs。   They   make   Gottschalk's   stuff   look   sick。      All   I
  want's   a   chance。     What   I   want   you   to   do   is   accompaniment。     On   the
  stage; see?     Grand piano。       And a swell set。       I haven't quite made up my
  mind   to   it。  But   a   kind   of   an   army   camp   room;   see? And   maybe   you
  dressed   as   Liberty。    Anyway;   it'll be   new;  and   a knockout。        If   only  we
  can   get   away   with   the   voice   thing。  Say;   if   Eddie   Foy;   all   those   years
  never had a〃
  The band opened with a terrifying clash of cymbal and thump of drum。
  … Page 55…
  〃Back at the end of my first turn;〃 he said as he Red。                Terry followed his
  lithe;   electric   figure。  She   turned   to   meet   the   heavy…lidded   gaze   of   the
  woman seated opposite。           She relaxed; then; and sat back with a little sigh。
  〃Well!     If he talks that way to the managers I don't see〃
  Ruby laughed a mirthless little laugh。             〃Talk doesn't get it over with
  the managers; honey。         You've got to deliver。〃
  〃Well; but he'sthat song is a good one。            I don't say it's as good as he
  thinks it is; but it's good。〃
  〃Yes;〃 admitted the woman; grudgingly; 〃it's good。〃
  〃Well; then?〃
  The     woman      beckoned      a   waiter;   he   nodded      and   vanished;     and
  reappeared   with   a   glass   that   was   twin   to   the   one   she   had   just   emptied。
  〃Does he look like he knew French?              Or could make a rhyme?〃
  〃But didn't he?      Doesn't he?〃
  〃The   words   were   written   by   a   little   French   girl   who   used   to   skate
  down   here   last   winter;   when   the   craze   was   on。     She   was   stuck   on   a
  Chicago kid who went over to fly for the French。〃
  〃But the music?〃
  〃There was a Russian girl who used to dance in the cabaret and she
  Terry's head came up with a characteristic little jerk。              〃I don't believe
  〃Better。〃     She    gazed    at  Terry    with   the  drowsy     look   that   was   so
  different   from   the   quick;   clear   glance   of   the   Ruby   Watson   who   used   to
  dance so nimbly in the old Bijou days。               〃What'd you and your husband
  quarrel about; Terry?〃
  Terry was furious to feel herself flushing。            〃Oh; nothing。       He justI…
  …it was Say; how did you know we'd quarreled?〃
  And   suddenly   all   the   fat   woman's   apathy   dropped   from   her   like   a
  garment and some of the old sparkle and animation illumined her heavy
  face。    She pushed her glass aside and leaned forward on her folded arms;
  so that her face was close to Terry's。
  〃Terry Sheehan; I know you've quarreled; and I know just what it was
  about。     Oh; I don't mean the very thing it was about; but the kind of thing。
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  I'm going to do something for you; Terry; that I wouldn't take the trouble
  to do for most women。            But I guess I ain't had all the softness knocked
  out of me yet; though it's a wonder。           And I guess I remember too plain the
  decent   kid   you   was   in   the   old   days。  What   was   the   name   of   that   little
  small…time house me and Jim used to play?                Bijou; that's it; Bijou。〃
  The band struck up a new tune。             Leon Sammettslim; sleek; lithe in
  his evening clothesappeared with a little fair girl in pink chiffon。                  The
  woman   reached   across   the   table   and   put   one   pudgy;   jeweled   hand   on
  Terry's arm。      〃He'll be through in ten minutes。           Now listen to me。        I left
  Jim four years ago; and there hasn't been a minute since then; day or night;
  when   I   wouldn't   have   crawled   back   to   him