第 1 节
作者:大热      更新:2022-11-23 12:13      字数:9322
  by Adelaide Ann Proctor
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  VERSE:                    A LEGEND OF
  The    lights  extinguished;     by   the  hearth   I  leant;  Half   weary    with   a
  listless   discontent。   The   flickering   giant…shadows;   gathering   near;   Closed
  round   me   with   a   dim   and   silent   fear。  All   dull;   all   dark;   save   when   the
  leaping flame; Glancing; lit up a Picture's ancient frame。 Above the hearth
  it   hung。   Perhaps   the   night;   My   foolish   tremors;   or   the   gleaming   light;
  Lent power to that Portrait dark and quaint … A Portrait such as Rembrandt
  loved   to   paint   …   The   likeness   of   a   Nun。 I   seemed   to   trace A  world   of
  sorrow in the patient face; In the thin hands folded across her breast … Its
  own and the room's shadow hid the rest。 I gazed and dreamed; and the dull
  embers stirred; Till an old legend that I once had heard Came back to me;
  linked to the mystic gloom Of that dark Picture in the ghostly room。 In the
  far  south;   where  clustering   vines   are   hung; Where   first   the  old   chivalric
  lays were sung; Where earliest smiled that gracious child of France; Angel
  and knight and fairy; called Romance; I stood one day。                  The warm blue
  June was spread Upon the earth; blue summer overhead; Without a cloud
  to fleck its radiant glare; Without a breath to stir its sultry air。 All still; all
  silent; save the sobbing rush Of rippling waves; that lapsed in silver hush
  Upon      the   beach;    where;    glittering    towards    the   strand;    The   purple
  Mediterranean kissed the land。
  All   still;   all   peaceful;   when   a   convent   chime   Broke   on   the   mid…day
  silence for a time; Then trembling into quiet; seemed to cease; In deeper
  silence and more utter peace。 So as I turned to gaze; where gleaming white;
  Half hid by shadowy trees from passers' sight; The Convent lay; one who
  had dwelt for long In that fair home of ancient tale and song; Who knew
  the story  of   each   cave   and hill; And   every  haunting   fancy  lingering still
  Within     the  land;   spake   thus   to  me;   and   told  The   Convent's     treasured
  Legend; quaint and old:
  Long   years   ago;   a   dense   and   flowering   wood;   Still   more   concealed
  where the white convent stood; Borne on its perfumed wings the title came:
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  〃Our Lady of the Hawthorns〃 is its name。 Then did that bell; which still
  rings   out   to…day;   Bid   all   the   country   rise;   or   eat;   or   pray。   Before   that
  convent   shrine;   the   haughty   knight   Passed   the   lone   vigil   of   his   perilous
  fight;   For   humbler   cottage   strife   or   village   brawl;   The  Abbess   listened;
  prayed; and settled all。 Young hearts that came; weighed down by love or
  wrong; Left her kind presence comforted and strong。 Each passing pilgrim;
  and each beggar's right Was food; and rest; and shelter for the night。 But;
  more than this; the Nuns could well impart The deepest mysteries of the
  healing art; Their store of herbs and simples was renowned; And held in
  wondering faith for miles around。 Thus strife; love; sorrow; good and evil
  fate; Found help and blessing at the convent gate。
  Of all the nuns; no heart was half so light; No eyelids veiling glances
  half as bright; No step that glided with such noiseless feet; No face that
  looked so tender or so sweet; No voice that rose in choir so pure; so clear;
  No heart to all the others half so dear; So surely touched by others' pain or
  woe;   (Guessing   the   grief   her   young   life   could   not   know;)   No   soul   in
  childlike faith so undefiled; As Sister Angela's; the 〃Convent Child。〃 For
  thus they loved to call her。        She had known No home; no love; no kindred;
  save their own。 An orphan; to their tender nursing given; Child; plaything;
  pupil; now the Bride of Heaven。 And she it was who trimmed the lamp's
  red   light   That   swung   before   the   altar;   day   and   night;   Her   hands   it   was
  whose patient skill could trace The finest broidery; weave the costliest lace;
  But most of all; her first and dearest care; The office she would never miss
  or share; Was every day to weave fresh garlands sweet; To place before the
  shrine   at   Mary's   feet。   Nature   is   bounteous   in   that   region   fair;   For   even
  winter has her blossoms there。 Thus Angela loved to count each feast the
  best;    By   telling   with   what    flowers    the  shrine    was   dressed。    In  pomp
  supreme the countless Roses passed; Battalion on battalion thronging fast;
  Each     with   a  different    banner;    flaming    bright;   Damask;      or  striped;   or
  crimson; pink; or white; Until they bowed before a newborn queen; And
  the    pure   virgin   Lily   rose   serene。   Though     Angela     always    thought     the
  Mother blest Must love the time of her own hawthorn best; Each evening
  through the year; with equal; care; She placed her flowers; then kneeling
  down in prayer; As their faint perfume rose before the shrine; So rose her
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  thoughts;   as   pure   and   as   divine。   She   knelt   until   the   shades   grew   dim
  without;   Till   one   by   one   the   altar   lights   shone   out;   Till   one   by   one   the
  Nuns; like shadows dim; Gathered around to chant their vesper hymn; Her
  voice then led the music's winged flight; And 〃Ave; Maris Stella〃 filled the
  night。   But   wherefore   linger   on   those   days   of   peace?   When   storms   draw
  near; then quiet hours must cease。 War; cruel war;  defaced the land;   and
  came So near the convent with its breath of flame; That; seeking shelter;
  frightened peasants fled; Sobbing out tales of coming fear and dread; Till
  after a fierce skirmish; down the road; One night came straggling soldiers;
  with their load Of wounded; dying comrades; and the band; Half pleading
  yet   as   if   they   could   command;   Summoned   the   trembling   Sisters;   craved
  their    care;   Then     rode    away;    and    left  the   wounded       there。   But    soon
  compassion   bade   all   fear   depart。   And   bidding   every   Sister   do   her   part;
  Some   prepare   simples;   healing   salves;   or   bands;   The   Abbess   chose   the
  more experienced hands; To dress the wounds needing most skilful care;
  Yet   even   the   youngest   Novice   took   her   share。   To Angela;   who   had   but
  ready will And tender pity; yet no special skill; Was given the charge of a
  young   foreign   knight;   Whose   wounds   were   painful;   but   whose   danger
  slight。   Day   after   day   she   watched   beside   his   bed;   And   first   in   hushed
  repose the hours fled: His feverish moans alone the silence stirred; Or her
  soft voice; uttering some pious word。 At last the fever left him; day by day
  The hours; no longer silent; passed away。 What could she speak of?                        First;
  to still his plaints; She told him legends of the martyred Saints; Described
  the pangs; which; through God's plenteous grace; Had gained their souls
  so high and bright a place。 This pious artifice soon found success … Or so
  she   fanciedfor   he   murmured   less。   So   she   described   the   glorious   pomp
  sublime;      In   which     the   chapel     shone     at  Easter     time;   The     Banners;
  Vestments; gold; and colours bright; Counted how many tapers gave their
  light; Then; in minute detail went on to say; How the High Altar looked on
  Christmas…day: The kings and shepherds; all in green and red; And a bright
  star   of   jewels   overhead。  Then   told   the   sign   by   which   they   all   had   seen;
  How   even   nature   loved   to   greet   her   Queen;   For;   when   Our   Lady's   last
  procession went Down the long garden; every head was bent; And; rosary
  in hand; each Sister prayed; As the long floating banners were displayed;
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  They struck the hawthorn boughs; and showers and showers Of buds and
  blossoms strewed her way with flowers。 The Knight unwearied listened;
  till at last; He too described the glories of his past; Tourney; and joust; and
  pageant bright and fair; And all the lovely ladies who w