第 6 节
作者:悟来悟去      更新:2022-11-23 12:12      字数:9321
  and suffering heavy loss they drew back。 Then the Danish
  archers and slingers poured in a storm of missiles; but
  these effected but little harm; as the Saxons stooped a little
  behind their closely packed line of bucklers; which were stout
  enough to keep out the shower of arrows。 All day the struggle
  continued。 Again and again the Danes strove to break the
  solid Saxon array; and with sword and battle…axe attempted
  to hew down the hedge of spears; but in vain。 At last their
  leaders; convinced that they could not overcome the obstinacy
  of the resistance; ordered their followers to feign a retreat。
  As the Danes turned to fly the Saxons set up a triumphant
  shout; and breaking up their solid phalanx rushed after them
  in complete disorder。 In vain Algar; Osgot; Toley;
  Eldred; ahd the other readers shouted to them to stand firm。
  Weary of their long inactivity; and convinced that the Danes
  were routed; the Saxons pursued them across the plain。
  Suddenly the Danish horse; who after failing to break through
  the ranks had remained apart at a short distance from the
  conflict; dashed down upon the disordered Saxons; while
  the flying infantry turning round also fell upon them with
  exulting shouts。
  Taken wholly by surprise; confused and disordered; the
  Saxons could offer no effectual opposition to the charge。 The
  Danish horse rode among them hewing and slaying; and the
  swords and battle…axes of the footmen completed the work。
  In a few minutes of all the Saxon band which had for so
  many hours successfully resisted the onslaught of the Danes;
  not one survived save a few fleet…footed young men who;
  throwing away their arms; succeeded in making their escape;
  and a little group; consisting of Algar; Toley; Eldred; and the
  other leaders who had gathered together when their men
  broke their ranks and had taken up their position on a knoll
  of ground rising above the plain。 Here for a long time they
  resisted the efforts of the whole of the Danes; surrounding
  themselves with a heap of slain; but at length one by one they
  succumbed to the Danish onslaught; each fighting valiantly
  to the last。
  》From his position at a distance Edmund watched the
  last desperate struggle。 With streaming eyes and a heart torn
  by anxiety for his father he could see the Danish foe swarming
  round the little band who defended the crest。 These
  were lost from his sight; and only the flashing of swords
  showed where the struggle was still going on in the centre of
  the confused mass。 Edmund had been on his knees for some
  time; but he now rose。
  〃Come; old boy;〃 he said to the hound; who lay beside
  him watching the distant conflict and occasionally uttering
  deep angry growls。 〃I must obey my father's last command;
  let us away。〃
  He took one more glance at the distant conflict before
  turning。 It was plain that it was nearly finished。 The swords
  had well…nigh ceased to rise and fall when he saw a sudden
  movement in the throng of Danes and suddenly a man burst
  out from them and started at headlong speed towards him;
  pursued by a number of Danes。 Even at that distance Edmund
  thought that he recognized the tall figure of his kinsman;
  but he had no time to assure himself of this; and he at once;
  accompanied by the hound; set off at the top of his speed
  from the field of battle。 He had fully a quarter of a mile
  start; and being active and hardy and accustomed to exercise
  from his childhood; he had no fear that the Danes would
  overtake him。 Still he ran his hardest。
  Looking over his shoulder from time to time he saw that
  at first the Danes who were pursuing the fugitive were gaining
  upon him also; but after a time he again increased the
  distance; while; being unencumbered with shield or heavy
  weapons; the fugitive kept the advantage he had at first gained。
  Three miles from the battle…field Edmund reached the edge
  of a wide…spreading wood。 Looking round as he entered its
  shelter he saw that the flying Saxon was still about a quarter
  of a mile behind him; and that the Danes; despairing of
  over…taking him; had ceased their pursuit。 Edmund therefore
  checked his footsteps and awaited the arrival of the fugitive;
  who he now felt certain was his kinsman。
  In a few minutes Egbert came up; having slackened his
  speed considerably when he saw that he was no longer pursued。
  He was bleeding from several wounds; and now that
  the necessity for exertion had passed he walked but feebly
  along。 Without a word he flung himself on the ground by
  Edmund and buried his face in his arms; and the lad could
  see by the shaking of his broad shoulders that he was weeping
  bitterly。 The great hound walked up to the prostrate figure
  and gave vent to a long and piteous howl; and then lying
  down by Egbert's side placed his head on his shoulder。
  Edmund wept sorely for some time; for he knew that
  his kinsman's agitation could be only caused by the
  death of his father。 At last he approached Egbert。
  〃My brave kinsman;〃 he said; 〃I need ask you no questions;
  for I know but too well that my dear father has fallen;
  but rouse yourself; I pray you; let me bandage your wounds;
  which bleed fast; for you will want all your strength; and we
  must needs pursue our way well into the forest; for with
  to…morrow's dawn the Danes will scatter over the whole country。〃
  〃Yes;〃 Egbert said; turning round and sitting up; 〃I must
  not in my grief forget my mission; and in truth I am faint
  with loss of blood。 It was well the Danes stopped when they
  did; for I felt my strength failing me; and could have held out
  but little further。 Yes; Edmund;〃 he continued; as the lad;
  tearing strips from his garments; proceeded to bandage his
  wounds; 〃your father is dead。 Nobly; indeed; did he fight;
  nobly did he die; with a circle of dead Danes around him。
  He; Algar; Toley; and myself were the last four to resist。 Back
  to back we stood; and many were the Danes who fell before
  our blows。 Toley fell first and then Algar。 The Danes closed
  closer around us。 Still we fought on; till your father was beaten
  to his knee; and then he cried to me; 'Fly; Egbert; to my son。'
  Then I flung myself upon the Danes like a wild boar upon
  the dogs; and with the suddenness of my rush and the heavy
  blows of my battle…axe cut a way for myself through them。
  It was well…nigh a miracle; and I could scarce believe it when
  I was free。 I flung away my shield and helmet as soon as I had
  well begun to run; for I felt the blood gushing out from a
  dozen wounds; and knew that I should want all my strength。
  I soon caught sight of you running ahead of me。 Had I found
  we were gaining upon you I should have turned off and made
  another way to lead the Danes aside; but I soon saw that you
  were holding your own; and so followed straight on。 My knees
  trembled; and I felt my strength was well…nigh gone; when;
  looking round; I found the Danes had desisted from their
  pursuit。 I grieve; Edmund; that I should have left the battle
  alive when all the others have died bravely; for; save a few
  fleet…footed youths; I believe that not a single Saxon has
  escaped the fight; but your father had laid his commands upon
  me; and I was forced to obey; though God knows I would
  rather have died with the heroes on that field。〃
  〃'Tis well for me that you did not; my good Egbert;〃
  Edmund said; drying his eyes; 〃for what should I have done
  in this troubled land without one protector?〃
  〃It was the thought of that;〃 Egbert said; 〃that seemed
  to give me strength as I dashed at the Danes。 And now;
  methinks; I am strong enough to walk again。 Let us make
  our way far into the forest; then we must rest for the night。
  A few hours' sleep will make a fresh man of me; and to…morrow
  morning we will go to Croyland and see what the good abbot
  your uncle proposes to do; then will we to the hut where we
  dwelt before coming hither。 We will dig up the chest and
  take out such valuables as we can carry; and then make for
  Wessex。 After this day's work I have no longer any hope that
  East Anglia will successfully oppose the Danes。 And yet the
  Angles fought well; and for every one of them who has fallen
  in these two days' fighting at least four Danes must have
  perished。 Have you food; Edmund; for in truth after such a
  day's work I would not lie down supperless?〃
  〃I have in my pouch here; Egbert; some cakes; which I
  cooked this morning; and a capon which one of the monks
  of Croyland gave me。 I was tempted to throw it away
  as I ran。〃
  〃I am right glad; Edmund; that the temptation was not
  too strong for you。 If we can find a spring we shall do well。〃
  It was now getting dark; but after an hour's walk through
  the forest they came upon a running stream。 They lit a fire
  by its side; and sitting down ate the supper; of which both
  were in much need。 Wolf shared the repast; and then the
  three lay down to sleep。 Egbert; overcome by the immense
  exertions he had made during the fight; was soon asleep; but
  Edmund; who had done his best to keep a brave face before
  his kinsman; wept for hours over the loss of his gallant
  On the following morning Egbert and Edmund started
  for Croyland。 The news of the defeat at Kesteven had already
  reached the