第 1 节
作者:冷夏      更新:2022-11-23 12:10      字数:9321
  IN times of yore there was a King and a Queen in the south of
  Ireland who had three sons; all beautiful children; but the
  Queen; their mother; sickened unto death when they were yet very
  young; which caused great grief throughout the Court; particularly
  to the King; her husband; who could in no wise be comforted。
  Seeing that death was drawing near her; she called the King to her
  and spoke as follows:
  ‘I am now going to leave you; and as you are young and in
  your prime; of course after my death you will marry again。 Now
  all the request I ask of you is that you will build a tower in an
  island in the sea; wherein you will keep your three sons until they
  are come of age and fit to do for themselves; so that they may not
  be under the power or jurisdiction of any other woman。 Neglect not
  to give them education suitable to their birth; and let them be
  trained up to every exercise and pastime requisite for king's sons to
  learn。 This is all I have to say; so farewell。'
  The King had scarce time; with tears in his eyes; to assure her
  she should be obeyed in everything; when she; turning herself in
  her bed; with a smile gave up the ghost。 Never was greater
  mourning seen than was throughout the Court and the whole
  kingdom; for a better woman than the Queen; to rich and poor;
  was not to be found in the world。 She was interred with great
  pomp and magnificence; and the King; her husband; became in
  a manner inconsolable for the loss of her。 However; he caused
  the tower to be built and his sons placed in it; under proper
  guardians; according to his promise。
  In process of time the lords and knights of the kingdom counselled
  the King (as he was young) to live no longer as he had done;
  but to take a wife; which counsel prevailing; they chose him a rich
  and beautiful princess to be his consorta neighbouring King's
  daughter; of whom he was very fond。 Not long after; the Queen
  had a fine son; which caused great feasting and rejoicing at the
  Court; insomuch that the late Queen; in a manner; was entirely
  forgotten。 That fared well; and King and Queen lived happy
  together for several years。
  At length the Queen; having some business with the hen…wife;
  went herself to her; and; after a long conference passed; was taking
  leave of her; when the hen…wife prayed that if ever she should come
  back to her again she might break her neck。 The Queen; greatly
  incensed at such a daring insult from one of her meanest subjects;
  demanded immediately the reason; or she would have her put to death。
  ‘It was worth your while; madam;' says the hen…wife; ‘to pay me
  well for it; for the reason I prayed so on you concerns you much。'
  ‘What must I pay you?' asked the Queen。
  ‘You must give me;' says she; ‘the full of a pack of wool; and I
  have an ancient crock which you must fill with butter; likewise a
  barrel which you must fill for me full of wheat。'
  ‘How much wool will it take to the pack?' says the Queen。
  ‘It will take seven herds of sheep;' said she; ‘and their increase
  for seven years。'
  ‘How much butter will it take to fill your crock?'
  ‘Seven dairies;' said she; ‘and their increase for seven years。'
  ‘And how much will it take to fill the barrel you have?' says
  the Queen。
  ‘It will take the increase of seven barrels of wheat for seven
  ‘That is a great quantity;' says the Queen; ‘but the reason
  must be extraordinary; and before I want it; I will give you all you
  ‘Well;' says the hen…wife; ‘it is because you are so stupid that
  you don't observe or find out those affairs that are so dangerous
  and hurtful to yourself and your child。'
  ‘What is that?' says the Queen。
  ‘Why;' says she; ‘the King your husband has three fine sons he
  had by the late Queen; whom he keeps shut up in a tower until
  they come of age; intending to divide the kingdom between them;
  and let your son push his fortune; now; if you don't find some
  means of destroying them; your child and perhaps yourself will be
  left desolate in the end。'
  ‘And what would you advise me to do?' said she; ‘I am
  wholly at a loss in what manner to act in this affair。'
  ‘You must make known to the King;' says the hen…wife; ‘that
  you heard of his sons; and wonder greatly that he concealed them
  all this time from you; tell him you wish to see them; and that it
  is full time for them to be liberated; and that you would be desirous
  he would bring them to the Court。 The King will then do so; and
  there will be a great feast prepared on that account; and also
  diversions of every sort to amuse the people; and in these sports;' said
  she; ‘ask the King's sons to play a game at cards with you; which
  they will not refuse。 Now;' says the hen…wife; ‘you must make a
  bargain; that if you win they must do whatever you command them;
  and if they win; that you must do whatever they command you
  to do; this bargain must be made before the assembly; and here
  is a pack of cards;' says she; ‘that I am thinking you will not
  lose by。'
  The Queen immediately took the cards; and; after returning the
  hen…wife thanks for her kind instruction; went back to the palace;
  where she was quite uneasy until she got speaking to the King in
  regard of his children; at last she broke it off to him in a very
  polite and engaging manner; so that he could see no muster or
  design in it。 He readily consented to her desire; and his sons were
  sent for to the tower; who gladly came to Court; rejoicing that they
  were freed from such confinement。 They were all very handsome;
  and very expert in all arts and exercises; so that they gained the
  love and esteem of all that had seen them。
  The Queen; more jealous with them than ever; thought it an age
  until all the feasting and rejoicing was over; that she might get
  making her proposal; depending greatly on the power of the hen…
  wife's cards。 At length this royal assembly began to sport and play
  at all kinds of diversions; and the Queen very cunningly challenged
  the three Princes to play at cards with her; making bargain with
  them as she had been instructed。
  They accepted the challenge; and the eldest son and she played
  the first game; which she won; then the second son played; and
  she won that game likewise; the third son and she then played the
  last game; and he won it; which sorely grieved her that she had not
  him in her power as well as the rest; being by far the handsomest
  and most beloved of the three。
  However; everyone was anxious to hear the Queen's commands
  in regard to the two Princes; not thinking that she had any ill
  design in her head against them。 Whether it was the hen…wife
  instructed her; or whether it was from her own knowledge; I cannot
  tell; but she gave out they must go and bring her the Knight of
  the Glen's wild Steed of Bells; or they should lose their heads。
  The young Princes were not in the least concerned; not knowing
  what they had to do; but the whole Court was amazed at her
  demand; knowing very well that it was impossible for them ever to
  get the steed; as all that ever sought him perished in the attempt。
  However; they could not retract the bargain; and the youngest
  Prince was desired to tell what demand he had on the Queen; as he
  had won his game。
  ‘My brothers;' says he; ‘are now going to travel; and; as I
  understand; a perilous journey wherein they know not what road to take
  or what may happen them。 I am resolved; therefore; not to stay
  here; but to go with them; let what will betide; and I request and
  command; according to my bargain; that the Queen shall stand on
  the highest tower of the palace until we come back (or find out that
  we are certainly dead); with nothing but sheaf corn for her food and
  cold water for her drink; if it should be for seven years and longer。'
  All things being now fixed; the three princes departed the Court
  in search of the Knight of the Glen's palace; and travelling along
  the road they came up with a man who was a little lame; and
  seemed to be somewhat advanced in years; they soon fell into
  discourse; and the youngest of the princes asked the stranger his
  name; or what was the reason he wore so remarkable a black cap
  as he saw on him。
  ‘I am called;' said he; ‘the Thief of Sloan; and sometimes the
  Black Thief from my cap; ‘and so telling the prince the most of his
  adventures; he asked him again where they were bound for; or
  what they were about。
  The prince; willing to gratify his request; told him their affairs
  from the beginning to the end。 ‘And now;' said he; ‘we are travelling;
  and do not know whether we are on the right road or not。'
  ‘Ah! my brave fellows;' says the Black Thief; ‘you little know
  the danger you run。 I am after that steed myself these seven
  years; and can never steal him on account of a silk covering he has
  on him in the stable; with sixty bells fixed to it; and whenever