第 49 节
作者:打倒一切      更新:2022-08-26 22:13      字数:9321
  Although the night had come out rather clear; with many cold stars twinkling in the blue; the line of smoke was no longer visible。  But Henry did not expect it to be; nor did he need it。  He had marked its base too clearly in his mind to make any mistake; and he advanced with certainty。  He came presently into an open space; and he stopped with amazement。  Around him were the stumps of a clearing made recently; and near him were some yards of rough rail fence。
  He crouched against the fence; and saw on the far side of the clearing the dim outlines of several buildings; from the chimneys of two of which smoke was rising。  It was his first thought that he had come upon a little settlement still held by daring borderers; but second thought told him that it was impossible。  Another and more comprehensive look showed many signs of ruin。  He saw remains of several burned houses; but clothing all was the atmosphere of desolation and decay that tells when a place is abandoned。  The two threads of smoke did not alter this impression。
  Henry divined it all。  The builders of this tiny village in the wilderness bad been massacred or driven away。  A part of the houses had been destroyed; some were left standing; and now there were visitors。  He advanced without noise; keeping behind the rail fence; and approaching one of the houses from the chimneys of which the smoke came。  Here be crouched a long time; looking and listening attentively; but it seemed that the visitors had no fears。  Why should they; when there was nothing that they need fear in this frozen wilderness?
  Henry stole a little nearer。  It had been a snug; trim little settlement。  Perhaps twenty…five or thirty people had lived there; literally hewing a home out of the forest。  His heart throbbed with a fierce hatred and; anger against those who had spoiled all this; and his gloved finger crept to the hammer of his rifle。
  The night was intensely cold。  The mercury was far below zero; and a wind that had begun to rise cut like the edge of a knife。  Even the wariest of Indians in such desolate weather might fail to keep a watch。  But Henry did not suffer。  The fur cap was drawn farther over chin and ears; and the buckskin gloves kept his fingers warm and flexible。  Besides; his blood was uncommonly hot in his veins。
  His comprehensive eye told him that; while some of the buildings had not been destroyed; they were so ravaged and damaged that they could never be used again; save as a passing shelter; just as they were being used now。  He slid cautiously about the desolate place。  He crossed a brook; frozen almost solidly in its bed; and he saw two or three large mounds that had been haystacks; now covered with snow。
  Then he slid without noise back to the nearest of the houses from which the smoke came。  It was rather more pretentious than the others; built of planks instead of logs; and with shingles for a roof。  The remains of a small portico formed the approach to the front door。  Henry supposed that the house had been set on fire and that perhaps a heavy rain had saved a part of it。
  A bar of light falling across the snow attracted his attention。  He knew that it was the glow of a fire within coming through a window。  A faint sound of voices reached his ears; and he moved forward slowly to the window。  It was an oaken shutter originally fastened with a leather strap; but the strap was gone; and now some one had tied it; though not tightly; with a deer tendon。  The crack between shutter and wall was at least three inches; and Henry could see within very well。
  He pressed his side tightly to the wall and put his eyes to the crevice。  What he saw within did not still any of those primitive feelings that had risen so strongly in his breast。
  A great fire had been built in the log fireplace; but it was burning somewhat low now; having reached that mellow period of least crackling and greatest heat。  The huge bed of coals threw a mass of varied and glowing colors across the floor。  Large holes had been burned in the side of the room by the original fire; but Indian blankets had been fastened tightly over them。
  In front of the fire sat Braxton Wyatt in a Loyalist uniform; a three…cornered hat cocked proudly on his head; and a small sword by his side。  He had grown heavier; and Henry saw that the face had increased much in coarseness and cruelty。  It had also increased in satisfaction。  He was a great man now; as he saw great men; and both face and figure radiated gratification and pride as he lolled before the fire。  At the other corner; sitting upon the floor and also in a Loyalist uniform; was his lieutenant; Levi Coleman; older; heavier; and with a short; uncommonly muscular figure。  His face was dark and cruel; with small eyes set close together。  A half dozen other white men and more than a dozen Indians were in the room。  All these lay upon their blankets on the floor; because all the furniture had been destroyed。  Yet they had eaten; and they lay there content in the soothing glow of the fire; like animals that had fed well。  Henry was so near that he could hear every word anyone spoke。
  〃It was well that the Indians led us to this place; eh; Levi?〃 said Wyatt。
  〃I'm glad the fire spared a part of it;〃 said Coleman。  〃Looks as if it was done just for us; to give us a shelter some cold winter night when we come along。  I guess the Iroquois Aieroski is watching over us。〃
  Wyatt laughed。
  〃You're a man that I like; Levi;〃 he said。  〃You can see to the inside of things。  It would be a good idea to use this place as a base and shelter; and make a raid on some of the settlements east of the hills; eh; Levi?〃
  〃It could be done;〃 said Coleman。  〃But just listen to that wind; will you!  On a night like this it must cut like a saber's edge。  Even our Iroquois are glad to be under a roof。〃
  Henry still gazed in at the crack with eyes that were lighted up by an angry fire。  So here was more talk of destruction and slaughter!  His gaze alighted upon an Indian who sat in a corner engaged upon a task。  Henry looked more closely; and saw that he was stretching a blonde…haired scalp over a small hoop。  A shudder shook his whole frame。  Only those who lived amid such scenes could understand the intensity of his feelings。  He felt; too; a bitter sense of injustice。  The doers of these deeds were here in warmth and comfort; while the innocent were dead or fugitives。  He turned away from the window; stepping gently upon the snowshoes。  He inferred that the remainder of Wyatt's band were quartered in the other house from which he had seen the smoke rising。  It was about twenty rods away; but he did not examine it; because a great idea had been born suddenly in his brain。  The attempt to fulfill the idea would be accompanied by extreme danger; but he did not hesitate a moment。  He stole gently to one of the half…fallen outhouses and went inside。  Here he found what he wanted; a large pine shelf that had been sheltered from rain and that was perfectly dry。  He scraped off a large quantity of the dry pine until it formed almost a dust; and he did not cease until he had filled his cap with it。  Then he cut off large splinters; until he had accumulated a great number; and after that he gathered smaller pieces of half…burned pine。
  He was fully two hours doing this work; and the night advanced far; but he never faltered。  His head was bare; but he was protected from the wind by a fragment of the outhouse wall。  Every two or three minutes he stopped and listened for the sound of a creaking; sliding footstep on the snow; but; never hearing any; he always resumed his work with the same concentration。  All the while the wind rose and moaned through the ruins of the little village。  When Henry chanced to raise his head above the sheltering wall; it was like the slash of a knife across his cheek。
  Finally he took half of the pine dust in his cap and a lot of the splinters under his arm; and stole back to the house from which the light had shone。  He looked again through the crevice at the window。  The light had died down much more; and both Wyatt and Coleman were asleep on the floor。  But several of the Iroquois were awake; although they sat as silent and motionless as stones against the wall。
  Henry moved from the window and selected a sheltered spot beside the plank wall。  There he put the pine dust in a little heap on the snow and covered it over with pine splinters; on top of which he put larger pieces of pine。  Then he went back for the remainder of the pine dust; and built a similar pyramid against a sheltered side of the second house。
  The most delicate part of his task had now come; one that good fortune only could aid him in achieving; but the brave youth; his heart aflame with righteous anger against those inside; still pursued the work。  His heart throbbed; but hand and eye were steady。
  Now came the kindly stroke of fortune for which he had hoped。  The wind rose much higher and roared harder against the house。  It would prevent the Iroquois within; keen of ear as they were; from hearing a light sound without。  Then he drew forth his flint and steel and struck them together with a hand so strong and swift that sparks quickly leaped forth and set fire to the pine