第 33 节
作者:左思右想      更新:2022-08-26 22:12      字数:1548
  lose him。  Come now; forgive him!  I was angry with him once
  myself; and I found I was in the wrong。  This is only a
  misunderstanding; like the other; believe me; and with one
  kind movement; you may give happiness to him; and to me; and
  to yourself。'
  Esther made a movement towards the door; but long before she
  reached it she had broken forth sobbing。
  'It is all right;' said the Admiral; 'I understand the sex。
  Let me make you my compliments; Mr。 Naseby。'
  The Squire was too much relieved to be angry。
  'My dear;' said he to Esther; 'you must not agitate
  'She had better go up and see him right away;' suggested Van
  'I had not ventured to propose it;' replied the Squire。  'LES
  CONVENANCES; I believe … '
  'JE M'EN FICHE;' cried the Admiral; snapping his fingers。
  'She shall go and see my friend Dick。  Run and get ready;
  Esther obeyed。
  'She has not … has not run away again?' inquired Mr。 Naseby;
  as soon as she was gone。
  'No;' said Van Tromp; 'not again。  She is a devilish odd girl
  though; mind you that。'
  'But I cannot stomach the man with the carbuncles;' thought
  the Squire。
  And this is why there is a new household and a brand…new baby
  in Naseby Dower House; and why the great Van Tromp lives in
  pleasant style upon the shores of England; and why twenty…six
  individual copies of the THYMEBURY STAR are received daily at
  the door of Naseby House。