第 46 节
作者:交通工具类:沧海一叶舟      更新:2022-08-21 16:42      字数:9321
  opened only three years; they have now on their foundation thirty…
  nine children; and in a few days they will have six more; making a
  total of forty…five。  They have been most munificently assisted by
  the heads of great mercantile houses; numerously represented; I am
  happy to say; around me; and they have a funded capital of almost
  14;000 pounds。  This is wonderful progress; but the aim must still
  be upwards; the motto always 〃Excelsior。〃  You do not need to be
  told that five…and…forty children can form but a very small
  proportion of the Orphan and Necessitous Children of those who have
  been entrusted with the wholesale trades and manufactures of the
  United Kingdom:  you do not require to be informed that the house
  at New…cross; rented for a small term of years; in which the
  schools are at present established; can afford but most imperfect
  accommodation for such a breadth of design。  To carry this good
  work through the two remaining degrees of better and best there
  must be more work; more co…operation; more friends; more money。
  Then be the friends and give the money。  Before I conclude; there
  is one other feature in these schools which I would commend to your
  special attention and approval。  Their benefits are reserved for
  the children of subscribers; that is to say; it is an essential
  principle of the institution that it must help those whose parents
  have helped them; and that the unfortunate children whose father
  has been so lax; or so criminal; as to withhold a subscription so
  exceedingly small that when divided by weeks it amounts to only
  threepence weekly; cannot; in justice; be allowed to jostle out and
  shoulder away the happier children; whose father has had that
  little forethought; or done that little kindness which was
  requisite to secure for them the benefits of the institution。  I
  really cannot believe that there will long be any such defaulting
  parents。  I cannot believe that any of the intelligent young men
  who are engaged in the wholesale houses will long neglect this
  obvious; this easy duty。  If they suppose that the objects of their
  love; born or unborn; will never want the benefits of the charity;
  that may be a fatal and blind mistake … it can never be an excuse;
  for; supposing them to be right in their anticipation; they should
  do what is asked for the sake of their friends and comrades around
  them; assured that they will be the happier and the better for the
  Ladies and gentlemen; this little 〃labour of love〃 of mine is now
  done。  I most heartily wish that I could charm you now not to see
  me; not to think of me; not to hear me … I most heartily wish that
  I could make you see in my stead the multitude of innocent and
  bereaved children who are looking towards these schools; and
  entreating with uplifted hands to be let in。  A very famous
  advocate once said; in speaking of his fears of failure when he had
  first to speak in court; being very poor; that he felt his little
  children tugging at his skirts; and that recovered him。  Will you
  think of the number of little children who are tugging at my
  skirts; when I ask you; in their names; on their behalf; and in
  their little persons; and in no strength of my own; to encourage
  and assist this work?
  At a later period of the evening Mr。 Dickens proposed the health of
  the President of the Institution; Lord John Russell。  He said he
  should do nothing so superfluous and so unnecessary as to descant
  upon his lordship's many faithful; long; and great public services;
  upon the honour and integrity with which he had pursued his
  straightforward public course through every difficulty; or upon the
  manly; gallant; and courageous character; which rendered him
  certain; in the eyes alike of friends and opponents; to rise with
  every rising occasion; and which; like the seal of Solomon; in the
  old Arabian story; enclosed in a not very large casket the soul of
  a giant。  In answer to loud cheers; he said he had felt perfectly
  certain; that that would be the response for in no English assembly
  that he had ever seen was it necessary to do more than mention the
  name of Lord John Russell to ensure a manifestation of personal
  respect and grateful remembrance。
  SPEECH:  LONDON; MAY 8; 1858。
  'The forty…eighth Anniversary of the establishment of the Artists'
  Benevolent Fund took place on the above date at the Freemasons'
  Tavern。  The chair was taken by Mr。 Charles Dickens; who; after
  having disposed of the preliminary toasts with his usual felicity;
  proceeded to advocate the claims of the Institution in whose
  interest the company had assembled; in the following terms:…'
  LADIES AND GENTLEMEN; … There is an absurd theatrical story which
  was once told to me by a dear and valued friend; who has now passed
  from this sublunary stage; and which is not without its moral as
  applied to myself; in my present presidential position。  In a
  certain theatrical company was included a man; who on occasions of
  emergency was capable of taking part in the whole round of the
  British drama; provided he was allowed to use his own language in
  getting through the dialogue。  It happened one night that Reginald;
  in the CASTLE SPECTRE; was taken ill; and this veteran of a hundred
  characters was; of course; called up for the vacant part。  He
  responded with his usual promptitude; although knowing nothing
  whatever of the character; but while they were getting him into the
  dress; he expressed a not unreasonable wish to know in some vague
  way what the part was about。  He was not particular as to details;
  but in order that he might properly pourtray his sufferings; he
  thought he should have some slight inkling as to what really had
  happened to him。  As; for example; what murders he had committed;
  whose father he was; of what misfortunes he was the victim; … in
  short; in a general way to know why he was in that place at all。
  They said to him; 〃Here you are; chained in a dungeon; an unhappy
  father; you have been here for seventeen years; during which time
  you have never seen your daughter; you have lived upon bread and
  water; and; in consequence; are extremely weak; and suffer from
  occasional lowness of spirits。〃 … 〃All right;〃 said the actor of
  universal capabilities; 〃ring up。〃  When he was discovered to the
  audience; he presented an extremely miserable appearance; was very
  favourably received; and gave every sign of going on well; until;
  through some mental confusion as to his instructions; he opened the
  business of the act by stating in pathetic terms; that he had been
  confined in that dungeon seventeen years; during which time he had
  not tasted a morsel of food; to which circumstance he was inclined
  to attribute the fact of his being at that moment very much out of
  condition。  The audience; thinking this statement exceedingly
  improbable; declined to receive it; and the weight of that speech
  hung round him until the end of his performance。
  Now I; too; have received instructions for the part I have the
  honour of performing before you; and it behoves both you and me to
  profit by the terrible warning I have detailed; while I endeavour
  to make the part I have undertaken as plain and intelligible as I
  possibly can。
  As I am going to propose to you that we should now begin to connect
  the business with the pleasure of the evening; by drinking
  prosperity to the Artists' Benevolent Fund; it becomes important
  that we should know what that fund is。  It is an Association
  supported by the voluntary gifts of those who entertain a critical
  and admiring estimation of art; and has for its object the granting
  of annuities to the widows and children of deceased artists … of
  artists who have been unable in their lives to make any provision
  for those dear objects of their love surviving themselves。  Now it
  is extremely important to observe that this institution of an
  Artists' Benevolent Fund; which I now call on you to pledge; has
  connected with it; and has arisen out of another artists'
  association; which does not ask you for a health; which never did;
  and never will ask you for a health; which is self…supporting; and
  which is entirely maintained by the prudence and providence of its
  three hundred artist members。  That fund; which is called the
  Artists' Annuity Fund; is; so to speak; a joint and mutual
  Assurance Company against infirmity; sickness; and age。  To the
  benefits it affords every one of its members has an absolute right;
  a right; be it remembered; produced by timely thrift and self…
  denial; and not assisted by appeals to the charity or compassion of
  any human being。  On that fund there are; if I remember a right;
  some seventeen annuitants who are in the receipt of eleven hundred
  a…year; the proceeds of their own self…supporting Institution。  In
  recommending to you this benevolent fund; which is not self…
  supporting; they address you; in effect; in these words:… 〃We ask
  you to help these