第 9 节
作者:蝴蝶的出走      更新:2022-08-21 16:41      字数:9322
  A minute later Vincent followed; and although he had no doubt
  that the man was the agent Mr。 Renfrew had employed; he did not
  feel thoroughly satisfied until he saw  them enter the lawyer's
  office。  He quickly followed。 They had just entered the private
  room of Mr。 Renfrew。
  〃That's right; Wingfield;〃 the lawyer said。  〃You see we have
  settled the business satisfactorily; and I think you have got a fairly
  cheap bargain。  Just wait a moment and we will complete the
  Dinah gave a start as Vincent entered; but with the habitual
  self…repression of a slave she stood quietly in the corner to which
  she had withdrawn at the other end of the room。
  The lawyer was busy drawing up a document; and touching the
  bell ordered a clerk to go across to Mr。 Rawlins; justice of the
  peace; and ask him to step across the road。
  In a minute Mr。 Rawlins entered。
  〃I want you to witness a deed of sale of a slave;〃 Mr。 Renfrew said。
  〃Here are the particulars: 'Nathaniel Forster sells to Vincent
  Wingfield his slave; Dinah Moore and her male infant; for the sum
  of fourteen hundred dollars。' These are the parties。 Forster sign this
  The man did so。  The justice put his signature as wit…ness to the
  transaction; dropped into his pocket the fee of five dollars that the
  lawyer handed to him; and without a word strolled out again。
  〃There; Dinah;〃 Mr。 Renfrew said; 〃Mr。 Wingfield is now your
  The girl ran forward; fell on her knees before Vincent; seized his
  hand and kissed it; sobbing out her thanks as she did so。
  〃There; that will do; Dinah;〃 the lawyer said; seeing that Vincent
  was confused by her greeting。  〃I think you are a lucky girl; and
  have made a good exchange for the Orangery instead of the
  Cedars。  I don't suppose you will find Mr。 Wingfield a very hard
  master。  What he is going to do with you I am sure I don't know。〃
  Vincent now went to the door and called in Dan and told him to
  take Dinah to the Orangery; then mounting his horse he rode off
  home to prepare his mother  for the reception of his new purchase。
  〃WELL; you are an extraordinary boy; Vincent;〃 Mrs。 Wingfield
  said as her son told her the story; while his sisters burst into fits of
  laughter at the idea of Vincent owning a female slave with a baby。
  〃Why did you not tell me that you wanted the money instead of
  going to Mr。 Renfrew?  I shall tell him I am very angry with him
  for letting you have it for such a purpose。〃
  〃I was not sure whether you would let me have it; mother; and if
  you had refused; and I had got it afterward from Mr。 Renfrew; I
  should not have liked to bring her home here。〃
  〃That would have been fun;〃 Annie said。  〃Fancy Vincent's
  troubles with a female slave on his hands and nowhere to put her。
  What would you have done; Vincent?〃
  〃I suppose I could have got a home for her somewhere;〃 Vincent
  said quietly。  〃I don't think there would have been any difficulty
  about that。  Still I am glad I didn't have to do so; and one slave
  more or less can make no difference here。〃
  〃Not at all;〃 Mrs。 Wingfleld said; 〃I dare say Chloe will find
  something for her to do in the way of washing; and such other light
  work that she is fit for about the house。  It is not that; but it is years
  since a slave was brought into the Orangery; never since I can
  remember。 We raise more than we want ourselves; and when I see
  all those children about; I wonder sometimes what on earth we are
  to find for them all to do。  Still; it was a scandalous thing of that
  man Jackson selling the girl to punish her husband; and as you say
  it was your foolish interference in the matter that brought it about;
  so I do not know that I can blame you for doing what you can to
  set the matter straight。  Still; except that the knowledge that she is
  here and will be well treated will be a comfort to the man; I do not
  see that he will be much the better off; unless indeed the Jacksons
  should try to sell him also; in which case I suppose you would
  want to buy him。〃
  〃I am afraid they won't' do that; mother。  Still; some…how or other;
  in time they may come together again。
  〃I don't see how they can; Vincent。  However we need not think of
  that now。  At any rate I hope there will he no further opportunity
  for your mixing yourself up in this business。  You have made two
  bitter enemies now; and although I do not see that such people as
  these can do you any harm; it is always well not to make enemies;
  especially in times like these when no one can foresee exactly
  what may occur。〃
  And so Dinah Moore became an inmate of the Orangery; and
  though the girls had laughed at their brother; they were very kind
  to her when she arrived with Dan; and made much of her and of
  her baby。  The same night Dan went over to the Cedars; and
  managed to have an inter view with Tony; and to tell him that his
  wife had been bought by Vincent。  The joy of the negro was
  extreme。 The previous message had raised his hopes that Vincent
  would succeed in getting her bought by some one who would be
  kind to her; hut he knew well that she might nevertheless fall to
  the lot of some higher bidder and be taken hundreds of miles away;
  and that he might never again get news of her whereabouts。  He
  had then suffered terrible anxiety all day; and the relief of learning
  that Vincent himself had bought her; and that she was now
  installed as a house servant at the Orangery; but a few miles away;
  was quite overpowering; and for some minutes he could only gasp
  out his joy and thankfulness。  He could hope now that when better
  times came he might be able to steal away some night and meet
  her; and that some day er other; though how he could not see; they
  might be reunited。 The Jacksons remained in ignorance that their
  former slave was located so near to them。
  It was for this reason that Mr。 Renfrew had instructed his agent to
  buy her in his own name instead of that of Vincent; and the
  Jacksons; having no idea of the transfer that had subsequently
  taken place; took no further interest in the matter; believing that
  they had achieved their object of torturing Tony; and avenging
  upon him the humiliation that Andrew had suffered at Vincent's
  hands。  Had they questioned their slaves; and had these answered
  them truly; they would have discovered the facts。  For although
  Tony himself said no word to any one of what he had learned from
  Dan; the fact that Dinah was at the Orangery was speedily known
  among the slaves; for the doings at one plantation were soon
  conveyed to the negroes on the others by the occasional visits
  which they paid at night to each other's quarters; or to some
  common rendezvous far removed from interruption。
  Occasionally Tony and Dinah met。  Dan would come up late in the
  evening to the house; and a nod to Dinah would be sufficient to
  send her flying down the garden to a clump of shrubs; where he
  would be waiting for her。 At these stolen meetings they were
  perfectly happy; for Tony said no word to her of the misery of his
  life…how he was always put to the hardest work and beaten on the
  smallest pretext; how in fact his life was made so unendurable that
  the idea of running away and taking to the swamps was constantly
  present to him。
  As to making his way north; it did not enter his mind as possible。
  Slates did indeed at times succeed in traveling through the
  Northern States and making their way to Canada; but this was only
  possible by means of the organization known as the underground
  railway; an association consisting of a number of good people who
  devoted them…selves to the purpose; giving shelter to fugitive
  slaves during the day; and then passing them on to the next refuge
  during the night。  For in the Northern States as well as the
  Southern any negro unprovided with papers showing that be was a
  free man was liable to be arrested and sent back to the South a
  prisoner; large rewards being given to these who arrested them。
  As he was returning from one of these interviews with his wife;
  Tony was detected by the overseer; who was scrolling about round
  the slaves' quarters; and was next morning flogged until he became
  insensible。  So terrible was the punishment that for some days he
  was unable to walk。  As soon as he could get about he was again
  set to work; but the following morning he was found to be missing。
  Andrew Jackson at once rode into Richmond; and In half an hour
  placards and handbills were printed offering a reward for his
  capture。  These were not only circulated in the neighborhood; but
  were sent off to all the towns and villages through which Tony
  might be expected to pass in the endeavor to make his way north。
  Vincent soon learned from Dan what had taken place。
  〃You have no idea; I suppose; Dan; as to which way he is likely to
  Dan shook his bead。
  〃Me suppose; massa; dat most l