第 74 节
作者:桃桃逃      更新:2022-08-21 16:33      字数:6858
  the negation: and the notion is completely self…identical in its otherness; and is the
  certainty of itself。 Being therefore is the notion implicit; before it has been
  explicitly put as a notion。 This Being therefore; as the still unspecified notion … a
  notion that is only implicitly or 'immediately' specified … is equally describable as
  the Universal。
  When it means immediate being; the beginning is taken from sensation and
  perception … the initial stage in the analytical method of finite cognition。 When it
  means universality; it is the beginning of the systematic method。 But since the
  Logical Idea is as much a universal as it is in being … since it is presupposed by the
  notion as much as it itself immediately is; its beginning is a synthetic as well as an
  analytical beginning。
  Philosophical method is analytical as well as synthetic; not indeed in the sense of a bare
  juxtaposition or mere alternating employment of these two methods of finite cognition; but rather in
  such a way that it holds them merged in itself。 In every one of its movements therefore it displays
  an attitude at once analytical and synthetic。 Philosophical thought proceeds analytically; in so far as
  it only accepts its object; the Idea; and while allowing it its own way; is only; as it were; an
  onlooker at its movement and development。 To this extent philosophising is wholly passive。
  Philosophic thought however is equally synthetic; and evinces itself to be the action of the notion
  itself。 To that end; however; there is required an effort to keep back the incessant impertinence of
  our own fancies and private opinions。
  (b) The Advance renders explicit the judgement implicit in the Idea。 The
  immediate universal; as the notion implicit; is the dialectical force which on its
  own part deposes its immediacy and universality to the level of a mere stage or
  'moment'。 Thus is put the negative of the beginning; its specific character: it
  supposes a correlative; a relation of different terms … the stage of Reflection。
  Seeing that the immanent dialectic only states explicitly what was involved in the
  immediate notion; this advance is Analytical; but seeing that in this notion this
  distinction was not yet stated; it is equally Synthetic。
  In the advance of the idea; the beginning exhibits itself as what it is implicitly。 It is seen to be
  mediated and derivative; and neither to have proper being nor proper immediacy。 It is only for the
  consciousness which is itself immediate; that Nature forms the commencement or immediacy and
  that Spirit appears as what is mediated by Nature。 The truth; indeed; is that Nature is posited by
  Spirit; and Spirit itself in turn; uses Nature as its presupposition。
  § 240
  The abstract form of the advance is; in Being; an other and transition into an
  other; in Essence showing or reflection in the opposite; in Notion; the distinction
  of individual from universality; which continues itself as such into; and is as an
  identity with; what is distinguished from it。
  § 241
  In the second sphere the primarily implicit notion has come as far as shining; and
  thus is already the idea in germ。 The development of this sphere becomes a
  regress into the first; just as the development of the first is a transition into the
  second。 It is only by means of this double movement; that the difference first gets
  its due; when each of the two members distinguished; observed on its own part;
  completes itself to the totality; and in this way works out its unity with the other。
  It is only by both merging their one…sidedness on their own part; that their unity is
  kept from becoming one…sided。
  § 242
  The second sphere develops the relation of the different to what it primarily is … to
  the contradiction in its own nature。 That contradiction which is seen in the infinite
  progress is resolved (c) into the end or terminus; where the difference is explicitly
  stated as what it is in notion。 The end is the negative of the first; and as the
  identity with that; is the negativity of itself。 It is consequently the unity in which
  both of these Firsts; the immediate and the real First; are made constituent stages
  in thought; merged; and at the same time preserved in the unity。 The notion;
  which from its implicitness thus comes by means of its differentiation and the
  merging of that differentiation to close with itself; is the realised notion … the
  notion which contains the relativity or dependence of its special features in its
  own independence。 It is the idea which; as absolutely first (in the method);
  regards this terminus as merely the disappearance of the show or semblance;
  which made the beginning appear immediate; and made itself seem a result。 It is
  the knowledge that the idea is the one systematic whole。
  § 243
  It thus appears that the method is not an extraneous form; but the soul and notion
  of the content; from which it is only distinguished; so far as the dynamic elements
  of the notion even on their own part come in their own specific character to
  appear as the totality of the notion。 This specific character; or the content; leads
  itself with the form back to the idea; and thus the idea is presented as a
  systematic totality which is only one idea; of which the several elements are each
  implicitly the idea; while they equally by the dialectic of the notion produce the
  simple independence of the idea。 The science in this manner concludes by
  apprehending the notion of itself; as of the pure idea for which the idea is。
  § 244
  The Idea which is independent or for itself; when viewed on the point of this
  unity with itself; is Perception or Intuition; and the percipient Idea is Nature。 But
  as intuition the idea is; through an external 'reflection'; invested with the one…sided
  characteristic of immediacy; or of negation。 Enjoying however an absolute liberty;
  the Idea does not merely pass over into life; or as finite cognition allow life to
  show in it: in its own absolute truth it resolves to let the 'moment' of its
  particularity; or of the first characterisation and other…being; the immediate idea;
  as its reflected image; go forth freely as Nature。
  We have now returned to the notion of the Idea with which we began。 This return to the beginning
  is also an advance。 We began with Being; abstract Being: where we now are we also have the
  Idea as Being: but this Idea which has Being is Nature。
  The End