第 33 节
作者:雨帆      更新:2022-08-21 16:32      字数:9322
  sailles was mentioned。  The first embraces between the Queen and her august brother took place in the presence of all the Queen's household。  The sight of their emotion was extremely affecting。
  The Emperor was at first generally admired in France; learned men; well… informed officers; and celebrated artists appreciated the extent of his information。  He made less impression at Court; and very little in the private circle of the King and Queen。  His eccentric manners; his frankness; often degenerating into rudeness; and his evidently affected simplicity;all these characteristics caused him to be looked upon as a prince rather singular than admirable。  The Queen spoke to him about the apartment she had prepared for him in the Chateau; the Emperor answered that he would not accept it; and that while travelling he always lodged at a cabaret (that was his very expression); the Queen insisted; and assured him that he should be at perfect liberty; and placed out of the reach of noise。  He replied that he knew the Chateau of Versailles was very large; and that so many scoundrels lived there that he could well find a place; but that his valet de chambre had made up his camp…bed in a lodging…house; and there he would stay。
  He dined with the King and Queen; and supped with the whole family。  He appeared to take an interest in the young Princesse Elisabeth; then just past childhood; and blooming in all the freshness of that age。  An intended marriage between him and this young sister of the King was reported at the time; but I believe it had no foundation in truth。
  The table was still served by women only; when the Queen dined in private with the King; the royal family; or crowned heads。
  'The custom was; even supposing dinner to have commenced; if a      princess of the blood arrived; and she was asked to sit down at the      Queen's table; the comptrollers and gentlemen…in…waiting came      immediately to attend; and the Queen's women withdrew。  These had      succeeded the maids of honour in several parts of their service; and      had preserved some of their privileges。  One day the Duchesse      d'Orleans arrived at Fontainebleau; at the Queen's dinner…hour。  The      Queen invited her to the table; and herself motioned to her women to      leave the room; and let the men take their places。  Her Majesty said      she was resolved to continue a privilege which kept places of that      description most honourable; and render them suitable for ladies of      nobility without fortune。  Madame de Misery; Baronne de Biache; the      Queen's first lady of the chamber; to whom I was made reversioner;      was a daughter of M。 le Comte de Chemant; and her grandmother was a      Montmorency。  M。 le Prince de Tingry; in the presence of the Queen;      used to call her cousin。  The ancient household of the Kings of      France had prerogatives acknowledged in the state。  Many of the      offices were tenable only by those of noble blood; and were sold at      from 40;000 to 300;000 franca。  A collection of edicts of the Kings      in favour of the prerogatives and right of precedence of the persons      holding office in the royal household is still in existence。'
  I was present at the Queen's dinner almost every day。  The Emperor would talk much and fluently; he expressed himself in French with facility; and the singularity; of his expressions added a zest to his conversation。  I have often heard him say that he liked spectacculous objects; when he meant to express such things as formed a show; or a scene worthy of interest。  He disguised none of his prejudices against the etiquette and customs of the Court of France; and even in the presence of the King made them the subject of his sarcasms。  The King smiled; but never made any answer; the Queen appeared pained。  The Emperor frequently terminated his observations upon the objects in Paris which he had admired by reproaching the King for suffering himself to remain in ignorance of them。  He could not conceive how such a wealth of pictures should remain shut up in the dust of immense stores; and told him one day that but for the practice of placing some of them in the apartments of Versailles he would not know even the principal chef d'oeuvres that he possessed。
  'The Emperor loudly censured the existing practice of allowing      shopkeepers to erect shops near the outward walls of all the      palaces; and even to establish something like a fair in the      galleries of Versailles and Fontainebleau; and even upon the      landings of the staircases。'
  He also reproached him for not having visited the Hotel des Invalides nor the Ecole Militaire; and even went so far as to tell him before us that he ought not only to know what Paris contained; but to travel in France; and reside a few days in each of his large towns。
  At last the Queen was really hurt at the Emperor's remarks; and gave him a few lectures upon the freedom with which he allowed himself to lecture others。  One day she was busied in signing warrants and orders for payment for her household; and was conversing with M。 Augeard; her secretary for such matters; who presented the papers one after another to be signed; and replaced them in his portfolio。  While this was going forward; the Emperor walked about the room; all at once he stood still; to reproach the Queen rather severely for signing all those papers without reading them; or; at least; without running her eye over them; and he spoke most judiciously to her upon the danger of signing her name inconsiderately。  The Queen answered that very wise principles might be very ill applied; that her secretary; who deserved her implicit confidence; was at that moment laying before her nothing but orders for payment of the quarter's expenses of her household; registered in the Chamber of Accounts; and that she ran no risk of incautiously giving her signature。
  The Queen's toilet was likewise a never…failing subject for animadversion with the Emperor。  He blamed her for having introduced too many new fashions; and teased her about her use of rouge。  One day; while she was laying on more of it than usual; before going to the play; he pointed out a lady who was in the room; and who was; in truth; highly painted。  〃A little more under the eyes;〃 said the Emperor to the Queen; 〃lay on the rouge like a fury; as that lady does。〃  The Queen entreated her brother to refrain from his jokes; or at all events to address them; when they were so outspoken; to her alone。
  The Queen had made an appointment to meet her brother at the Italian theatre; she changed her mind; and went to the French theatre; sending a page to the Italian theatre to request the Emperor to come to her there。 He left his box; lighted by the comedian Clairval; and attended by M。 de la Ferte; comptroller of the Queen's privy purse; who was much hurt at hearing his Imperial Majesty; after kindly expressing his regret at not being present during the Italian performance; say to Clairval; 〃Your young Queen is very giddy; but; luckily; you Frenchmen have no great objection to that。〃
  I was with my father…in…law in one of the Queen's apartments when the Emperor came to wait for her there; and; knowing that M。 Campan was librarian; he conversed with him about such books as would of course be found in the Queen's library。  After talking of our most celebrated authors; he casually said; 〃There are doubtless no works on finance or on administration here?〃
  These words were followed by his opinion on all that had been written on those topics; and the different systems of our two famous ministers; Sully and Colbert; on errors which were daily committed in France; in points essential to the prosperity of the Empire; and on the reform he himself would make at Vienna。  Holding M。 Campan by the button; he spent more than an hour; talking vehemently; and without the slightest reserve; about the French Government。  My father…in…law and myself maintained profound silence; as much from astonishment as from respect; and when we were alone we agreed not to speak of this interview。
  The Emperor was fond of describing the Italian Courts that he had visited。  The jealous quarrels between the King and Queen of Naples amused him highly; he described to the life the manner and speech of that sovereign; and the simplicity with which he used to go and solicit the first chamberlain to obtain permission to return to the nuptial bed; when the angry Queen had banished him from it。  The time which he was made to wait for this reconciliation was calculated between the Queen and her chamberlain; and always proportioned to the gravity of the offence。  He also related several very amusing stories relative to the Court of Parma; of which he spoke with no little contempt。  If what this Prince said of those Courts; and even of Vienna; had been written down; the whole would have formed an interesting collection。  The Emperor told the King that the Grand Duke of Tuscany and the King of Naples being together; the former said a great deal about the changes he had effected in his State。 The Grand Duke had issued a mass of new edicts; in order to carry the precepts of the economists into execution; and trusted that in so doing he was labouring for the we