第 30 节
作者:天马行空      更新:2022-08-21 16:32      字数:9322
  〃And what did he say? He was entirely puzzled?〃
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  〃Yes。    I am quite sure he had no idea of what you meant。〃
  I  had   expected     Poirot   to  be  disappointed;     but;   to  my   surprise;   he
  replied that that was as he had thought; and that he was very glad。                     My
  pride forbade me to ask any questions。
  Poirot switched off on another tack。
  〃Mademoiselle Cynthia was not at lunch to…day? How was that?〃
  〃She is at the hospital again。        She resumed work to…day。〃
  〃Ah; she is an industrious little demoiselle。            And pretty too。       She is
  like   pictures    I  have   seen    in  Italy。   I  would     rather   like  to  see   that
  dispensary of hers。       Do you think she would show it to me?〃
  〃I am sure she would be delighted。           It's an interesting little place。〃
  〃Does she go there every day?〃
  〃She has all Wednesdays off; and comes back to lunch on Saturdays。
  Those are her only times off。〃
  〃I   will  remember。       Women       are  doing    great   work    nowadays;      and
  Mademoiselle Cynthia is cleveroh; yes; she has brains; that little one。〃
  〃Yes。    I believe she has passed quite a stiff exam。〃
  〃Without   doubt。      After   all;   it   is   very   responsible   work。 I   suppose
  they have very strong poisons there?〃
  〃Yes;   she   showed   them   to   us。    They   are   kept   locked   up   in   a   little
  cupboard。      I believe they have to be very careful。           They always take out
  the key before leaving the room。〃
  〃Indeed。     It is near the window; this cupboard?〃
  〃No; right the other side of the room。          Why?〃
  Poirot shrugged his shoulders。
  〃I wondered。       That is all。    Will you come in?〃
  We had reached the cottage。
  〃No。     I   think   I'll   be   getting   back。 I   shall   go   round   the   long   way
  through the woods。〃
  The woods round Styles were very beautiful。                 After the walk across
  the  open   park;   it   was   pleasant   to   saunter   lazily  through   the   cool   glades。
  There was hardly a breath of wind; the very chirp of the birds was faint
  and subdued。       I strolled on a little way; and finally flung myself down at
  … Page 120…
  the foot of a grand old beech…tree。          My thoughts of mankind were kindly
  and charitable。       I even forgave Poirot for his absurd secrecy。              In fact; I
  was at peace with the world。          Then I yawned。
  I thought about the crime; and it struck me as being very unreal and far
  I yawned again。
  Probably; I thought; it really never happened。             Of course; it was all a
  bad dream。       The truth of the matter was that it was Lawrence who had
  murdered Alfred Inglethorp with a croquet mallet。                 But it was absurd of
  John   to   make   such   a   fuss   about   it;   and   to   go   shouting   out:   〃I   tell   you   I
  won't have it!〃
  I woke up with a start。
  At   once   I   realized   that   I   was   in   a   very  awkward   predicament。 For;
  about twelve feet away from me; John and Mary Cavendish were standing
  facing   each   other;   and   they   were   evidently   quarrelling。      And;   quite   as
  evidently; they were unaware of my vicinity; for before I could move or
  speak John repeated the words which had aroused me from my dream。
  〃I tell you; Mary; I won't have it。〃
  Mary's voice came; cool and liquid:
  〃Have *YOU any right to criticize my actions?〃
  〃It   will   be   the   talk   of   the   village!   My   mother   was   only   buried   on
  Saturday; and here you are gadding about with the fellow。〃
  〃Oh;〃 she shrugged her shoulders; 〃if it is only village gossip that you
  〃But   it   isn't。 I've   had   enough   of   the   fellow   hanging   about。  He's   a
  Polish Jew; anyway。〃
  〃A   tinge   of   Jewish   blood   is   not   a   bad   thing。 It   leavens   the〃she
  looked at him〃stolid stupidity of the ordinary Englishman。〃
  Fire in her eyes; ice in her voice。        I did not wonder that the blood rose
  to John's face in a crimson tide。
  〃Well?〃 Her tone did not change。
  The pleading died out of his voice。
  … Page 121…
  〃Am I to understand that you will continue to see Bauerstein against
  my express wishes?〃
  〃If I choose。〃
  〃You defy me?〃
  〃No;  but   I deny  your   right   to   criticize  my  actions。  Have *YOU   no
  friends of whom I should disapprove?〃
  John fell back a pace。      The colour ebbed slowly from his face。
  〃What do you mean?〃 he said; in an unsteady voice。
  〃You see!〃 said Mary quietly。          〃You *DO see; don't you; that *YOU
  have no right to dictate to *ME as to the choice of my friends?〃
  John glanced at her pleadingly; a stricken look on his face。
  〃No    right?   Have     I  *NO    right;  Mary?〃     he   said   unsteadily。    He
  stretched out his hands。       〃Mary〃
  For a moment; I thought she wavered。            A softer expression came over
  her face; then suddenly she turned almost fiercely away。
  She was walking away when John sprang after her; and caught her by
  the arm。
  〃Mary〃his   voice   was   very   quiet   now〃are   you   in   love   with   this
  fellow Bauerstein?〃
  She   hesitated;   and   suddenly   there   swept   across   her   face   a  strange
  expression; old as the hills; yet with something eternally young about it。
  So might some Egyptian sphinx have smiled。
  She freed herself quietly from his arm; and spoke over her shoulder。
  〃Perhaps;〃   she   said;   and   then   swiftly   passed   out   of   the   little   glade;
  leaving John standing there as though he had been turned to stone。
  Rather ostentatiously; I stepped forward; crackling some dead branches
  with my feet as I did so。         John turned。      Luckily; he took it for granted
  that I had only just come upon the scene。
  〃Hullo; Hastings。       Have you seen the little fellow safely back to his
  cottage? Quaint little chap! Is he any good; though; really?〃
  〃He was considered one of the finest detectives of his day。〃
  〃Oh;   well;   I   suppose   there   must   be   something   in   it;   then。 What   a
  … Page 122…
  rotten world it is; though!〃
  〃You find it so?〃 I asked。
  〃Good Lord; yes! There's this terrible business to start with。               Scotland
  Yard   men   in   and   out   of   the   house   like   a   jack…in…the…box!   Never   know
  where they won't turn up next。           Screaming headlines in every paper in the
  countrydamn   all   journalists;   I   say!   Do   you   know   there   was   a   whole
  crowd      staring   in  at  the  lodge    gates   this  morning。      Sort    of  Madame
  Tussaud's      chamber     of  horrors    business    that   can  be   seen   for   nothing。
  Pretty thick; isn't it?〃
  〃Cheer up; John!〃 I said soothingly。           〃It can't last for ever。〃
  〃Can't   it;   though?   It   can   last   long   enough   for  us   never  to   be   able   to
  hold up our heads again。〃
  〃No; no; you're getting morbid on the subject。〃
  〃Enough to   make   a   man   morbid; to be   stalked by  beastly  journalists
  and stared at by gaping moon…faced idiots; wherever he goes! But there's
  worse than that。〃
  John lowered his voice:
  〃Have you ever thought; Hastingsit's a nightmare to me who did it?
  I can't help feeling sometimes it must have been an accident。                   Because
  becausewho could have done it? Now Inglethorp's out of the way; there's
  no one else; no one; I mean; exceptone of us。〃
  Yes; indeed; that was nightmare enough for any man! One of us? Yes;
  surely it must be so; unless…
  A  new   idea   suggested   itself   to   my   mind。    Rapidly;   I   considered   it。
  The light increased。        Poirot's mysterious doings; his hintsthey all fitted
  in。   Fool   that   I   was   not   to   have   thought   of   this   possibility   before;   and
  what a relief for us all。
  〃No; John;〃 I said; 〃it isn't one of us。        How could it be?〃
  〃I know; but; still; who else is there?〃
  〃Can't you guess?〃
  I looked cautiously round; and lo