第 67 节
作者:片片      更新:2022-08-21 16:31      字数:9322
  natured forbearance。  Of all qualities; good temper is the one
  that wears and works the best in married life。  Conjoined with
  self…control; it gives patiencethe patience to bear and
  forbear; to listen without retort; to refrain until the angry
  flash has passed。  How true it is in marriage; that 〃the soft
  answer turneth away wrath!〃
  Burns the poet; in speaking of the qualities of a good wife;
  divided them into ten parts。  Four of these he gave to good
  temper; two to good sense; one to wit; one to beautysuch as a
  sweet face; eloquent eyes; a fine person; a graceful carriage; and
  the other two parts he divided amongst the other qualities
  belonging to or attending on a wifesuch as fortune;
  connections; education (that is; of a higher standard than
  ordinary); family blood; &c。; but he said: 〃Divide those two
  degrees as you please; only remember that all these minor
  proportions must be expressed by fractions; for there is not any
  one of them that is entitled to the dignity of an integer。〃
  It has been said that girls are very good at making nets; but
  that it would be better still if they would learn to make cages。
  Men are often as easily caught as birds; but as difficult to keep。
  If the wife cannot make her home bright and happy; so that it
  shall be the cleanest; sweetest; cheerfulest place that her
  husband can find refuge ina retreat from the toils and
  troubles of the outer worldthen God help the poor man;
  for he is virtually homeless!
  No wise person will marry for beauty mainly。  It may exercise a
  powerful attraction in the first place; but it is found to be of
  comparatively little consequence afterwards。  Not that beauty of
  person is to be underestimated; for; other things being equal;
  handsomeness of form and beauty of features are the outward
  manifestations of health。  But to marry a handsome figure without
  character; fine features unbeautified by sentiment or good…nature;
  is the most deplorable of mistakes。  As even the finest landscape;
  seen daily; becomes monotonous; so does the most beautiful face;
  unless a beautiful nature shines through it。  The beauty of to…day
  becomes commonplace to…morrow; whereas goodness; displayed through
  the most ordinary features; is perennially lovely。  Moreover; this
  kind of beauty improves with age; and time ripens rather than
  destroys it。  After the first year; married people rarely think of
  each other's features; and whether they be classically beautiful
  or otherwise。  But they never fail to be cognisant of each other's
  temper。  〃When I see a man;〃 says Addison; 〃with a sour rivelled
  face; I cannot forbear pitying his wife; and when I meet with an
  open ingenuous countenance; I think of the happiness of his
  friends; his family; and his relations。〃
  We have given the views of the poet Burns as to the qualities
  necessary in a good wife。  Let us add the advice given by Lord
  Burleigh to his son; embodying the experience of a wise statesman
  and practised man of the world。  〃When it shall please God;〃 said
  he; 〃to bring thee to man's estate; use great providence and
  circumspection in choosing thy wife; for from thence will spring
  all thy future good or evil。  And it is an action of thy life;
  like unto a stratagem of war; wherein a man can err but once。。。。
  Enquire diligently of her disposition; and how her parents have
  been inclined in their youth。 (9)  Let her not be poor; how
  generous (well…born) soever; for a man can buy nothing in the
  market with gentility。  Nor choose a base and uncomely creature
  altogether for wealth; for it will cause contempt in others; and
  loathing in thee。  Neither make choice of a dwarf; or a fool; for
  by the one thou shalt beget a race of pigmies; while the other
  will be thy continual disgrace; and it will yirke (irk) thee to
  hear her talk。  For thou shalt find it to thy great grief; that
  there is nothing more fulsome (disgusting) than a she…fool。〃
  A man's moral character is; necessarily; powerfully influenced by
  his wife。  A lower nature will drag him down; as a higher will
  lift him up。  The former will deaden his sympathies; dissipate his
  energies; and distort his life; while the latter; by satisfying
  his affections; will strengthen his moral nature; and by giving
  him repose; tend to energise his intellect。  Not only so; but a
  woman of high principles will insensibly elevate the aims and
  purposes of her husband; as one of low principles will
  unconsciously degrade them。  De Tocqueville was profoundly
  impressed by this truth。  He entertained the opinion that man
  could have no such mainstay in life as the companionship of a wife
  of good temper and high principle。  He says that in the course of
  his life; he had seen even weak men display real public virtue;
  because they had by their side a woman of noble character; who
  sustained them in their career; and exercised a fortifying
  influence on their views of public duty; whilst; on the contrary;
  he had still oftener seen men of great and generous instincts
  transformed into vulgar self…seekers; by contact with women of
  narrow natures; devoted to an imbecile love of pleasure; and from
  whose minds the grand motive of Duty was altogether absent。
  De Tocqueville himself had the good fortune to be blessed with an
  admirable wife: (10) and in his letters to his intimate friends; he
  spoke most gratefully of the comfort and support he derived from
  her sustaining courage; her equanimity of temper; and her nobility
  of character。  The more; indeed; that De Tocqueville saw of the
  world and of practical life; the more convinced he became of the
  necessity of healthy domestic conditions for a man's growth in
  virtue and goodness。 (11)  Especially did he regard marriage as of
  inestimable importance in regard to a man's true happiness; and he
  was accustomed to speak of his own as the wisest action of his
  life。  〃Many external circumstances of happiness;〃 he said; 〃have
  been granted to me。  But more than all; I have to thank Heaven for
  having bestowed on me true domestic happiness; the first of human
  blessings。  As I grow older; the portion of my life which in my
  youth I used to look down upon; every day becomes more important
  in my eyes; and would now easily console me for the loss of all
  the rest。〃  And again; writing to his bosom…friend; De Kergorlay;
  he said: 〃Of all the blessings which God has given to me; the
  greatest of all in my eyes is to have lighted on Marie。  You
  cannot imagine what she is in great trials。  Usually so gentle;
  she then becomes strong and energetic。  She watches me without my
  knowing it; she softens; calms; and strengthens me in difficulties
  which disturb ME; but leave her serene。〃 (12) In another letter he
  says: 〃I cannot describe to you the happiness yielded in the long
  run by the habitual society of a woman in whose soul all that is
  good in your own is reflected naturally; and even improved。  When
  I say or do a thing which seems to me to be perfectly right; I
  read immediately in Marie's countenance an expression of proud
  satisfaction which elevates me。  And so; when my conscience
  reproaches me; her face instantly clouds over。  Although I have
  great power over her mind; I see with pleasure that she awes me;
  and so long as I love her as I do now; I am sure that I shall
  never allow myself to be drawn into anything that is wrong。〃
  In the retired life which De Tocqueville led as a literary man
  political life being closed against him by the inflexible
  independence of his characterhis health failed; and he became
  ill; irritable; and querulous。  While proceeding with his last
  work; 'L'Ancien Regime et la Revolution;' he wrote: 〃After sitting
  at my desk for five or six hours; I can write no longer; the
  machine refuses to act。  I am in great want of rest; and of a long
  rest。 If you add all the perplexities that besiege an author
  towards the end of his work; you will be able to imagine a very
  wretched life。  I could not go on with my task if it were not for
  the refreshing calm of Marie's companionship。  It would be
  impossible to find a disposition forming a happier contrast to my
  own。  In my perpetual irritability of body and mind; she is a
  providential resource that never fails me。〃 (13)
  M。 Guizot was; in like manner; sustained and encouraged; amidst
  his many vicissitudes and disappointments; by his noble wife。  If
  he was treated with harshness by his political enemies; his
  consolation was in the tender affection which filled his home with
  sunshine。  Though his public life was bracing and stimulating; he
  felt; nevertheless; that it was cold and calculating; and neither
  filled the soul nor elevated the character。  〃Man longs for a
  happiness;〃 he says in his 'Memoires;' more complete and more
  tender than that which all the labours and triumphs of active
  exertion and public importance can bestow。  What I know to…day; at
  the end of my race; I have felt when it began; and during its
  continuance。  Eve