第 57 节
作者:片片      更新:2022-08-21 16:31      字数:9322
  I live in long…past years;
  Their virtues love; their faults condemn;
  Partake their hopes and fears;
  And from their lessons seek and find
  Instruction with a humble mind。〃SOUTHEY。
  A man may usually be known by the books he reads; as well as by
  the company he keeps; for there is a companionship of books as
  well as of men; and one should always live in the best company;
  whether it be of books or of men。
  A good book may be among the best of friends。  It is the same to…
  day that it always was; and it will never change。  It is the most
  patient and cheerful of companions。  It does not turn its back
  upon us in times of adversity or distress。  It always receives us
  with the same kindness; amusing and instructing us in youth; and
  comforting and consoling us in age。
  Men often discover their affinity to each other by the mutual love
  they have for a bookjust as two persons sometimes discover a
  friend by the admiration which both entertain for a third。  There
  is an old proverb; 〃Love me; love my dog。〃  But there is more
  wisdom in this: 〃Love me; love my book。〃  The book is a truer and
  higher bond of union。  Men can think; feel; and sympathise with
  each other through their favourite author。  They live in him
  together; and he in them。
  〃Books;〃 said Hazlitt; 〃wind into the heart; the poet's verse
  slides into the current of our blood。  We read them when young; we
  remember them when old。  We read there of what has happened to
  others; we feel that it has happened to ourselves。  They are to be
  had everywhere cheap and good。  We breathe but the air of books。
  We owe everything to their authors; on this side barbarism。〃
  A good book is often the best urn of a life; enshrining the best
  thoughts of which that life was capable; for the world of a man's
  life is; for the most part; but the world of his thoughts。  Thus
  the best books are treasuries of good words and golden thoughts;
  which; remembered and cherished; become our abiding companions and
  comforters。  〃They are never alone;〃 said Sir Philip Sidney; 〃that
  are accompanied by noble thoughts。〃  The good and true thought may
  in time of temptation be as an angel of mercy purifying and
  guarding the soul。  It also enshrines the germs of action; for
  good words almost invariably inspire to good works。
  Thus Sir Henry Lawrence prized above all other compositions
  Wordsworth's 'Character of the Happy Warrior;' which he
  endeavoured to embody in his own life。  It was ever before him as
  an exemplar。  He thought of it continually; and often quoted it to
  others。  His biographer says: 〃He tried to conform his own life
  and to assimilate his own character to it; and he succeeded; as
  all men succeed who are truly in earnest。〃 (1)
  Books possess an essence of immortality。  They are by far the most
  lasting products of human effort。  Temples crumble into ruin;
  pictures and statues decay; but books survive。  Time is of no
  account with great thoughts; which are as fresh to…day as when
  they first passed through their authors' minds ages ago。  What was
  then said and thought still speaks to us as vividly as ever from
  the printed page。  The only effect of time has been to sift and
  winnow out the bad products; for nothing in literature can long
  survive but what is really good。 (2)
  Books introduce us into the best society; they bring us into the
  presence of the greatest minds that have ever lived。  We hear what
  they said and did; we see them as if they were really alive; we
  are participators in their thoughts; we sympathise with them;
  enjoy with them; grieve with them; their experience becomes ours;
  and we feel as if we were in a measure actors with them in the
  scenes which they describe。
  The great and good do not die; even in this world。  Embalmed in
  books their spirits walk abroad。  The book is a living voice。  It
  is an intellect to which one still listens。  Hence we ever remain
  under the influence of the great men of old:
  〃The dead but sceptred sovrans; who still rule
  Our spirits from their urns。〃
  The imperial intellects of the world are as much alive now as they
  were ages ago。  Homer still lives; and though his personal history
  is hidden in the mists of antiquity; his poems are as fresh to…day
  as if they had been newly written。  Plato still teaches his
  transcendent philosophy; Horace; Virgil; and Dante still sing as
  when they lived; Shakspeare is not dead: his body was buried in
  1616; but his mind is as much alive in England now; and his
  thought as far…reaching; as in the time of the Tudors。
  The humblest and poorest may enter the society of these great
  spirits without being thought intrusive。  All who can read have
  got the ENTREE。 Would you laugh?Cervantes or Rabelais will
  laugh with you。  Do you grieve?there is Thomas a Kempis or
  Jeremy Taylor to grieve with and console you。  Always it is to
  books; and the spirits of great men embalmed in them; that we
  turn; for entertainment; for instruction and solacein joy and
  in sorrow; as in prosperity and in adversity。
  Man himself is; of all things in the world; the most interesting
  to man。  Whatever relates to human lifeits experiences; its
  joys; its sufferings; and its achievementshas usually
  attractions for him beyond all else。  Each man is more or less
  interested in all other men as his fellow…creaturesas members
  of the great family of humankind; and the larger a man's culture;
  the wider is the range of his sympathies in all that affects the
  welfare of his race。
  Men's interest in each other as individuals manifests itself in a
  thousand waysin the portraits which they paint; in the busts
  which they carve; in the narratives which they relate of each
  other。  〃Man;〃 says Emerson; 〃can paint; or make; or think;
  nothing but Man。〃  Most of all is this interest shown in the
  fascination which personal history possesses for him。  〃Man s
  sociality of nature;〃 says Carlyle; 〃evinces itself; in spite of
  all that can be said; with abundance of evidence; by this one
  fact; were there no other: the unspeakable delight he takes
  in Biography。〃
  Great; indeed; is the human interest felt in biography!  What are
  all the novels that find such multitudes of readers; but so many
  fictitious biographies?  What are the dramas that people crowd to
  see; but so much acted biography?  Strange that the highest genius
  should be employed on the fictitious biography; and so much
  commonplace ability on the real!
  Yet the authentic picture of any human being's life and experience
  ought to possess an interest greatly beyond that which is
  fictitious; inasmuch as it has the charm of reality。  Every person
  may learn something from the recorded life of another; and even
  comparatively trivial deeds and sayings may be invested with
  interest; as being the outcome of the lives of such beings
  as we ourselves are。
  The records of the lives of good men are especially useful。  They
  influence our hearts; inspire us with hope; and set before us
  great examples。  And when men have done their duty through life in
  a great spirit; their influence will never wholly pass away。  〃The
  good life;〃 says George Herbert; 〃is never out of season。〃
  Goethe has said that there is no man so commonplace that a wise
  man may not learn something from him。  Sir Walter Scott could not
  travel in a coach without gleaning some information or discovering
  some new trait of character in his companions。 (3)  Dr。 Johnson
  once observed that there was not a person in the streets but he
  should like to know his biographyhis experiences of life; his
  trials; his difficulties; his successes; and his failures。  How
  much more truly might this be said of the men who have made their
  mark in the world's history; and have created for us that great
  inheritance of civilization of which we are the possessors!
  Whatever relates to such mento their habits; their manners;
  their modes of living; their personal history; their conversation;
  their maxims; their virtues; or their greatnessis always full
  of interest; of instruction; of encouragement; and of example。
  The great lesson of Biography is to show what man can be and do at
  his best。  A noble life put fairly on record acts like an
  inspiration to others。  It exhibits what life is capable of being
  made。  It refreshes our spirit; encourages our hopes; gives us new
  strength and courage and faithfaith in others as well as in
  ourselves。  It stimulates our aspirations; rouses us to action;
  and incites us to become co…partners with them in their work。
  To live with such men in their biographies; and to be inspired
  by their example; is to live with the best of men; and to mix
  in the best of company。
  At the head of all biographies stands the Great Biography; the
  Book of Books。  And what is the Bible; the most sacred and
  impressive of all booksthe educator of youth; the guide of